Mosquito digits: instructions for use and reviews

Mosquito digox combines high performance at an affordable price. Destroys blood-sucking insects indoors, outdoors. During work with the drug, it is necessary to observe safety measures, dilute the concentrate according to the instructions.

The secret of success in the composition

The active ingredient in Chifox 25 is a broad-spectrum insecticide cypermethrin. The total share of the poison is 25%.Additionally, the composition includes fragrances, emulsifiers. Analogue means is Tsipermetrin drug.

The concentrate is sold in containers of different sizes - 50, 500, 1000 ml. Immediately before use, it is necessary to prepare a solution - add the specified amount of concentrate to cold water, mix. Pour into a bottle with a spray gun.

Cypermethrin enters the body mosquito by contact through the respiratory system. The death of an insect occurs within 20 minutes after contact with the poison. Insecticide disrupts the nervous system, causes muscle paralysis, death. The cost of a bottle with a capacity of 50 ml is 400 rubles.

On a note!

Cypermethrin is part of many mosquito repellent domestic, foreign production. Different drugs differ in the concentration of the active component, fragrances that mask the pungent smell of insecticide.

Preparation of the solution

Mosquito digox
Mosquito digox

Instructions for use Cifox is painted as a universal means for the destruction of harmful insects - blood-sucking, flying, crawling.

From mosquitoes prepare a weak solution with an active ingredient concentration of 0.01%.One 5 ml cap of the product is dissolved in 500 ml of water. If necessary, you can dilute a more concentrated solution. Consumption 100 ml of the finished product per 1 square. m

The solution is thoroughly mixed, poured into a bottle with a sprayer, if you need to process clothes, a room around the perimeter, a spray bottle - for spraying ponds, lawns, tent places, outdoor areas.


The finished anti-mosquito repellent must be used within 3 days. The concentrate after opening the protective membrane is stored for about 5 years. During operation, the use of rubber gloves is mandatory.


Application of Cyfox
Application of Cyfox

How to dissolve Zifox from mosquitoes - no big deal. Another important question is how to apply Zifox. If you violate the instructions suffer fish, pets, birds, people.

  • Spraying of clothes, tents, backpacks, and other fabric accessories is carried out in the open air. Sprayed mosquito repellent from a distance of 20 cm from the surface to the wet state of the fabric. It is possible to use for the designated purpose after drying of an insecticide. Protection lasts about 10 hours.Twice application is allowed per day.
  • Camping sites, summer camps, lawns in the country from mosquitoes treated with a garden spray. It must be remembered that Zifox does not have a selective effect, it destroys absolutely all insects after contact with the drug. Mosquito and tick treatment held in case of urgent need. Protection is valid for almost 2 months. It is advisable to treat places near garbage cans with the drug Cyfox Plus with a high content of cypermethrin.
  • Indoors, Cyfox is used with a large number of blood-sucking insects. They carry out a complete disinsection in the basements, cellars. Permitted to use in the house. To get rid of mosquitoes in the house, ensure the integrity of the room, treated walls, ceilings, floor. Leave closed for at least 2 hours. After the disinsection in the apartment building, the apartment should be thoroughly ventilated and a wet cleaning should be carried out.

If there are aquariums, terrariums, insectariums in the room, they must be removed or tightly closed. It is necessary to carry out processing of the room in a respirator or cotton-gauze mask,suit with long sleeves, pants, rubber gloves.


It is not recommended to treat open areas with Zyfox. In contact with the skin, the insecticide causes an allergic reaction in the form of rashes, redness, itching, and swelling.

Security measures

Efficiency of cyfox
Efficiency of cyfox

Cypermethrin is a broad-spectrum insecticidal acaricidal drug. Destroys all insects after contact. On soil, grass, cultivated plants retains the properties for about 60 days. Before you use a poison from mosquitoes, you must weigh all the pros and cons.

Indoors, cypermethrin quickly deposited on the treated surface. It remains to act about a week. The maximum concentration is observed during the first 2 hours after disinsection. In people with respiratory tract disease, the remedy may provoke worsening of state of health, asphyxiation attacks. When it enters the lungs, the insecticide causes poisoning with dizziness, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting. At the first signs of poisoning, you must provide fresh air, drink activated carbon, rinse your mouth with soda solution.

Reviews of Cifox are posted regularly by buyers on the forums.The tool is particularly popular in the warm season.


Mosquito poisoned in the country. The whole swarm was in the veranda, from mosquito bites there is already no living space on the body. The solution is prepared quickly, there are no difficulties. The smell is unpleasant present, but eventually disappears. Nose covered with a towel. It took me 5 minutes to process. Closed the room, went to the garden. Then he aired well, but not soap. The mosquito month was not there.

Inna, Moscow

We took with us Zifoks on nature. First, the houses were processed clothes, tents, backpacks. Then they sprinkled the place where the camp was located. In the evening you could hear how mosquitoes squeak, but they didn't fly into our camp. I recommend all outdoor enthusiasts to use this. mosquito repellent.

Olga, St. Petersburg

I love fishing, but insects spoil all the fun. Folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges in nature helped weakly. Bought a tsifoks. I splash the clothes right on me when I get to the appointed place. So more effective. I sit quietly for an hour or two, then begin to molest. I repeat again. Great for fishing, I advise.

Roman, Voronezh

Among the shortcomings - an unpleasant smell, the need to prepare a solution, look for containers. There are many analogues on the basis of cypermethrin in the form of aerosols that are already sold in finished form, the smell is masked by perfumes.

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