Treatment of allergies to mosquito bites in adults and children
- Mosquito bite allergy
- Means for mosquito bites
- Folk recipes from insect bites
- Mosquito Bite Allergy Medicines
- Mosquito bites in children
Mosquito bites may be significantly more dangerous than a small redness and swellingan unpleasant itch.Sometimes they cause a serious allergic reaction. Allergy to mosquito bites manifests itself in varying degrees of severity and it is important for others to be able to provide necessary assistance in a timely manner.
Features of the manifestation of an allergic reaction in adults
Insect allergy occupies a separate niche in the ICD 10 disease classifier and is called W57. Bite or sting by a non-poisonous insect or other non-poisonous arthropods. T78.4 Allergy, unspecified. The scientific name of this state sounds like kulitsidoz.
During the bite mosquito introduces a special secret into the victim's body. It acts on the principle of local anesthesia, so the person does not feel pain immediately at the moment of the bite. It is on this substance that an undesirable reaction of the body can occur.
On a note!
Normally, in response to a bite, human antibodies begin to produce antibodies to mosquito enzymes that expel toxins. Therefore, in most cases, the discomfort disappears within a few days.
Most often, the response of the organism is limited to a local reaction:
- redness;
- itching;
- edema.
The listed symptoms are localized in the very place of the bite.
An allergy to mosquito bites has the following symptoms:
- The swelling has a large diameter and does not pass even after a day.
- Bubbles form at the site of the bite. blisters.
- Fever, which indicates the development of a strong inflammatory process within the body.
- Runny nose
- Tearing.
In the most severe cases, the general condition of the body worsens, lethargy, apathy, dizziness, loss of appetite appear. If these signs appear, take action immediately and call an ambulance.
Manifestations of allergies in children
The reaction to a mosquito bite in a child is more active. The children's body cannot withstand the poison that has fallen, so it develops a strong swelling, redness. The itch causes serious inconvenience, the baby cries, is capricious. A photo of an allergy in children to a mosquito bite demonstrates varying degrees of severity.
Severe form in children has the same manifestations as in adults. The rate of spread of unpleasant symptoms may be higher. Its peak reaches within 5-20 minutes. For accurate diagnosis and proper treatment,The specialist should investigate what the bite site looks like, collect anamnesis and refer the patient for tests:
- general blood analysis;
- determination of immunoglobulin E in the blood;
- analysis of eosinophils.
On a note!
Mosquitoes prefer to bite children, it is important for parents to monitor the reaction of the baby’s body and take prompt control measures. When making an accurate diagnosis, the specialist will inquire whether the parents are allergic. In most cases, this phenomenon is inherited.
What to do in cases of allergies in adults
The main rule after mosquito bites is not combing swelling. Combed bite is fraught with infection in the body and the development of dangerous diseases. Further actions will be designed to relieve the main symptoms and alleviate the general condition:
- Attach cold to the site of swelling. It can be ice bags, any frozen product, or just a plastic bottle with cold water. In order to prevent frostbite of the skin, a cold object must be wrapped in cloth.
- Weak allergy to mosquitoes is treated with special ointments or gels that have a local reaction. They relieve itching, redness and eliminate swelling.Use Actovegin, Zelederm, Bepanten, Flutsinar, Loriden L, Gistan, Flukord.
- Severe allergy from mosquito bites requires taking antihistamines. The earlier the substance is taken, the less allergy will have time to develop. Antihistamines are designed to reduce the production of histamine, which provokes all the unpleasant feelings from the bite.
Some antihistamines contain hormones. Their reception is allowed only with the permission of a specialist and in full compliance with the prescribed dosage. These tools include Akriderm, Advantan, Hydrocortisone ointment.
Supplemental fluid intake will speed up the process of removing toxins and ease the condition. If it was not possible to avoid combing, then the bite should be disinfected. To do this, treat the wound Zelenko or drugs that contain an antibiotic. These include Levomekol, Ficidin and Gentamicin ointment. Chlorhexidine solution has a good effect. This substance is an excellent antiseptic and has antibacterial properties. Low cost is an added advantage.
Before using any outdoor medicine, it is important to ensure that there is no allergy to mosquito repellent. To do this, a small amount of the drug is applied to the elbow bend and for 2-3 hours monitor the reaction of the body.
Emergency assistance by folk methods
If special preparations were not at hand, you can try to cure the patient with the help of folk remedies. They are safe and effective enough to reduce the signs of manifestation:
- Toothpaste. Will help relieve itching.
- Banana peel compress. Attach the peel with the inner side to the bite site and hold for 10-15 minutes.
- Herbal infusions. Will have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic effect. Use chamomile or calendula.
- A tea bag from a tea bag. Attach a packet of black tea after brewing for 20 minutes.
- Apply sour cream on the sore spot and hold for 10 minutes.
- Attach plantain, dandelion or calendula.
- Lubricate the reddened area with aloe vera juice or soda solution.
It should be understood that the listed folk remedies are effective only for temporary relief of not clearly markedreactions to mosquito bites. Severe allergies require the use of special drugs and treatment to specialists.
In very rare cases, allergy to mosquito repellent is possible. That is why it is not recommended to engage in self-treatment, but only to take emergency measures. Further treatment should be done by a specialist.
Features of treatment in children
Children's body to cope with the attack more difficult due to the lack of formation of protective functions. Therefore, parents should begin to provide assistance even before the arrival of the doctors, so as not to lose time.
Experts recommend remedies for mosquito bites for children second and third generation. These include:
- Loratadine.
- Tsetrin.
- Iricar
- Mesoderm
- Beloderm.
For the youngest patients, it is recommended to use:
- Fenistil gel.
- Tavegil.
- Suprastin.
- Diphenhydramine
- Diazolin
- Zyrtec The drug of the newest generation helps with allergies in children from birth.
Dosage according to the instructions, depending on the age of the small patient. To relieve itching and reduce redness, gels and ointments for children will help:
- Fenistil gel. Suitable from birth.
- Balsam lifeguard.
- Gardex cream.
- Psilo balm
Treatment of allergies to mosquito bites in children should be comprehensive and structured. If a after the bite of the kid's eyes swelled up, face, lips and neck, this can be a sign of the development of angioedema. Help is required immediately:
- Unclip clothing. It is necessary to unbutton the buttons, release the neck.
- Provide upright posture. A lying position will only aggravate the situation. Small children can be taken on hands, more senior enough to sit down. If this is not possible, then the little patient is placed on his back and his head is turned to the side.
- Provide fresh air. Take to the street, open a window or a door.
- Attach cold to the bite.
- To drip nose vasoconstrictor drops.
- Give antihistamine drug.
- Otpaivat warm water.
- If unconscious, do artificial respiration.
Even if it became easier for the child and the symptoms of allergy began to go away, the emergency call cannot be canceled. Only an examination by a specialist will be able to give an objective assessment of the condition of the child.
In most cases, the body's acute reaction to insect bites goes away with age.If it persists for a long time, the child should be shown to a specialist to identify the causes and undergo treatment.
What are the preventive measures
Fight mosquitoes in the house, especially if there are children in it, it is imperative. After all, small insects except allergies may be carriers of dangerous diseases. Prevention should also include several steps at once:
- Provide mechanical protection for the home. This may be an installation. mosquito nets on the windows, entrance doors.
- Using mosquito repellent. In the House: fumigators, scarers, traps. On the nature all kinds of creams, ointments, gels, the sprays or folk remedies.
- Properly choose clothes for walking in the evening. It should cover the body as much as possible. It is better to give preference to objects of light colors, except for all shades of yellow.
- When planning a trip to nature, do not use sweet perfumes that attract insects.
- Try not to walk near stagnant bodies of water, wetlands, or other possible places of accumulation of blood suckers.
To avoid complications and not lose time, you should have a proven allergy remedy in your home medicine cabinet.It is promptly taken measures and taking the right medicine to quickly improve a person’s condition and avoid serious complications.