What is the difference between a mosquito bite and a bug or tick bite?
- Mosquito bite
- Bug bite
- Tick bite
How to distinguish a bug bite from a mosquito bite - in appearance, location, painful symptoms. Almost at the same time of the year, mosquitoes and ticks begin to sabotage. Therefore, the question arises how to distinguish between a tick bite and a mosquito bite. When examining a single bite, it is almost impossible to determine which insect carried out the attack. It is necessary to take into account several signs.
Mosquito bite
The need for blood in mosquito females appears after fertilization, so that the development of eggs begins. Overnight mosquito is able to bite about 15 times, but this is in case if something interferes with it - the movement of a person, an unsuccessfully punctured vessel. The female tries to drink immediately the amount of blood she needs, which is 2 times more than she weighs 5.5 ml.
Bites mosquito in places uncovered by clothes, a blanket. It is particularly active in the dark, especially in the evening, but it can also attack during the day.
On a note!
Mosquitoes bite on different parts of the body - arms, legs, head, back, neck, shoulders. Bites arranged randomly, this is the main difference from bedbugs.
After piercing the skin, the female injects a special substance that prevents blood from clotting and facilitates nutrition. To notice a waking man, an insect attack can immediately. Instantly, prickly pain, burning sensation appears. After a few seconds, appears swelling and redness, affected area begins to itch.
Fine allergic reaction to mosquito bites as follows:
- blister no more than 5 mm in diameter;
- swelling is present for the first 2 hours;
- the itch is eliminated after treatment with a disinfectant;
- unpleasant symptoms pass during the day;
- the skin is completely restored in 3 days.
To distinguish a mosquito bite from other insects can be by mild lesions of the skin. With the right approach get rid of unpleasant symptoms manages during the day. Mosquitoes especially actively bite young children, women, men.
Scientists have found out why mosquitoes do not bite all people. And it's not just the thickness of the skin. According to research experts, attracts mosquitoes the natural smell of a person is sweat, carbon dioxide when you exhale. To determine the location of the victim, mosquitoes are capable of 30 m. Adverse conditions can reduce the activity of pests - excessive dryness, temperatures over 25 degrees Celsius, cooling.
Bed bug bite
Bed bugs they parasitize with the same activity regardless of the season, as they live in a person’s house. Comfortable temperature for normal life of bugs 20-28 degrees Celsius. Parasites feed exclusively on human blood, so they form nests in the room where a person sleeps.
On a note!
They show activity bugs at night, from about 3 to 8 in the morning.Locate the victim by the smell of carbon dioxide, which is released during exhalation. It begins to eat, when a person falls asleep, stops moving. Therefore, bites are detected in the morning.
Power Features
Adult female eats 1 time in 10 days. Larvae of different generations almost every other day. For bed bugs characterized by the frequency of occurrence of bites, due to the peculiarity of power. However, with a strong infection of the premises, signs of an attack appear almost every day.
On a note!
During the bite, the bug injects a special substance that thins the blood, prevents it from rolling, and also anesthesizes for a few minutes. For this reason, the sleeping person does not feel the attack of the parasite, and traces bedbugs bites detects only in the morning.
To distinguish between a mosquito bite and a bug bug outwardly almost impossible. Swelling, redness, a small dark point in the center of caked blood. However, the itch is much stronger, and the location of the procuses has a certain sequence.
The female drinks about 7 ml of blood at one meal, the meal lasts about 20 minutes.During this time, the insect bites several times, at a short distance. There are characteristic tracks in the form of a track, the blisters themselves are placed in pairs. This is the main feature how to recognize the presence of bed bugs in the house.
On a note!
Bugs choose certain areas of the body where the vessels are located closer to the surface — neck, back, arms, legs. Almost never bite the stomach, head, chest. Prefer the delicate skin of the child, women, men suffer from the attack of parasites less often. The exposed parts of the body are attacked, but with a strong feeling of hunger, the bugs can quietly crawl under the covers.
Another difference - the bites of bedbugs are much more painful, they heal more slowly, the itching is disturbing for several days. The final restoration of the skin, without the addition of a secondary infection and the development of a strong allergy occurs within a week.
Tick bite
Mite It shows activity in the warm season, most of the time it spends in the grass, on trees, bushes. When hit on the human body finds places with thin skin. Tick bites found in the groin area, armpits, abdomen, chest, neck, head, ears, lower back.
During the normal reaction of the body to an insect attack, a small swelling, redness, and a dark point in the center appear at the puncture site. The bite differs from the mosquito with a larger area of redness, less swelling. Itching does not always appear. In a place where there is discomfort, you can find a sticking belly of an insect. Must be carefully extract tick tweezers, thread or seek help from a medical facility.