Effective means of mosquitoes for children from 1 year
- Mosquito repellent products for children by the year
- Mosquito repellent products for children by the year
- Mosquito repellent products for children by the year
Mosquito repellent for children from the year is made on the basis of an insecticidal substance or oil. First kill mosquitoes, midges, the second only scare away, act as repellent. For the protection of children in the open air they use spray, aerosols, lotion, creams, indoors they use special fumigators with platinum and liquid.
Mechanism of action
Remedy for mosquitoes for children from 1 year is made taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, delicate skin. Apply on the body or clothing.
DETA is used as an insecticidal substance in the minimum concentration. The baby tool kills mosquitoes, midges, but does not harm the baby. The exception is the individual feature to the components, the excess concentration. Insects sit on the skin in contact with the poison, die within a few seconds. Insecticidal agent is able to protect the child for 2-4 hours, depending on the form of release.
The second group of safe products for children from 1 year old operates on the basis of mosquito essential oils: lavender, citronella, mint, carnations and some other plants. They scare away midges, mosquitoes with a persistent smell that extends over a distance of 50-100 cm. On the street, the action lasts a maximum of 2 hours, after which you need to renew the protective layer. Repellents are made in different forms, last longer anti-mosquito braceletsput on hands, legs.
Indoors to protect children from mosquitoes use electric fumigatorsthat work based on recordsfluid. The composition includes all the same insecticide - DEET or the natural safe substance pyrethrum, which is extracted from some species of chamomile. When heated, the active substances get into the air, repel or kill mosquitoes. Maximum action - 8 hours in a row. Side effects in children does not cause, in most cases, odorless.
Children's organism is an extremely vulnerable system. Allergies can occur from any substance quite unexpectedly. Before actively using any selected mosquito repellent, you must initially conduct a test to determine the sensitivity. Apply a minimum amount to the area of the elbow bend. Within 30 minutes observe the reaction.
Efficiency, depending on the form of release
Means from mosquitoes for children on the basis of DETA most effective. Preparations are made in the form of spray, aerosol, gel, lotion, cream. Spray for children contains a large concentration of the active ingredient, applied exclusively to clothing. Tissue surface is sprayed to a state of wetting, left to dry, only then put on the child.It helps to protect the baby with a large number of insects, acts for about 4 hours.
Gel, cream, lotion, aerosol is distributed to exposed skin. Distribute a thin layer without rubbing. Effective tool protects children of different ages from mosquito bites within 2 hours. Re-allowed to smear or splash no more than once. At the time of the evening walk you will need to apply the selected drug twice.
Funds based on essential oils will help to save a one-year-old child from an invasion of blood-sucking parasites. Produce in different forms - preparations for application to the skin, clothing stickers, key chains, clips, bracelets. The effect persists until persistent odor is present. When using means for treating the skin, the protection lasts no more than 1.5 hours. The best tool in this category for children from mosquitoes is bracelets. Put on arms, legs, cling to a handbag, stroller. Use exclusively in fresh air. One accessory is enough for a child from mosquitoes for almost a month with daily use. Demand bracelets Gardex, Bugstop, Bugslock, Farewell squeak.
To save a one-year-old child in the bedroom allow electric fumigators. They turn on the socket for half an hour before putting the baby in the bed, then turn off or leave to act overnight. The latter option allows you to leave open the windows in the room. The plates should be changed every night, the liquid will last for 40-60 uses.
How to protect a child from mosquitoes
The range of children's products from mosquitoes, midges is extremely wide, choosing a good tool is not difficult. Many brands produce a separate line of products to protect against mosquitoes. When choosing the best worth paying attention to the following products.
- Nekusayka from the company Raptor. Produced in the form of platinum, liquid for electric fumigator. The active ingredient is permethrin. It does not contain odor, reliably protects even with open windows.
- Series Gardeks from mosquitoes for children. It smells good, acts on the basis of natural ingredients - citronella oil, geranium. Manufacturers are allowed to use products to children after 3 years, but with careful application can be applied after 1 year. The same company produces high-quality children's bracelets for babies of different colors.
- Mosquitall Tender protection. Fine fragrance spray to protect exposed skin. The active ingredient is the insecticidal substance DETA at a concentration of 7.5%. It is allowed to use in the presence of tendency to an allergy. The bottle with a capacity of 100 ml lasts almost all summer.
- My Sunshine. Cream for children based on DEET. It smells good, is well applied, absorbs quickly, does not leave marks on clothes. Approved by pediatricians, the Ministry of Health of Russia. The company also produces a mosquito spray, which is distributed on the fabric surface.
- Masque baby aqua. It is presented by several options - cream, lotion spray, gel for children. As part of natural chamomile oils, calendula. Smear need unprotected areas, every 2 hours in nature.
- Mommy Care Oil Mosquito. Thick transparent ointment for children based on rosemary, almond, mint, clove, cedar, geranium oils. Apply on the body, impregnate the fabric surface, knotted on the wrist of the child.
On a note!
Children's products from mosquitoes deserve attention OFFGardex Moskitol, Raptor, Fumitoks, My Sunshine, Chicco, Det.
Folk remedies
Protect children from attacks of parasites can be folk remedies. Repellents for children from the year prepared on the basis of essential oils, substances with a strong, persistent odor.
- Buy a few children's watches, remove bracelets, every evening during a walk soak a strap with essential oil of geranium, lavender, citronella, lemongrass, orange, peppermint. Choose one or more ingredients. So that the child does not cause irritation, you can give it a taste of smells from the beginning. What like, so use.
- Effective folk remedy for mosquitoes, midges, even ticks - vanillin. Mixed with baby cream or added to the bottle with medical alcohol. In the first case, you need to smear the skin, in the second - put on clothes, body, but you will need a spray. It is important not to confuse with vanilla sugar, otherwise the effect will be reversed. The best option for protection when you need to act quickly.
- In an empty container from the liquid for the fumigator is poured citronella essential oil, continue to use.
- Mosquitoes are scared strong smell of cologne. Spray headdress or clothing, effectively rub the accessories soaked in cotton wool.This way you can protect the child for the whole evening.
During evening walks near the house, you can easily get by in the city park. folk remedies or preparations based on essential oils, in the conditions of the wild nature insecticidal preparations are more suitable - it is impossible to do without DETA. If the insects still managed to bite the child, it is necessary to provide assistance and smear mosquito bites pharmacy or home remedies.