Means for protection against mosquitoes in the open air
- Mosquito repellents
- Mosquito repellents
- Mosquito repellents
- Outdoor mosquito repellents
Remedy for mosquitoes in nature are produced in the form of sprays, aerosols, creams, fumigators, small devices, have a different mechanism of action. The active substances are insecticides, feverfew, essential oils, ultrasound. Differ in duration, radius of action.The use of each of them requires compliance with certain rules.
Means for processing clothing, fabric surface
Protection from mosquitoes in the open air, nature can not do without sprays. Sold in small spray cans. The main components are insecticides, in most cases the substance DETA. When properly applied in nature, the tool does not cause side effects, it is allowed to use for children, people prone to allergies.
Application instruction:
- shake the can;
- spray the product onto the treated surface to the state of moisture from a distance of 20 cm;
- leave to dry out;
- wear clothes or use bags, backpacks, tents as intended.
On a note!
In nature, mosquito repellents in the form of mosquito repellent spray last from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the concentration of the active substance. At the end of this time, repeated processing is allowed, but not more than 2 times per day.
- ease of use;
- relative safety;
- availability;
- efficiency;
- no side effects;
- wide range of action.
Active ingredients penetrate the body mosquitoes contact by air. Cause paralysis, death. Acting begins immediately. Auxiliary components - perfumes, flavors. Means pleasantly smells, does not leave marks on clothes, is completely neutralized when washing.
The best mosquito repellent in nature:
Products have age restrictions, information is listed on the cartridge. Separately produced mosquito repellent products for children from 1 year old. The average price of spray 250 rubles.
Preparations for the body in nature
How to protect yourself from mosquito attacks on a warm evening - use products in the form of an aerosol, lotion, gel or cream. Active substances - insecticide DEET, feverfew, essential oilsgeranium citronellalavender carnation, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemongrass.
Means are intended for processing of open sites of an integument. Before active use, a sensitivity test should be performed, especially for children.
Application instruction:
- distribute the spray on the skin, leave to dry;
- cream, gel, lotion, apply thin scrapping, do not rub.
The action lasts a maximum of 4 hours, drugs based on natural ingredients do not protect against mosquitoes for more than 2 hours. Re-allowed to use drugs after the specified time, no more than 2 times per day.
- availability;
- ease of use;
- wide range of;
- security;
- efficiency;
- no side effects.
Famous brands produce a line of products from mosquitoes of various shapes. The most effective:
- Off Family;
- Picnic;
- Neotox Extreme;
- Komaroff;
- Det;
- Anti mosquito;
- Moskitol;
- Gardex;
- My Sunshine.
On sale there are tools that allow you to deal with mosquitoes in nature with the whole family. The mechanism of action is the destruction of insects or scaring. Repellent allowed to use children from 1 year old. In order not to bite the mosquitoes, apply the drug should be just before going out. The cost of protective equipment from 150 rubles. Also available mosquito repellent products for children up to one year old.
Checkers, spirals
An effective tool for large-scale mosquito control in nature. It is used in the forest, near ponds. It is recommended to use 5 days before the planned outdoor activities.Active substances are insecticides. Mosquito smoke checker - tin jar, inside of which is pressed wood, impregnated with an insecticidal substance. During combustion, poison is released into the air, which extends over a distance of 3-15 m. Maximum protection lasts 3 days, the residual effect lasts for about a month.
Instructions for use in nature:
- install on a non-flammable surface for 3-5 m from the intended resting place in the direction of the wind;
- set fire to the wick, leave to burn;
- At the end of the action time, remove the jar.
The checker is burning for about 2 hours. Rises up above the ground by 3-15 m, depending on the strength of the wind, it settles on the leaves and grass.
- quick action;
- ease of use;
- large radius of influence;
- long residual effect.
Among the drawbacks - the destruction of other insects, not only mosquitoes, the possibility of poisoning with improper actions, unpleasant smell.
Effective mosquito checkers in the forest:
- Quiet evening. The range of up to 5 meters, you can see the result after 10 minutes of burning. The cost of about 480 rubles.
- Scout. It repels mosquitoes, wasps, gadflies, blackflies.The action applies to 3 m. The price is about 200 rubles.
- Muhoyar The effect is noticeable after 5 minutes of burning within a radius of 5 m. The cost is 250 rubles.
On a note!
The smoke bomb allows you to escape not only from mosquitoes, but also from black flies, gadflies, flies, ticks, wasps. It is actively used to clean the area near the house, on the summer cottage, around ponds, courtyards.
Similarly act mosquito coilsbut on a smaller scale. When burning, an insecticidal substance is released into the air, which kills bloodsuckers, scares off the smell of smoke. In the open air, the radius of action is not more than 2 m. The spiral burns for a couple of hours. It is allowed to place at a distance of 1 m from a person. The best tools are Off, Raptor, Raid, Silent Evening, Clean House, Taiga.
Innovative products for nature
To get rid of mosquitoes on the street, you can use special modern accessories, small devices. Operate on the basis of ultrasound, insecticides, essential oils.
- Bracelets clothing stickersclips wet wipes. The fabric is impregnated with active substances - DETA or essential oils of citronella, geranium. Mosquito bracelets put on arms, legs, cling to bags, backpacks. Clips are designed for mounting on clothing, hats. Stickers are allowed to glue directly on the skin. Duration of action from 2 hours to 6. The most popular Gardex bracelet, Bugslok, Farewell squeak, Bugstop, Hobotokenot, shoo mosquito, Bikit Guard button.
- Ultrasonic Repeller. Produced in the form trinkets, bracelets, small radio-like devices. Radius of action from 50 cm to 5 m. Devices operate on batteries, batteries, electric power. Effective products: UP-12D8, GX-09, ML-338R, Mosquito 3 repeater repeller Keychain 3 in 1 1088. The device can perform the functions of a flashlight, compass, clock.
- Mosquito lamps. They are produced in different shapes, perform several functions, differ in price, radius of action. Work from batteries, accumulators, an electric network. In nature, connected to a car battery. Scare away or attract insects. In the first case, during the heating of the lamp, insecticides are released into the air, in the second case - insects are attracted by ultraviolet light, the smell of carbon dioxide. Common models: Moskuto Trap MT64, Thermacell, Terminator, lantern Raptor.
Funds are actively used by tourists, fishermen, hunters, lovers of outdoor activities in nature. Those who often go on forest hikes, long raids use special protective suit models.
How to get rid of mosquitoes in a tent
Rest overnight gives a lot of positive emotions, energizes, gives a sea of emotions. But all this can spoil the small blood-sucking insects. To get rid of them, you need to take care of protection in advance. There are several ways.
- Spray the tent thoroughly. The tool will be valid for 2-3 days.
- To light a spiral in the tent, a little further outside it to make a fire.
- Clean the area with a smoke bomb 3-5 days before going to rest.
Additionally, it is recommended to take with a lamp, ultrasonic repellers. Apply cream, gel, aerosol on the body. If all this was not at hand, you can use folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges in nature.
Reviews of the best tool
The range of products about mosquitoes is extremely wide, there are many effective tools.Most positive reviews in the direction of the spray, aerosols, because their use is most convenient.
Spring work in the garden is impossible. That mosquitoes reach, then the midges. I use for protection means Off. I process both skin and clothes. Acts immediately, protects a maximum of 2 hours. Side effects have never been, the smell is present, but eliminated after water treatments, washing. I buy a child baby mosquito spray, recently choose my little sunshine.
Elena, Moscow
By the nature of my activity I often go to nature with overnight stay. To protect against forest mosquitoes using a spiral, spray Raptor. It helps for a maximum of 6 hours, then it is necessary to process the clothes again. From mosquito bites only this and save myself. You can sleep quietly while the spiral burns. The disadvantage is not very pleasant smell of smoke.
Igor, St. Petersburg
Were going to celebrate the company birthday in nature. River, forest, fire - romance. The territory was cleaned of mosquitoes with a saber. A quiet evening. We arrived in 3 days, calmly walking, not a single mosquito we met. They took sprays with them, but they were not needed. You can protect yourself in this way from ticks.
Irina, Voronezh
You can buy the right product in a specialized shop, on the market, and order it online. You can also protect yourself from pests. folk remedies. The most effective - vanilla in baby creamcologne Birch tar, shampoo vinegar, ammonia, essential oil of geranium, lavender, lemon with cloves.