Mosquito exterminators for the street

With the arrival of warm days, many people go to country sites, to picnics and hiking, in order to get away from everyday life in the open air and to gain strength. However, such small and annoying insects as mosquitoes. They not only annoyingly squeak, but bite, resulting in itchy blisters. Today the market is replete with many repellent agentsthat minimize the number of bites. But all of them are intended for indoor use, on the street, it will not be possible to achieve proper results with their help. The presence of pests will not spoil life on the plot if using a mosquito killer.

Varieties of devices

Mosquito exterminators for the street come in various variations.


The easiest, most affordable and compact insect trap. The mosquito exterminator in the open air is a device consisting of an ultraviolet lamp, a tray and a frame. Among the analog devices of this type highlights the mass of advantages:

  • they are safe;
  • have a low cost;
  • there is the possibility of their use, both indoors and in street conditions;
  • Some models have additional functions (pump, vacuum system, battery or attractant sprayer).

Mosquito exterminators for the street
Mosquito exterminators for the street

The action of the ultraviolet begins with the moment of connecting the device to the mains. Its warmth and light attract insects. As a result, being in the zone of the lamp, the pests die and fall into the pan.

On a note!

Electric mosquito traps not only effective against mosquitoes, but also gadflies, as well as flies and midges. They have a modern design, so they easily fit into the interior.


The gas exterminator is a more effective way of dealing with annoying insects at the dacha. They are having a completely different principle of operation of the unit with powerful fans. Thanks to what the device quickly relieves a summer cottage or garden from pests.

Gas exterminators attract the attention of pests due to the release of propane from a cylinder, the product of which, after combustion, becomes carbon dioxide simulating human respiration. There are also killers that use carbon dioxide cylinders.

The device for the destruction of annoying insects is also equipped with an aromatic substance (attractant), similar to the smell of human skin and sweat. The mosquitoes, flies or wasps that fly up to the device are sucked in by a pump inside the structure. After which they are waiting for the inevitable death from an electric charge.

The advantages of such a device include:

  • easy maintenance;
  • uninterrupted work process;
  • catching various winged insects;
  • and most importantly - security.

On a note!

The disadvantage of the device is the need for replaceable cylinders. More easy to use is Thermacell gas fumigator.


A water device against mosquitoes and midges is used both indoors and in open spaces. Insect draws heat from the trap. Approaching the destroyer pests sucks water flow, from which they can not get out.


Steam and laser shredders
Steam and laser shredders

One of the newest technologies designed to combat harmful insects is the mosquito laser gun. The principle of operation of an electronic device is based on the use of an optical system that processes the images entering it. It can determine the type and sex of an insect using infrared radiation. When the desired object appears, the signals are transmitted to a more powerful laser, which instantly hits the victim.

On a note!

The mosquito laser cannon can recognize and destroy a pest that is 30 meters away.

Fog system

Another street shredder is a fogging installation. In the process, it forms the smallest water droplets that contribute to the cooling and humidification of the air.They are also used to protect against insects. It is enough to add an insecticidal agent (repellent) to the liquid to be sprayed. This will create a kind of barrier for pests. In insecticidal systems, insecticidal agents are most commonly used in which feverfew is an active ingredient.

The presence of nozzles in a special anti-mosquito design makes it possible to economize insecticidal reagent. Due to this, the produced fog is safe for humans and pets.

Shredder Overview

There are funds from mosquitoes on the street of a large radius of action (up to 5000 sq. M.), There are also those that cover smaller areas. Below are a number of the most popular mosquito killers.

Aero One System

Aero One Sniper and SWI-20
Aero One Sniper and SWI-20

A selective-type exterminator is effective against mosquito females that use blood for breeding. Insects react to the attractant secreted by the device, as a result of which they are sucked by a powerful pump (the speed and area of ​​suction are increased 10 times). Thanks to its unique design, the catcher keeps pests inside, preventing them from flying back.

The advantages of the device:

  • Aero outdoor system covers an area of ​​up to 50 acres;
  • has a carbon dioxide cylinder, the level of which is controlled by a pressure sensor;
  • due to the absence of high-voltage grids, the Aero shredder can be used in areas with a humid climate, where watering systems are often used;
  • A stable mobile rack has the ability to use cylinders of various sizes.

The cost of the device varies in the range of 55-60 thousand rubles. Slightly cheaper will cost the device of similar action. Mosquitoes no KRN-5000 turbo PRO.


Chinese-made UV shredder with metal and plastic parts. An ultraviolet lamp protected by a net is supplied with a current that is detrimental to mosquitoes and midges. For a person, discharge is not dangerous.

The advantages of the device include:

  • moisture protection - the device can be used both indoors and at the dacha;
  • non-volatility - the solar cell is the power supply element;
  • convenient fastening system - the presence of the upper loop and detachable legs makes it possible to hang or install the device;
  • It can also work as a lighting device (about 60 hours), in the lighting mode (up to a day);
  • impact area up to 50 square meters. m

Insects are attracted by the soft purple light of two LEDs with UV light. But bloodsuckers die by touching the built-in high-voltage grid, through which a powerful electric charge passes. You can buy a lantern trap at a price of 1600-1700 rubles. For those who prefer to use the products of domestic manufacturers, you should pay attention to electric bulbs for mosquitoes Terminator.


This electric mosquito exterminator is a Swiss brand made in China. Designed for use against mosquitoes and other flying insects in enclosed spaces, in the absence of moisture, it can also be used outdoors. Two UV lamps (40 watts each) serve as an attracting element. The impact on the insects occurs when they are in contact with the grid, through which the voltage safe for humans passes.

Thanks to special mounts, the device can be placed on the floor or hung from the ceiling.With the possibility of connecting to the mains, ultraviolet can cover an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. m. The cost of the product is up to 6000 rubles. Similarly works mosquito killer SITITEK Garden-M.

Electrical installation Angara-3
Electrical installation Angara-3


Another electrical installation for giving this type, developed by specialists from Hong Kong. Safety is the main advantage of this device: a silent destroyer does not emit an unpleasant odor or toxic elements. It attracts insects with a pair of 8 watt UV lamps each. Destroys mosquitoes electric current passing through a metal grid. To attract more mosquitoes, it is acceptable to use an attractant.

On a note!

The device does not require additional equipment and accessories. The shredder can be used both indoors and outdoors (exposure area up to 100 sq. M.), But only in the absence of moisture.

The price range varies from 4200-4500 rubles.

Mosquito trap ans-a6

A more serious and expensive option is the Mosquito Trap ANS-A6 installation for mosquitoes, developed in the United States of America. It is designed to get rid of mosquitoes only in open areas up to 20 acres (the maximum effect the manufacturer guarantees on an area of ​​up to 10 acres).That is why it is very often used in gardens and parks, on golf courses and country houses.

Mosquito Trap ANS-A6 and Mega-Catch Mosquito Trap Systems
Mosquito Trap ANS-A6 and Mega-Catch Mosquito Trap Systems

The system uses a method that simulates human vital activity (the smell of sweat, breath and heat). Factors attracting mosquitoes are: carbon dioxide, which emits heat (serves as an attractant), ultraviolet radiation, which mosquitoes feel from a distance. Approaching pests sucks pump, causing them to fall into a special container.

The shredder has a simple method of application: you only need to connect a carbon dioxide cylinder (not included) to the system, and then connect to the power grid. Equipment costs about 22,000 rubles.

Mega-Catch Mosquito Trap

It is a device that spreads heat within a radius of 30 m. The machine of this class works based on the use of an infrared energy source and ultraviolet light-emitting diodes, which serve as bait for a wide range of insects. The kit includes a net for catching mosquitoes and a container with liquid, which makes it possible to choose the method of killing insects.

Efficiency, guaranteed by the manufacturer, is observed on an area of ​​up to 30 acres.However, reviews of mosquito killers of this type indicate a higher productivity (40 hectares). You can buy a shredder at any specialized store in Moscow or order it online (price within 22,000 rubles).

Not being able to purchase an expensive shredder, you can make a do-it-yourself repeller or use repellent. Such a mosquito repeller to give can be in the form of an aerosol, spray, pencil, cream, milk or emulsion. These funds differ not only in the method of application, but also in the time of action. Therefore, before use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Selection mosquito repellent at the cottage It is not limited to destroyers and scaring agents, but also involves carrying out activities on planting plants, the smell of which is not liked by bloodsuckers, cleaning the territory.

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