How and how to protect a dog from mosquitoes and blackflies
- Preparations to protect the dog from mosquitoes
- Mosquito repellents for pets
Mosquito repellents for dogs are produced in the form of a spray, aerosol, drops, collars, they prepare the preparations themselves. With the onset of heat, every pet owner thinks about how to protect a dog from mosquitoes and blackflies. Among the huge range of products several means compare favorably. Mostly used flea remedies for dogs, since the action of such drugs is distributed in all blood-sucking insects.
Means for animals on the basis of an insecticide has a wide spectrum of action.Available in the form of spray drops. Protects against mosquitoesother blood-sucking insects.
Spray mosquito for dogs use on the street or in a well-ventilated area. The can is kept in the position of an outstretched arm, 15 cm should remain to the coat. During processing it is necessary to ensure that the drug does not get into the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose.
Dog protection lasts about a month. Efficiency depends on the number of bathing pet. Do not do water procedures for 3 days after treatment of the animal, release it in the rain for 2 hours after spraying.
Drops of BlochNet from spray differ only in the composition of auxiliary components. It should be applied on the withers, it is possible along the spine, so that the animal could not lick the agent. Within 2 hours, the active ingredients enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body. Protection begins to act 3 hours after the dog is treated.
BlochNet is produced from mosquitoes for cats, differs in the concentration of the active ingredient. The validity period is the same.
The drug should not be used by pregnant, lactating females, puppies up to 12 months, sick, weakened animals.
Front line
Front Line Series - the means of the new generation that have received recognition worldwide. Dogs are protected by fipronil, permethrin. Substances complement the actions of each other, act on the nervous system of parasites, cause paralysis, death.
Spray Frontline Three Act is distributed over the animal's coat, provides protection against blood-sucking insects from 1 to 2 months. Splashing the dog should be in the open air. You can not pet your pet for 12 hours, bathing is allowed after 3 days.
It differs from other drugs in that it does not penetrate into the general bloodstream, which reduces the likelihood of side effects. The active ingredients are concentrated in the hair follicles, the upper layers of the skin.
Creolin, Tsiperil
In the form of drugs insecticide cypermethrin. When it comes into contact with insects, paralysis begins, death occurs. Available in the form of a concentrated solution. Must be diluted in the right dosage with water immediately before use.
On a note!
The drugs are used not only in the fight against blood-sucking insects, they are used to treat skin diseases and fungal infections.It is recommended to use the products under the supervision of a veterinarian.
Green fort
Biological, natural product based on essential oils. The composition includes citronella, lavender, cinnamon, cloves. Available in the form of spray drops. Natural repellents for dogs are allowed to use pregnant, lactating females, small puppies.
The effectiveness of biological products is somewhat lower than insecticidal agents. It is necessary to process the dog in dry weather, repeat the procedure every week. The main advantage is that GreenForth has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components.
The collar from the mosquitoes of the German company Bayer, known worldwide. Available in 3 sizes, yellow. There are 2 active ingredients in the composition - flumetrin, propoxur. Accumulates in the epidermis, hair follicles.
The action of the collar begins within 2 days, as the distribution of active substances. It does not have a frightening effect, mosquitoes sit on the animal's fur, come into contact with a poisonous substance, die. According to the manufacturers, the collar retains its properties for 7 months.
Protection of folk remedies
You can save a dog from mosquitoes without using professional expensive drugs. It is enough to give a few minutes of free time, to prepare an effective tool with your own hands.
- Vanillin dissolved in water, poured into a bottle with a spray, sprayed the dog's hair from mosquitoes completely or in a certain place - along the ridge.
- Dilute in 1 liter of water at room temperature 25 ml birch tar. Should be processed wool. Protection is valid for several days from any blood-sucking insects.
- Essential oils from mosquitoesgeraniums carnationslavender citronella. It is necessary to smear a dog daily. Permitted to carry out the procedure in the room. Remove wool, apply oil to the skin. Just a few drops in the head, withers.
Humans cannot be used to protect dogs from mosquitoes. repellentsbut children's funds up to a year, permitted. Every owner is obliged to rid pets of blood-sucking insects. When choosing an effective means, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, age, weight, and health. If the dog was bitten by mosquitoes and midges, you must provide animal assistance.