Mosquito candles

There is hardly a person who would refuse to spend a warm summer evening in nature or in a comfortable gazebo in the country. However, such an idyll and pleasure can spoil mosquitoes - buzzing insects, bites which are accompanied severe itchingand sometimes allergic reaction. One of the most popular ways to protect against pests are mosquito candles.

Special features

Fumigation is a very effective and affordable way to protect against mosquitoes, based on the distribution of repellent substances. It usually serves as its citronella oil or others mosquito essential oils. In addition, the candle may contain various aromatic additives.

To repellent to activate, it is necessary to set fire to the wick. The heat emanating from it, melts the paraffin wax, which is an integral part of the tool. The result is a fragrance emitted by a repellent composition that repels insects. As a result, bloodsuckers tend to quickly leave the lived-in area.

Among the large range of these tools you can choose the most suitable variations. They come in the form of candlesticks, torches, pails and watering cans (children's series), as well as other series that differ in originality.

Street candles

Candle mosquitoes can be used in open space: in the yard, on vacation in the woods or by the reservoir. Moreover, street candles from mosquitoes differ in large size and burning time. A repellent of this type can repel mosquitoes for 40 hours.The product is installed on a fireproof base, which serves as a brick or sheet of metal.

On a note!

Mosquito mosquito candles are not recommended for outdoor use during strong winds. In addition to the lack of effect, there is a possibility of fire.

Mosquito candles for street and home
Mosquito candles for street and home

Indoor candles

Mosquito candles also help get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment or house. A prerequisite for the use of such protective equipment in the room are open windows. The flow of fresh air will not affect the effectiveness of the product. The presence of a refractory substrate on which a candle is placed is also required. When using the tool, you should consider the area of ​​the room and the area specified in the instructions If necessary, you should choose the right amount of candles.

Popular brands

Candles for mosquitoes produced by many manufacturers. Consider a few popular ones.


Mosquito repellent candle of domestic production, which can be used both outdoors and in residential areas of no more than 25 square meters. m. It contains natural citronella oil, which creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house.A long period of burning (up to 30 hours) is another advantage. The cost of goods in the range of 280-320 rubles. Products Mosquito repellent it is presented not only candles, but also aerosols, sprays, bracelets.


I always take with me on fishing such candles and mosquitoes are not terrible.

Dmitry, Krasnoyarsk

Citronella tea lights

Polish-made mosquito candles are designed to scare away blood-sucking insects (midges, mosquitoes, clothes moths). The advantages of the repellent are the small size of the candle and the wind-resistant wick, which creates ease of use. anti-mosquito in nature. The basis of the product is high-quality paraffin and citronella oil, which has a light citrus scent. Repellent properties spread over an area of ​​up to 15 square meters. m. The period of decay of one candle 3-4 hours. The price of a set (6 pieces) is about 100 rubles.

Argus garden

Another option of repellent scented candles for protection from mosquitoes and midges in the open air and residential area of ​​up to 25 square meters. This composition is intended for 15 hours of continuous burning. The price of repellent varies within 160 rubles.

Popular mosquito candles
Popular mosquito candles

Bio with citronella

Effectively protects against anti-mosquito candle Biot from mosquitoes and moths. When smoldering, it emits a pleasant citrus aroma due to its citronella oil, which has a beneficial effect on human well-being and mood. This fragrance has a completely different effect on flying insects: it simply scares them away, forcing them to leave the repellent zone of impact (25 square meters) as soon as possible. The period of continuous exposure to a candle is 15 hours. The cost of repellent means about 500 rubles.

On a note!

Unobtrusive design tool has a ceramic body, characterized by heat resistance, which makes it suitable for any interior. Candles that are safe for health can be used both in ventilated rooms and in street conditions.

Royalgrill Fir

Candles for protection against insects
Candles for protection against insects

Another variation of repellent protection against mosquitoes and midges on the basis of essential oils in the street and indoors. It can also be used as a source of lighting, which creates additional amenities when fishing, hiking or evening picnics.Affordable cost is another advantage of this repellent, the price of the product varies between 115-150 rubles.


Often, a friendly company makes forays into nature. Have tried a lot already mosquito repellent. While opting for candles, Royalgrill Fir. It is enough to set fire to the wick and you can not even remember about mosquitoes.

Egor, Chernigov

DIY candles

Not wanting to spend on purchase repellents, you can make them yourself. How to make candles with your own hands? Yes, very simple. For their preparation will need lemon, lime, flowers and herbs. The sliced ​​citrus slices and plant elements are placed in a glass container, after which it is half filled with water and 7-10 drops of citronella essential oil are added or clove oil. Then the container is filled with water to the top, carefully placing a candle into it. It turns out very beautiful and fragrant repellent, besides very healthy.

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