Do-it-yourself mosquito repellent shampoo + vinegar

With the arrival of warm days, many people tend to go into the woods for a picnic, fishing, hunting, or just go for a walk to the pond. Fans of suburban work enjoy the work in the suburban area. However, very often this idyll is violated mosquitoes. At this time of the year, bloodsuckers are a real disaster, not only for holidaymakers, tourists or gardeners, but also residents of high-rise buildings. Especially from mosquito bites people with sensitive skin are affected.Most often these are women and children. Created a lot of chemical anti-mosquito drugs. However, many people increasingly prefer safer popular recipes. This is a folk remedy for mosquitoes with vinegar and shampoo.

Cooking rules

One of the simplest and effective methods of protection against annoying insects is presented below. The uniqueness of this recipe is in the use of available ingredients, which are usually found in the house of each hostess. What makes it possible to prepare an effective protection against mosquitoes at home with their own hands. For the preparation of miraculous means you will need the following components: shampoo, vegetable oil and vinegar.

On a note!

Instead of shampoo for washing the head, you can use a shower gel or liquid soap. From vegetable oils it is better to give preference to olive. You can also apply sunflower or corn oil. A vinegar is easy to replace with vinegar essence, which must first be diluted with water in a 1: 7 ratio.

Mosquito repellent at home with vinegar and shampoo
Mosquito repellent at home with vinegar and shampoo

All of the above ingredients (vinegar, shampoo and oil) are taken in equal quantities and placed in a glass or plastic container. Then mix thoroughly until a mass has a uniform consistency. The finished emulsion has the appearance of a viscous white liquid. This mixture of mosquitoes is used to apply on exposed areas of the body when going outside: the vinegar scent scares off bloodsuckers, shampoo clogs up the smell of human sweat, and vegetable oil acts as the base.

Acetic chatterbox on vegetable oil is stored for a long time, so you can do it for future use. The main thing is to place this self-made remedy in a hermetically sealed container and store in a cool place.

How to get rid of itching after mosquito bites

There are many folk remedies, through which you can easily and quickly remove itching sensation.


Reduce painful itching wheal those who did not use the recipe with vinegar and shampoo in time and were still attacked by bloodsuckers will help soda solution. It is prepared based on 200 g of warm water 1 tbsp. l soda Thoroughly mixed mixture is used for lotions, leaving a moistened cloth on the body for 10-15 minutes.

Vinegar and other ingredients

Mosquito bites itch will help remove the vinegar salt and soda
Mosquito bites itch will help remove the vinegar salt and soda

A remedy such as vinegar is used not only against mosquitoes, it is also effective after mosquito bites, causing unbearable itching. To the affected place does not itch, you need to wipe it with vinegar, then sprinkle with soda. This procedure will help quickly get rid of the discomfort.

For these purposes, you can also take Corvalol or Valocordin. A cotton pad is impregnated with any of these medicines and a rubbing area is rubbed over. No less effective in this situation ammonia or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Garlic has similar wound healing properties. It is rubbed on a fine grater and used in the same way.


It relieves well the itch that appears on the site of the bite of a bloodsucker, a very accessible remedy for all called salt. It should be mixed with a small amount of water to form a mushy mass. That kinda mosquito repellent used for application to the skin. The consequence of treatment may be a slight tingling, which quickly passes, contributing to the removal of the inflammatory process.

On a note!

The use of all the above means requires compliance with the only condition - to prevent scratching of damaged areas. After all scratched bite requires a longer healing period, and it will also be an extra opportunity to infect the infection.

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