Mosquito pills

Mosquito pills, they are plates, are particularly popular in the warm season. Sold around every corner, are cheap, have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. Tablets are available in the arsenal of each manufacturer of products for mosquitoes. However, their composition is not much different.

The secret of success

How do mosquito pills, you can learn from the instructions that are attached to the product. They are impregnated with special substances that scare away insects either kill.The active ingredients are synthetic, natural insecticides. The latter are used in products for children under 5 years old.

  • Alletrine or esbiotrin, pralletrin and its analogues are synthetic insecticides that affect the functioning of the nervous system, the muscular system. Into air when heating, force of action depends on concentration. Mosquitoes initially become hyperactive, then movements slow, paralysis of muscles occurs, death.
  • The composition of the children's plates include pyrethrum - a derivative of a special type of Caucasian chamomile. The tool blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, paralyzes, causes death.
Mosquito pills
Mosquito pills

Plates begin to operate after 5 minutes after switching on fumigator. The tablets work even indoors with the windows open. In nature, the radius of protection against mosquitoes is 1-5 m. Popular brands:

Effect on the human body

The instructions for the tablets have some restrictions on age, floor space. If you do not follow the rules, you can harm your health or children.

Toxic substances accumulate in the air, but their concentration is so miserable that the human body does not feel them. If the room is less than 5 square meters. the rate of insecticide in the air increases. For a person, it threatens with headache, feeling unwell, nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness.

Plates from flying insects
Plates from flying insects

On a note!

Each effective mosquito plate is designed for 10 hours of work. Even if the device remains on, the poisonous component will not penetrate into the air.

Impact on children

The body of the child is more susceptible to the influence of aggressive substances. Manufacturers do not recommend the use of mosquito pills for adults indoors until the child is 5 years old. Cases of poisoning were not recorded, but the probability exists.

The use of children's mosquito pills does not have a negative impact on the health of the baby. It is allowed to use from 1-2 years. Pyrethrum has a peculiar smell of chamomile, but it has a calming effect on the human nervous system.

Harm to humans is minimized with proper use of products.The exception is individual intolerance to the components, which can occur in both an adult and a child.

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