Citronella essential oil against mosquitoes

Mosquito citronella oil is a major component means of blood-sucking insects for children from year, products for people with sensitive skin. Modern products with oil content are available in bracelets, napkin, records, buttons, of stickersfluid.

Action means

Citronella essential oil against mosquitoes has a daunting effect. Insects feel it from a distance of about 1 m.The steady protective effect acts in a radius of 50 cm.

Citronella is a cereal plant with a citrus-like smell. The aroma is extremely rich, thick, intrusive. The properties of citronella to repel mosquitoes became known in 1948, when the tool was registered in the USA as a natural, safe repellent.

On a note!

Products based on oil produced worldwide, are in great demand. It is recommended to use only for outdoor mosquito protection.

Effect on mosquitoes and the human body

A strong aroma clogs the receptors of insects that are trying to find the source of blood. Unbearable scent repels mosquitoes and makes fly away, not having achieved his. The strength of action depends on the concentration of the active ingredient. Protection weakens with time, the average duration of the effect is 4 hours.

Citronella essential oil against mosquitoes
Citronella essential oil against mosquitoes

A person also feels an obsessive scent, but he acts on it differently. The first notes of citrus facilitate breathing, contribute to the revitalization of the brain. The following woody notes soothe the nervous system, eliminate headaches, normalize mental activity, improve memory, attention.

A strong concentration of citronella odor adversely affects the well-being of a person, especially young children. Shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, headache begins. When in contact with the body for a longer time, the likelihood of an allergic reaction increases.

Rules of application

Mosquito citronella is used in open areas to avoid high concentrations of components in the air we breathe. Allowed to wear funds no more than 8 hours.

  • To increase the effectiveness of the essential oil, it is allowed to wear several accessories at once, impregnated with the active substance in duplicate.
  • Wipes can be treated with skin after 4 hours, no more than 2 times a day.
  • Pregnant women, children under 1 year old should use citronella oil with extreme caution.
  • Pure dripping oil on the skin is not recommended, the probability of an allergic reaction is high.
  • To protect the premises drip a few drops of oil on the oil burner, lamp lamp, wax candle. The smell will start to spread in the room when heated.

It is contraindicated to apply with individual intolerance.

Oil application rules
Oil application rules

Natural repellent is used in different variations, buy ready-made funds or the oil itself. Reviews on the effectiveness of tools describe in detail its use.


In the evening I light the aroma lamp, dripping 5 drops of oil. Smell well soothes the nervous system, adds energy, relieves fatigue. Komarov chases away in 15 minutes. I use this simple folk remedy even with open windows. At bedtime, half an hour is enough.

Anna, Tver

I bought Gardex bracelet against mosquitoes to kid. When its action stopped, not in a hurry to throw it away. Soaked a napkin, thrust into the accessory, used further. The action is even stronger than in the purchase of the drug. You can update daily. For evening walks around the city, near the house - the best remedy is about mosquito bites you can forget.

Inna, Moscow

Used to have use mosquito vanillin. Diluted him with water and used this substance as repellent. But friends suggested a less time consuming and budget method. I buy in the pharmacy wet wipes for children without odor. At home, before going for a walk, I drop citronella oil on them, rub the child's arms, legs, neck.Walk quietly 3 hours. If I see that mosquitoes have begun to annoy, I repeat. For an evening of protection enough. After water treatments, the aroma disappears.

Ksenia, Rostov-on-Don

The efficacy and safety of citronella oil has been proven repeatedly. Action confirmed by manufacturers and buyers. However, if you do not like the smell of this product, you can use other mosquito essential oils.

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