Gel Fenistil from mosquito bites: instructions, reviews and analogues

Fenistil from mosquito bites is used in the presence of an allergic reaction of moderate severity. Produced in the form of a gel, drops. The drug has antihistamine properties, anti-allergic, antipruritic. Eliminates the external symptoms of allergies, stops the pathological process. Especially often used Fenistil from mosquito bites for children.Produced in Switzerland.

Composition, release form

The drug is produced in the form of a transparent gel of light consistency (30 g), drops of 20 ml in a bottle of dark glass with a convenient dispenser, emulsion (8 ml). It is released without a prescription. Shelf life of drugs is 2 years.

On a note!

How much it costs in a pharmacy depends on the financial policy of the institution. The average cost of an emulsion is 325 rubles, a gel is 385 rubles, a drop of 371 rubles.

Dimetindena maleate is the active component of all forms of phenystyle. The composition of the gel and drops contains 1 mg of the substance, emulsion 0.1. The composition of the auxiliary components is different. It is very rare to find on sale Fenistil pencil.

Mechanism of action

Antiallergic, antihistamine, antipruritic agent reduces the production of histamine, thereby stopping the pathological process, eliminates unpleasant symptoms. When applied to the skin almost does not enter the general bloodstream, which reduces the likelihood of side effects. It is advisable to use for allergic reactions of different origin of light, moderate severity.

For severe allergies, it is recommended to use Fenistil drops.They act much faster, affect pathological processes not only on the skin, but throughout the body. The maximum concentration is observed after 2 hours, excreted from the body with urine, feces. With a strong allergic reaction, it is recommended to use in parallel two forms of the drug to enhance the effect.

On a note!

As for the action of the emulsion, it is similar to a gel, but it is recommended to be used with mild signs of an allergic reaction.

Preparations Fenistil from mosquito bites
Preparations Fenistil from mosquito bites

The use of mosquito bites

An indication for use is an allergic reaction of different origin, including insect bites. It is advisable to use in the presence of itching, swelling and redness. Fenistil gel from mosquito bites has no contraindications except for individual intolerance, as well as children up to 1 month. Before active use should conduct a test.


Contraindications for liquid phenystyl are children up to 1 month, individual intolerance, which is manifested in the strengthening of unpleasant symptoms, deterioration of well-being, bronchial asthma.

Gel application

Fenistil against mosquitoes can be used immediately after the attack of insects or in case of obvious signs allergic reaction after bites. Treat the affected sites dotted. The tool is applied in a thin layer. Repeating the procedure is allowed up to 3 times per day.

On a note!

If the gel does not help, you should seek help from a specialist. In most cases, parallel prescribed fenistil for internal use.

Unpleasant symptoms disappear in a couple of days. Itching stops in 5 minutes, redness, swelling subsides the next day. In three days the skin is restored. Severe allergic reaction is accompanied by an additional rash, large red spots, slow recovery rates. Reviews of Fenistil gel are not always positive, which in most cases is due to improper use of the drug.

Application drops

For bites, followed by an allergic reaction, an oral supplement is prescribed. Dosage depends on age. Children under 1 year old give 10 drops three times a day, up to 3 years, the daily dose is 45, from the age of three and up to 12 years - 20 at a time three times a day.

On a note!

It is allowed to plant tea, juice, compote. Infants are diluted with breast milk. At the first signs of intolerance should stop treatment, consult with a specialist.

The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the symptoms. If you are allergic to mosquito bites, 5 days of treatment is enough. If the condition is not normalized, experts prescribe a hormonal ointment based on glucocorticosteroids.

The use of means Fenistil
The use of means Fenistil

Side effects, overdose

If the instructions are followed, no side effects occur. The use of the drug is allowed as much as possible for children 2 weeks. Otherwise, it may appear urticaria, atrophy of the skin, excessive dryness.

When treating drops, drowsiness may occur. It is recommended to either reduce the dosage or take it at bedtime. In the case of a severe overdose, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, decreased activity can be observed. The drug should not be used after the expiration date, you need to store away from sunlight.


If a secondary infection is attached to an allergic reaction to mosquito bites due to combing the bitten places, treatment is stopped immediately.Further therapy is carried out with local antibiotics. Antihistamine drops Fenistil continue to use.


Fenistil perfectly helps from mosquito bites with uncomplicated form. If you use the drug immediately after an insect attack, you can cope with unpleasant symptoms in 1 day. If a child has a pathological allergy to mosquito bites, then drops should be given as early as possible.

Mosquitoes bitten a small child, large red blisters. Anointed with gel, after 5 minutes the itching disappeared. The next day, minor stains remained on the skin. Great preparation for mosquito bites and other insects, always available in the home first aid kit. It can help in different situations.

Marina, Moscow

Mosquito bites help very well. From severe allergies - the drug is rather weak. Eliminates itching in a few minutes. The skin is restored literally in 3 days completely. If mosquitoes begin to bite, you need to immediately run to the pharmacy for this tool.

Inga, St. Petersburg

Fenistil is an affordable means, but some buyers prefer to look for an inexpensive counterpart, how to smear mosquito bites. There is no identical drug, but there are agents with a similar mechanism of action. Cheap analog of Fenistil Klaritin. Available in the form of a suspension, ointment. Price within 200 rubles. Allowed to children from 1 month. Also from remedies for mosquito bites for children used Bepanen, rescuer.

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