Effective means of midges and mosquitoes

The most effective remedy for midges and mosquitoes in nature is produced on the basis of a broad-spectrum poisonous substance - DETA. Into the body of the insect enters by contact, by air. Provokes paralysis, in a few minutes death occurs. Remedy for mosquitoes and midges on the street is made in the form of a spray, aerosol, cream, lotion. Slightly different instruction application, efficiency.

General information

All funds from midges, mosquitoes are divided into 2 groups - on the basis of an insecticidal substance, essential oils. The substance DETA, feverfew, is used as an insecticide. The latter is obtained from certain types of chamomile. Oil products include mosquito essential oilsgeranium citronellapeppermint, carnation, lemongrass, lavender. It is recommended to use young children, during pregnancy, people prone to allergic reactions.

On a note!

Children's products have a lower concentration of DEET. There is a huge selection of pyrethrum-based drugs. Funds for children from the year with essential oils are also produced in the form key chainsclips bracelets, stickers on clothes. Inside is a soaked cloth or special container.

There are several ways to protect the body and clothing. In the first case, the tool is applied to open skin. Maximum efficiency 2 hours. In the second - sprayed clothes to a state of moisture, leave to dry, put on. Protection lasts 4 hours. Reapply if necessary after the specified time. During the day it is allowed to use the drug no more than 2 times.

Before use, you need to read the instructions. Applying a product with a high concentration on the body is dangerous if an allergic reaction occurs, treating clothing with a preparation with a low content of the active substance will not give the desired result.


Children are encouraged to initially conduct a sensitivity test. Put a small amount on the elbow bend, observe the condition of the epidermis for 30 minutes.


It is a leader in the number of sales in the warm season. The company Raptor was the first to offer mosquito records, an uncomplicated device - a fumigator. High product efficiency has made the brand famous throughout the world. After which began the production of no less effective mosquito repellent Raptor different forms for protection against blood-sicking insects on the nature.

Mosquito repeater
Mosquito repeater

Especially popular are sprays, aerosols. The active ingredients are cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin.

On a note!

Children's products are based on the action of feverfew, aka. The latter substance is developed by Japanese scientists, has no analogues.

Spray against mosquitoes, black flies sold in cans of 300 ml. It is used for processing tissue surface.It smells good, leaves no residue, absorbs quickly. Finally, the effect of poison is neutralized after washing. For sale drug everywhere, the cost is within 250 rubles.

Picnic Picnic

Well-known worldwide brand in Russia Picnic products engaged company Arnest. The range is extremely wide range of products for adults and children. Among them are sprays, gels, aerosols, lotions, cream. The active substance is DEET, complemented by plant extracts, oils.

On a note!

Alcohol-free hypoallergenic products available - Picnic Hypoallergenic. Children's funds are allowed to use from 1 year.


  • Picnic Family. Presented by two means - spray, aerosol. The first process clothes, the second - the skin.
  • Picnic Extreme. Universal remedy for the body, tissue surfaces with a high content of DEET. It is recommended to take on the nature with a large number of insects.
  • Picnic Baby Spray, also an aerosol. In addition to the main substance contains aloe vera extract, chamomile to prevent irritation of the delicate epidermis. Use for babies from 1 year old.
  • Picnic Family New Cream. Protects adults, children from 5 years of age from annoying mosquitoes, midges within 2-3 hours. Separately produced cream for kids.

Products are sold in pharmacies, specialized stores, supermarkets, sold through the Internet. The average price of 100 rubles.

Insect repellents
Insect repellents

Off Off

Products of American production, which has received recognition from customers around the world. A wide range, high efficiency, safety, reasonable price - the main advantages means off mosquitoes. Production facilities are available in many countries around the world. To provide protection against blood-sucking insects in the open air they release an aerosol, spray, cream.

The active substance is an insecticide in different concentrations of diethyltoluamide. The composition is supplemented with plant extracts, fragrances. Repellents Smell good, quickly absorbed, do not leave marks on clothes.


  • Off Extreme. Protects from mosquitoes, midges, gadflies, ticks. Allowed to spray on the skin, tissue surfaces. A good tool in any conditions - in the forest, near the river, city park, courtyard, on the playground.
  • Aerosol Off Family. Differs from the previous tool a lower concentration of the active component.Suitable for children from 5 years, adults. Effective drug with a moderate number of pests.
  • Aqua spray. Apply to the skin. In addition to the protective effect, it is also refreshing. Scares off insects for 2 hours.
  • Cream Off Family. Additionally includes aloe vera extracts. Prevents skin irritation, helps relieve itching after bites.
  • Off Smooth & Dry. Aerosol for instant protection. Instantly creates a protective film on the surface of the epidermis, it lasts up to 4 hours. It smells good, well washed off with water.

The best remedy for mosquitoes, black flies is sold in pharmacies, specialty stores, sold over the Internet. The average price of products 215 rubles.


Initially, the brand appeared in France, over time, production facilities appeared around the world. Means Moskitol Actively produced in Russia for more than 5 years. During this time, has established itself as a reliable, safe, affordable, effective tool. The active substance of repellent products is DETA in different concentrations. Means smell good, do not cause a feeling of stickiness on the skin, do not leave spots on the fabric surface.

Mosquito for mosquitoes
Mosquito for mosquitoes


  • Aerosol MOSQUITALL against mosquitoes, midges, gadflies. Handle clothes, skin.
  • Cream against mosquitoes Gentle protection. Means for evening walks. It is allowed to apply to kids from 1 year old.
  • Milk spray MOSQUITALL Gentle protection for children. It quickly hardens, creates a protective film, helps for 3 hours.
  • Spray MOSQUITALL professional protection on the wild. Differs in the increased content of active substance, it is used in the conditions of large number of blood-sicking insects.
  • Spray MOSQUITALL against ticks. Mosquitoes and midges are also afraid of this. Handle clothes, body. After 4 hours in the wild, reapply. From ticks and mosquitoes one of the best drugs.

Moskitol is sold everywhere. The average cost of production is 200 rubles. Spray of mosquitoes, black flies, gadflies costs 385 rubles., Children's cream - 150 rubles.

Reviews of mosquitoes and blackflies

In the warm season, every second inhabitant of our planet uses products of famous brands. Especially popular among adults are aerosols, the sprays. Funds for children under one year Available in the form of cream, ointment, lotions.

Bought from mosquitoes, midges Spray Picnic. Splashed on the exposed skin of the child, myself.Insects fly, circle around, but do not sit down. So for 2 hours, then begin to bite. To walk in the evening, you need to apply the drug twice. It smells good, disappears quickly, does not leave an unpleasant feeling on the skin.

Anna, Moscow

I always buy mosquitoes, midges Fumitoks. I work quietly in the country for 4 hours, then they start to bite. It protects against black flies for a maximum of 2 hours. I spray on clothes, body, irritation never happened. The disadvantage is the specific smell. Long saved, you have to erase everything.

Elena, Voronezh

In the summer season I use Raptor spray. By the nature of my activity I often go to nature, I have to spend the night in a tent. I spray the tarp outside, close it, sleep well all night. Mosquito repellent protects 4 hours and more. Helps even from a large number of bloodsuckers.

Igor, Tver

Like products My Sunshine. It smells good, absorbs quickly, there is no feeling of stickiness on the skin. In the summer I often go for berries and mushrooms in the forest. Do not touch mosquitoes, midges, gadflies, ticks. Splash again after 3 hours.

Inna, Perm

Other effective mosquito repellent against mosquitoes:

Act similarly.The average cost of production is 250 rubles. Another reliable way to protect - mosquito net. Use on windows, baby carriages, headdresses. If there are no industrial repellents, apply folk remedies for mosquitoes and blackflies.

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