Funds from mosquitoes and midges for children under 1 year

Mosquito repellent for children up to one year is produced on the basis of essential oils. It repels insects with a persistent odor. As the active ingredients used oil of geranium, citronella, lavender, mint, anise, cloves, lemongrass. Produced in the form of a spray, lotion, cream, stickers, clips, bracelets, key chains. Differ in efficiency, price.


Italian branded products Chikko or Kikko known worldwide. Engaged in the production of tools for children of different ages. There is a whole line of safe products from mosquitoes and midges for babies from the first days of life - ANTI-MOSQUITO. In the range of products to prevent bites, healing.

Mosquito repellent for babies is made in the form of a protective cream, spray, wet wipes, gel, roller. Mosquito bites for kids produced roller pencil. The active ingredients of the product are melissa oil and seed andiroba. In the pencil from the bites there is oil of Chinese zantoksiluma, menthol. It has analgesic, antipruritic, soothing, moisturizing properties.

Products Chicco tested by the Association of Dermatologists, allowed to use on extremely sensitive skin.


In the instructions to chicco The age limit is indicated - from 3 years, however, mosquito repellents are used for newborns. The ban no longer concerns the safety of the tool, but the rules of application. Spray moms spray the stroller for walking on the reverse side, the cream is applied behind the ears, on the neck, where the child will not reach.


  • security;
  • wide range of;
  • range of action within a radius of 1 m;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system of the baby.

The disadvantage of mothers is called a high price, the need to order via the Internet. Baby tool costs an average of 400 rubles., 15 pieces protective mosquito wet wipes - 250 rubles.


In the summer, my son was half a year old. Mosquitoes then was darkness. Could not stand in the evening on the street, the whole body was covered mosquito bites. She bought spray Chikko, squirted on the stroller, the clothes of the child, her own. We had enough protection for 2 hours. The tool smells good, does not leave marks on the fabric surface. Handle son rubbed with Chicco wet wipes.

Anna, Moscow

Means from mosquitoes and midges for children
Means from mosquitoes and midges for children

Boro Plus

Indian products. Means from mosquitoes up to 1 year do not contain aggressive components, chemical components. Active substances are extracts of herbs, oils. Products after mosquito bites include two types of cream in green, purple packaging. The latter has a thicker consistency.

On a note!

Drugs smell good, quickly absorbed, eliminate unpleasant symptoms - itching, swelling, redness, contribute to the rapid recovery of the epidermis.The tool Boro Plus is able to protect the infant from insect attacks, if applied with a thin layer on the skin.

As part of basil, aloe, turmeric, sandalwood, kuchari, vetiver, neem, ginger. The range of application Boro Plus is extremely wide, the use of mosquito bites collects many positive reviews. The cost of the cream is about 50 rubles.


  • security;
  • efficiency;
  • multifunctionality;
  • availability;
  • low price;
  • nice smell.

how repellent acts within a radius of 50 cm, should be smeared open areas of the body. When used for bites, it heals wounds in 3-5 days.


In the summer, in order not to sit in a stuffy apartment, we went to the village to see my parents. The child was 3 months old. The very first evening was bitten by his mosquitoes. Horrible next day blisters, red spots are big and swelling. The husband went to the pharmacy for the Rescuer, he was advised smear child bites Boro Plus in purple packaging. Anointed spots, by the end of the day began to disappear. In the evening, going for a walk, anointed her neck, hands, legs. We walked not only calmly, but we managed to save the baby from a massive attack.

Irina, St. Petersburg

Gardex baby

The brand known all over the world has been operating for 13 years. Initially Gardex mosquito products produced in England, now production facilities are available worldwide. In Russia, Gardeks is made in Novomoskovsk. The range of products is constantly expanding. Separate children's series Gardeks against mosquitoes deserves special attention.

Gardeks from mosquitoes and blackflies
Gardeks from mosquitoes and blackflies

All products meet the high requirements of quality, safety, approved by dermatologists.

  • Mosquito spray on a natural basis for children from birth, adults with sensitive skin. Can save the baby and his mother from the attacks of bloodsuckers. The action lasts 2 hours. Spray on the palm, then rubbed into the skin in areas undisguised clothing. The composition is natural, the main active ingredients - citronella essential oilgeraniums
  • Manufacturers recommend using mosquito and mosquito aerosols from 1 year old, but products are successfully used by mothers for babies. Active substances - IR 3535, vanilla. Kids sprayed strollers for walking, hats. Protection lasts about 2 hours. Re-processing is allowed to be carried out after the expiration of the specified time only once.Similarly, the spray Gardeks.
  • Extract and stickers. A safe tool for kids and their mothers during a walk on the street. Mosquito stickers made in the form of funny animals. Disconnect from the base, glued to the body, on clothing, accessories. Children under 12 months old are glued to strollers, headgear. Put 2 drops of the extract. Active substances - orange oil, lemongrass. The protection lasts for 10 hours within a radius of 1 m.
  • Mosquito bracelets with replaceable cartridges. Produced in three colors. Put on pens, legs, cling to the stroller, handbag. When properly stored in a sealed package, it retains its properties for 30 days. Every evening you can continuously use no more than 6 hours. Active substances are safe essential oils - lavender, geranium, citronella, mint.
  • Clothespin mosquito or clip. Application is similar to bracelets, the composition is identical. Store in sealed packaging. Protects within a radius of 1 m. They cling to clothing, hats, stroller.


  • wide range of products;
  • interesting design of protective equipment;
  • availability;
  • security.

The average price for Gardex products is 250 rubles.Buy funds can be in pharmacies, specialty stores, ordered online.


We walked in the evenings with the child on the playground, in the park. Mosquitoes are not very much, but annoying. The spots of the daughter remain large on the body. I bought Gardex bracelet for myself, and she pasted stickers on the headdress, clothes from the back, the stroller. We walked quietly in the evenings, even the other kids were saved. Mosquitoes fly around, do not sit on the body.

Marina, Tver

La cree

Cream of mosquitoes for children up to a year from the domestic manufacturer. Production is engaged in the company Vertex. Tool used to relieve itching, redness, irritation, inflammation. It acts on the basis of natural components - extract of a train, licorice, violet, walnut, bisabolol, panthenol, avocado oil. Soothes the epidermis almost instantly, restores within a few days.

La Cree cream for mosquitoes and black flies
La Cree cream for mosquitoes and black flies

Suitable for one-time use, long-term use. It has a pleasant persistent aroma, so it can be used as a repellent to scare away mosquitoes and midges on the street. The protection is valid while the fragrance is present.


  • natural composition;
  • security;
  • efficiency;
  • multifunctionality;
  • affordable price.

The cost of the cream is about 360 rubles. for a tube with a capacity of 100 ml, a smaller amount - 30 ml costs about 150 rubles.


A child under one year was extremely allergenic. Poured from food, colds, there was a strong allergic reaction to mosquito bites. The stains just remained hefty. She used to save the Lifeguard, then La Cree was advised at the pharmacy. Improvement noticed on the first day of application. Since then, constantly buying in the summer. Now my son is 6 years old, but this cream is always in the first-aid kit in the summer.

Irina, Perm

Balsam Golden Star Golden star balm

Proven over the years means known since the days of the Soviet Union. It has a persistent aroma that persists for a long time when the product is applied to the skin. Many manufacturers are engaged in the production, the consistency and color are somewhat different.

Asterisk against mosquitoes and midges for children
Asterisk against mosquitoes and midges for children

Active ingredients - cloves, eucalyptus, camphor, peppermint. After drawing the chill is felt. The instructions indicate the age limit to 2 years, but the tool is actively used by moms to protect babies.

On a note!

Balm Asterisk saves from mosquito bites, eliminates unpleasant symptoms, contributes to the rapid recovery of the skin. Protects from blood sucking attacks for 30-60 minutes.


  • availability;
  • security;
  • comfortable use - in a small jar, you can carry with you;
  • effectiveness from bites.

The cost of 149 rubles., Lasting enough. More expensive analog, but allowed for use even in infants - Mommy Care mosquito repellent oil.


This tool is always available in the home first aid kit. In the cold, it helps with the symptoms of a cold, headache, nasal congestion, in the summer we use for treating mosquito bitesmidges. Itching removes almost immediately, you feel relief after a slight tingling. You can smear a small child acne on any part of the body except the face. Otherwise it will pinch, irritate the eyes.

Svetlana, Voronezh

Folk remedies

Safe baby drugs are based on the action of essential oils. You can buy them in a pharmacy, specialty store. Impregnated with straps, cling to the stroller, stickers, added to medical alcohol, sprayed with a tissue surface, added to the cream, applied to the skin.Protective properties remain as long as the odor is present. A carefree walk in the fresh air for 2 hours is provided. In addition to essential oils, vanilla and some other products with persistent aroma are used.

Ointment with vanilla mosquitoes and midges
Ointment with vanilla mosquitoes and midges

Effective recipes:

  • In the sunflower oil add 2 drops oil of cloves, tea tree, lemongrass. In a bottle with a spray poured into water, add the mixture, shake well. Use homemade baby spray about mosquitoes for spraying clothes, strollers, cots. Sprayed in the room shortly before bedtime, soaked with a napkin, put in a stroller.
  • Children's cream is mixed with vanilla. Thoroughly mixed, poured into a glass jar, store the ointment in a cool place, it is allowed to take with you during the walk. The cream is applied to open areas of the body. If you add vanilla to water, pour into a spray bottle, you can use it as a spray. Smell of seasoning mosquitoes are afraid, midges, ticks. Vanilla agent It smells good, so kids love it.
  • Similarly, use cinnamon. Also fragrant sticks wrapped in a napkin, put in a stroller, cot.

Folk remedies safe for infants, successfully applied to children of any age, adults.


I love fishing, but mosquitoes and midges interfere with peaceful rest. I tried different mosquito repellent, helped for a couple of hours. Then he used a simple popular recipe - he added vanilla to the baby cream, spread the skin. Calmly fished the whole evening. My wife so saved the child from pests, she decided to protect me.

Andrey, Kislovodsk

To protect your baby from mosquito attacks, you should take care of preventive measures, purchase an effective drug for application after bites. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the composition.

It is advisable to use the stroller mosquito net, indoors - electric fumigator. Mosquito repellent products for children from 1 year produce brands Moskitol, Raptor Nekusayka, Off, Det. The active ingredient is the substance permethrin, obtained from certain types of chamomile. Fumigator works based on platesfluid.

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