After a mosquito bite, a child’s or an adult’s hand has swelled up

Summer is not only fruits and vegetables, bright greens and warm sand, but also mosquitoesable to bite everywhere and everyone. The bites of these annoying insects - a phenomenon quite common in the warm season. And each person reacts to them in his own way.Some may not notice them at all, others are disturbed by intolerable itching, it is alarming redness and swelling at the bite site. Especially often children suffer from attacks of bloodsuckers. In this connection, many parents often have a question, what to do if a child’s hand is swollen from a mosquito bite.

Why does a tumor appear at the site of the bite?

For many people, and especially for children, the place where the mosquito has bitten usually turns red, begins to itch and swell. The reason for such a violent reaction of the organism is the insect's saliva, or rather the special enzymes contained in it. They have analgesic properties and prevent blood coagulation, which facilitates the process of its absorption to the insect. However, anticoagulants contribute to the development allergic reaction.

Therefore, do not be afraid when an adult or a child is bitten by a mosquito and there is a slight swelling on the arm or leg. The body's response is adequate if the tumor subsides within a few minutes. An increase in puffiness and unbearable itching are evidence of an allergic reaction, which may also be accompanied by other symptoms. May appear:

  • feeling weak and sleepy;
  • dizziness and rapid pulse;
  • fever and difficulty breathing.


The alarm should be struck if, after an insect bite, much of the arms, legs, and especially the face have become swollen.

What to do to avoid swelling

First aid for mosquito bites
First aid for mosquito bites

It is possible to prevent the development of negative consequences if appropriate measures are taken immediately upon the first appearance of edema at the site of a mosquito bite.

  1. Washing the affected skin with cold water using soap (better than household). This will help clean the problem area from dirt and prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.
  2. Applying cold or cold compress. In order for the swelling to pass, it is enough to wrap any product from the freezer in a gauze napkin and attach it to the bite on the arm or leg for 15 minutes. This will slow down the blood flow, and accordingly the spread of toxic components.
  3. Treatment of the affected area with an antiseptic preparation remedy for mosquito bites will help prevent the spread of the tumor. You can also use folk remedies for this, which have a similar effect.In addition, they are safer. Therefore, if a child has a swelling on the arm from a mosquito bite, then it is better to start treatment with folk remedies.

On a note!

You can not comb the bite, as a consequence of this may be infection of the wound. Relieve itching sensation help warm shower or bath with the use of medicinal herbs (succession, chamomile, calendula).


If, after a mosquito bite, a child’s or an adult’s hand has swelled, it is necessary to use special antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, soothing and analgesic drugs to relieve the developing inflammatory process.


Ointment with mosquito bite
Ointment with mosquito bite

In a situation when the hand is swollen after a mosquito bite, Levomekol ointment will help. The basis of the combined drug is chloramphenicol (an antibiotic) and methyluracil (an immunostimulating agent), due to which the agent has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment is effective for the treatment of carbuncles, boils, trophic ulcers, as well as tumors and edema after a mosquito bite.

The composition is applied to the affected area of ​​the arm or leg in adults and children over 3 years old.The duration of treatment is not more than 5-7 days. The cost of ointment Levomekol (40 g) within 40 rubles.


Gel antihistamine and anti-inflammatory action has a cooling effect, quickly relieves the symptoms of allergies (redness, swelling, itching). The active component in it is dimetinden - a component that acts as an H1 receptor blocker.

The composition is applied to the swelling, the cause of which was a mosquito bite, no more than 4 times a day. Use the gel is not recommended for children under 1 month, as well as people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Carefully Fenistil gel used during pregnancy and lactation. Price tubes (30 g) in the region of 350 rubles.


Quickly relieve swelling and swelling after being bitten by a mosquito Flucinar gel. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects due to its fluocinolone. The drug is intended for the treatment of acute and severe non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the skin, accompanied by persistent itching.

The composition is applied to the affected area 1-2 times a day for adults and children over 2 years old. The duration of treatment is not more than 14 days.


The use of the gel is contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women, as well as for bacterial, viral and fungal infections of the skin.

The cost of a tube (15 g) is about 250-300 rubles.

If you remove the swelling, swelling and redness after a mosquito bite fails, prescribe hormonal drugs like Advantan, Akriderm or Hydrocortisone ointment. However, since there are limitations and side effects, they should be used only after consulting a doctor.

All the above means are intended for external use. Suprastin, Soventol, Loratadin, Fenistil or Diazolin can be attributed to anti-inflammatory drugs for internal use, which are taken according to the instructions.

The use of popular recipes

Folk recipes from mosquito bites
Folk recipes from mosquito bites

If the leg or arm is swollen after a mosquito bite, you can also use folk remedies that are more accessible and safe.

  • Reduce swelling and swelling soda solution (0.5 cups of water 1 tablespoon soda). A cotton pad moistened in this solution is applied to the affected area.
  • Well removes swelling and associated inflammatory process gruel of soda,which is left in place of the bite until it is completely dry.
  • Helps to reduce the inflammatory process of the juice of plantain, dandelion or cabbage. And you can simply attach a washed and well-crumpled sheet of any of these plants to the bitten place.
  • No less effective in edema celandine, or rather the juice from it, which has a disinfecting effect. The napkin moistened with it is applied to the lesion several times a day. It is preferable to squeeze out the juice to use the plant stems.
  • Raw potatoes have similar properties. It is enough to cut the tuber and attach it to the edema with the cut side.
  • Swelling on the arm or leg will quickly disappear if a garlic-onion mass is applied to the swollen area.

On a note!

Treatment with one agent or another should be carried out several times a day until the inflammatory process begins to decrease.

However, do not forget that the above recipes are effective only in the initial stages of the development of an allergic reaction. If the swelling on the arm or leg is already large enough, then medication is not enough. It is impossible to delay the localization of the tumor on the neck or face, especially when swollen eyes after a mosquito bite. In the case when the application of cold to the affected place did not produce results, you should immediately seek medical help.

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