How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country

Mosquito repellent in the country around the perimeter - special plants that repel insects with a persistent odor. Biological enemy mosquito larvae There are certain types of fish - mosquito fish.They run into the pond pool. If neither the first nor the second method is suitable, use chemical preparations, traps, modern devices.

Plants against insects

Fighting mosquitoes in the country is constantly in the warm season. Females lay eggs in reservoirs with stagnant water, puddles, wet basements. Reproduction of offspring involved every day. By the end of May, a whole flock of bloodsuckers fill the dacha. To make it easier for you to work, to protect the garden, the vegetable garden, to escape from mosquito bitesneed to grow certain mosquito plants.

On a note!

Mosquitoes on the site will not linger for a long time, if some plants are planted along the perimeter: basil, marigold, peppermint, lemon balm, catnip, wild rosemary, elderberry, lavender, tansy. These same crops are planted in the garden, in flower beds. However, if the neighboring sites are strongly infected, additional measures will be required to protect themselves from the bloodsuckers.

Large-scale events in the country

Destruction of mosquitoes should begin with the extermination of larvae. The sexually mature female lives about 3 months, for all her life she lays about 500 eggs. The larva develops under favorable conditions for 7 days.Eggs are laid by the female on the surface of reservoirs with stagnant water, as well as on wet ground, puddles.


To get rid of bloodsuckers in the country, you need to clear the area from the undergrowth, high grass, drain puddles. Treat waste pits, garbage cans, cellar, basement accordingly. It is necessary to destroy the larvae, to create unfavorable conditions for livelihoods and breeding mosquitoes.

Chemicals for giving

Treatment of the site from mosquitoes is carried out according to certain rules, in compliance with individual security measures. The drugs act on the basis of a toxic substance with a wide spectrum of action. Insecticides penetrate the body of pests by contact through the air. Disrupt the functioning of the nervous system, provoke paralysis, death.

Mosquito repellent chemicals
Mosquito repellent chemicals

Mosquito repellent in the country is dangerous for other insects, amphibians, fish, bees. It is necessary to apply in special cases that the environment was not affected. Spray need to respirator, rubber gloves, a suit. The solution is prepared according to the instructions immediately before use.

An effective tool in the country protects the site from mosquitoes, midges, gadflies, flies, ticks about 60 days. The impact of insecticides is not affected by dry weather, heavy rain. However, the properties are gradually lost. Given that the activity of mosquitoes is reduced at high temperatures, spraying the area at the end of spring provides protection all summer, can ward off many pests.

Treat the area against ticks and mosquitoes independently it is possible by any concentrated means with a wide spectrum of action. Professional tool can be purchased from SES specialists or ordered via the Internet.

On a note!

You can also entrust work at the dacha to professionals, ask for help from a private company that deals with various pests. Experts treat the area with carbon dioxide or a poisonous substance. The average cost of service in Moscow is 2 thousand rubles.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at their summer cottage

Not always the only way to protect is large-scale pest control. To reduce the number of parasites, scare, you can in different ways.

A trap for mosquitoes with their own hands
A trap for mosquitoes with their own hands
  1. Do it yourself mosquito traps. Placed in any convenient location around the perimeter of the garden, in the garden, in the courtyard, gazebo. They cut off the neck in a plastic bottle, turn it downside down, fix it with tape and staples. Inside pour 200 ml of warm water, throw 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 g of yeast. After a few seconds, the mass will begin to roam. Komarov attracts the smell of carbon dioxide, they are massively trapped, selected back.
  2. You can scare pests away folk remedies. On the street make a fire. Scares off the smell of parasites. Similarly, a burning branch of juniper. Do not like mosquitoes camphor smell. They set fire to a small piece, put it on a non-flammable surface. Especially effective tool in the garden.
  3. It is not necessary to spray the whole garden, meadow, yard, cottage. It is possible to scare away insects in the evening with the help spirals, which is placed on the porch, in the gazebo, veranda, in the yard. In the process of burning an insecticide is released into the air. One helix burns for about 2 hours, the radius of action is up to 1 m. If you use several pieces around the perimeter, you can get rid of insects in a large area.
  4. You can get rid of mosquitoes in the yard with the help of modern devices. Popular are special mosquito lamps. Produced in different forms, on the street can serve as a lantern. Work from batteries, accumulators, electricity. The mechanism of action is different - some emit an insecticidal substance when heated, others attract heat, ultraviolet light, carbon dioxide, and then kill it with a current. On a large area use mosquito killers - designs on gas cylinders, one of which is Komaram unit no KRN-5000 turbo PRO. In the yard, in the garden you can get by with a lamp. The range is different - from 3 m to 20. Popular models: lantern Raptor, Thermacel gas fumigator, light bulbs Terminator, mosquito killer SITITEK Garden-M.
  5. Treat the yard, garden insecticides. You can poison it with a concentrated solution, smoke bombs. In the first case, the person actively participates in the disinsection, in the second - just set in the right place, set on fire. Well proven smoke bomb A quiet evening.

To increase the efficiency, it is recommended to combine several means, methods, methods at once. Always need to remember about prevention.Timely mow the grass, do not allow littering on the site, large puddles, standing water.

Mosquito treatment
Mosquito treatment

How to treat the area from mosquitoes - self-disposal in the country

Means for the site is selected based on the area, personal preferences.

  • Ticks and mosquitoes. Actively used by professional services. The active substance of the drug is cypermethrin with a concentration of 25%. The solution is prepared according to the instructions immediately prior to disinsection. Pour into a garden spray. During spraying it is necessary to use a respirator, gloves. The price of a 500 ml bottle is about 1000 rubles. Protection is valid for almost 3 months, if you sprinkle the area according to the rules. Analog is Tsipermetrin means.
  • Medilis Tsiper. Acts on the basis of cypermethrin. It is a direct analogue of Cixox. It is allowed to process the land plot, external, internal walls of the premises, sewage pits, puddles. The maximum effect is observed within 2 hours, the properties are not lost up to 90 days, if sprayed in dry weather. The cost of a bottle of 500 ml in the range of 1500 rubles.
  • Sipaz Super.Cypermethrin-based mosquito poison with a concentration of 25%. The pungent smell is masked by fragrances. Concentrated liquid is diluted in cold water, mixed well for 5 minutes. Pour into a household spray. High action lasts 2 hours, protects the area from mosquitoes for about 3 months. Acts on the cottage for flies, gadflies, midges, ticks. The price of 1 liter of the drug is 2300 rubles.
  • Agran. Means for the treatment of the site from mosquitoes on the basis of two active ingredients - cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos. In early spring, it is allowed to spray on the grass, on trees, shrubs. Insecticide with a broad spectrum of action destroys many pests of the garden, vegetable garden, protects against mosquitoes all summer. For spraying poison use a spray. The price of the concentrated preparation is 1700 rub.
  • Sinusan. Modern insecticidal agent based on chlorpyrifos. The nasal kills at the cottage within an hour, the first day is maximally effective, the effect lasts up to 2 months. The price of the bottle is 2000 rubles. Spraying the area is carried out using a household spray gun, professionals use a cold mist generator. It is possible to corrode parasites in one pest control.Also for the treatment area applied means ram, concentrate breeze, Raptor for processing territory.
Insecticidal anti-mosquito drugs
Insecticidal anti-mosquito drugs


It is necessary to carry out processing of a site from mosquitoes at the dacha in the evening. Bees do not fly at dusk, in the morning the dose for them will no longer be dangerous. In this way, you can protect the beneficial insects. Weather for sprinkling must be windless. If it rains within 2 hours, spraying will have to be repeated in a week.

Disinsection at the cottage is carried out in the season of high activity of mosquitoes. Permitted to spray above the surface of the reservoir, if there are no fish, amphibians. In other cases, microbiological agents are used - Larviol. Be sure to splash drains, garbage cans, basements, walls of buildings from the outside. In the garden, a dacha for rescue from pests spray grass around the perimeter, fences.

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