What to do to mosquito bites do not itch
- Insect bite preparations
- Insect bite preparations
- Folk recipes from mosquito bites
We all look forward to the arrival of summer, to get rid of multi-layered clothing and enjoy a long rest in nature. However, walks in the fresh air, going to picnics and fishing often overshadow mosquitoes. The bite of blood-sucking insects in many people causes unpleasantsensations accompanied by redness and swelling, unbearable itching. Constant combing damaged areas quite often leads to purulent formations. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of itching and how to treat a mosquito bite, has not lost its relevance.
Why does a person itch after a mosquito bite
Only female mosquitoes attack people. Blood, or rather protein and iron contained in it, is necessary for insects to reproduce. Having found the victim, the female mosquito feels the surface for the presence of closely spaced vessels. When such mosquitoes are detected, the mosquito inserts its proboscis into the body of its victim, injecting saliva containing the anticoagulants. It is this liquid that causes an acute reaction of the body, which results in redness, swelling, burning and unbearable itching.
Especially such consequences after a mosquito bite are most often observed in people with a predisposition to allergies. Experts say that the severity of an allergic reaction depends largely on the age of the victim. And in an adult who has mosquito bite allergy, it passes in a lighter form.Usually a small swelling occurs at the site of the bite, which is accompanied by a slight sensation of itching. Such symptoms are observed in the affected person no more than a day.
On a note!
Allergy to mosquito saliva in children is more pronounced. For most babies, the area around the lesion area becomes very red, swollen, and an unbearable itching occurs. These sensations force the child to constantly scratch the wound, which very often leads to the development of the inflammatory process. In addition, children suffer from the manifestations of such a reaction for several days.
What to do so that mosquito bites do not itch
You can cope with the unpleasant sensations that arise as a result of mosquito bites. In order for all these manifestations to be minimal, it is necessary to timely treat the affected area with drugs or improvised means.
Pharmacy drugs
Below are the most well-known means to relieve itching from a mosquito bite.
Antihistamine gel has a cooling effect, thereby relieving the intensity of itching after a mosquito bite.Its main component is dimetindena maleate, which blocks the H1 receptors. You can even use the gel for monthly babies, but only for processing a small area. The composition is contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women. The cost of the drug is about 230-260 rubles.
The time-tested tool more than once rescued us during trips out of town. Whether it is a holiday in the country, a picnic in nature or an ordinary walk, we always take Fenistil gel with myself.
Yana, St. Petersburg
Another well-known remedy with antipruritic action. It is made in the form of a balm that has an exclusively vegetable base. That is why the composition is recommended for use in infants. In the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the tool, it can cause an allergic reaction. In this connection, the use of the drug Vitaon should be coordinated with the attending pediatrician. The price of oil-balm in the range of 150-170 rubles.
Effect, accessibility and safety are the main advantages of the drug. A unique remedy that quickly relieves the symptoms of mosquito bites. Recomend for everybody.
Elena, Pyatigorsk
No less popular means, in which, in addition to D-panthenol, are also herbal ingredients. Due to this, the balm has a cooling and antipruritic effect, quickly removing the symptoms of an allergic reaction in the field of mosquito bites. Gardex products recommended for use by children from 1 year. The price range of the drug is 140-160 rubles.
The suspension, often referred to as a chatterbox, is based on zinc, so it dries the wound well and relieves itching. It is recommended to relieve symptoms after a mosquito bite in adults and children (without age restrictions) for various forms of dermatitis, eczema, diaper rash, prickly heat.
Before applying the contents of the vial thoroughly shaken, and then applied evenly to the affected areas of the body. After several hours, the treated surface is washed with clean water. To relieve pruritus treatment should be carried out 3 times a day. The composition is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The price of a bottle of Zindol suspension is about 330 rubles.
Cindol quickly relieves unpleasant itching and other symptoms. mosquito bites, preventing the development of the inflammatory process. You can brush the combed mosquito bites. Conveniently, the composition is suitable not only for adults but also for children. Recommend.
Natalia, Ulyanovsk
Effective after mosquito and balsam lifeguard attacks. The basis of the product consists of natural ingredients: sea buckthorn and olive oils, milk lipids, beeswax, calendula, vitamins A and E. Therefore, the composition is intended for use in both adults and children (without age restrictions).
Contraindications to the use of hypersensitivity to the components of the balm, as well as the presence of purulent formations and open wounds on the skin. The estimated cost of the Rescue-man balm is 160 rubles.
At the evening walk, the son was strongly bitten by mosquitoes. What to smear the child bitesI did not know, so I asked for advice at the pharmacy. I was recommended an effective and budget means - the Rescuer. After the first application, the baby began to less intensively comb the wounds. Taught by bitter experience now always use mosquito repellents.
Zinc Ointment
It is an antiseptic anti-inflammatory agent that quickly relieves itching and dries the wound. The active component is zinc oxide, white paraffin is used as an additional component. The drug is used in pediatric practice for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, burns. It is used in cases where the bite is damaged by constant scratching. The composition is applied to the damaged area no more than 3 times per day.
Low cost is another advantage of the product (the price of a tube is 20 g up to 25 rubles).
On a note!
Antihistamines for internal use (Diazolin, Suprastin, Claritin and others) can also relieve the sensation of itching.
Improvised means
Folk remedies can also relieve itching after a mosquito bite. In addition, they are distinguished by safety, affordability and low price:
- You can treat mosquito bites in a child with soda, which relieves itching well after an attack of blood-sucking insects. It is enough to add a small amount of water to it to make a mushy mass. The resulting mixture is applied to the place of a mosquito bite.No less effective soda solution, for the preparation of which is mixed 1 tbsp. l soda with 1 glass of water. The resulting composition wipe the inflamed area. Both methods are acceptable for use by children of any age.
- To relieve an itch for an adult or child, you can use plants such as mint, aloe, plantain, basil or parsley. Juice, obtained from their leaves, washed the wound several times a day, even very young children.
- It prevents the occurrence of the inflammatory process by applying a cold compress to the damaged area. The ice is wrapped in 2-3 layers of cloth, and then applied to the bite site for 15-20 minutes.
- No less effective against itching and apple cider vinegar. Soaked cotton pad in it is applied to the site of a mosquito bite for 20-30 minutes. Contraindications to this tool are scratching the skin. Also vinegar combined with shampoo often used as mosquito repellent.
- Lemon juice has similar properties. To reduce itching it is necessary to lubricate the wound with plenty of it. In order to avoid the occurrence of burns on the skin, such a procedure should be carried out outside the zone of the sun's rays.
- In the absence of the above means to reduce the discomfort of itching caused by a mosquito bite, you can use regular toothpaste. A small amount of it is applied to the lesion, washed off after 20-30 minutes.
In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to timely treat the place of a mosquito bite with this or that antipruritic agent. Select the same drug should be tailored to the individual characteristics of each organism. Remedies for mosquito bites for children are chosen with particular scrupulousness, since many drugs have age restrictions and contraindications.