Means the Ram from mosquitoes
- Water Based Mosquito Concentrate
- Means the Ram from mosquitoes
The appearance of insects in the house becomes a big problem for its owners. Be it a cockroach, an ant or a mole. No exception and mosquitoes. Very exhausting them squeakand the consequence bites becomes unbearable itching. In addition, some types of bloodsuckers are carriers of dangerous infectionsespecially when it comes to malaria mosquitoes. In such a situation, the Taran mosquito remedy will help.
Features of the tool
The ram is a concentrated, water-based emulsion having a milky hue.As an active ingredient in it acts insecticide - zeta-cypermethrin. This is a whole pyrethroid group consisting of four active ingredients, the action of each of which is aimed at the destruction of a particular type of insect. The tool is unique, as the combination of these components affects almost all home and garden pests.
The Taran tool has become very popular with consumers, as it has a lot of advantages:
- Due to the unique composition has a wide range of applications - the drug is effective not only against mosquitoes, but also ticks, ants, fleas, bedbugs, moths, moths and even cockroaches.
- Not dangerous for people and pets. The effect of the drug on the human body can only be redness of the eyes and nasal congestion.
- The tool has a long period of protection. It is enough just to treat the surfaces in the room so that the pests do not disturb for two months.
- Convenient use is another advantage.It is only necessary to dilute the emulsion with water, following exactly the recommendations of the manufacturer.
- Affordable cost - the price of Taran products varies depending on the volume (50 ml of the emulsion costs 150 rubles, a liter of money costs 1,800 rubles).
On the Internet, you can find numerous positive reviews about Taran, which are left by consumers who have already managed to assess the quality of the drug.
In the evening it was impossible to be on the veranda, since in the absence of mosquito nets mosquitoes just stuck us. Only once processed Taran and succeeded get rid of mosquitoes in the country. Here for the whole month already quietly tea with the whole family.
Catherine, Saratov
Rules of application
Instructions for use of Taran is available on each bottle of this drug. Despite the fact that the emulsion belongs to class III on the effects on the digestive system, its use requires compliance with safety measures. The manufacturer recommends processing the premises with a ram from mosquitoes in a respirator and rubber gloves.
A certain type of pest corresponds to the required dose of a concentrated insecticide:
- for extermination of cockroaches You will need 5 ml of product per liter of water;
- to get rid of bedbugs, flies, ants need to use 3 ml;
- for mosquitoes and fleas - 2 ml;
- for pests of other species from 1 to 3 ml of emulsion.
The required amount of insecticide is dissolved in 1 l of water, after which the mixture is poured into a household sprayer and processed. Places of mosquito settlements (internal and external walls of buildings) should be treated with a uniform layer at the rate of 100 ml per 1 square meter. m. square.