Why do bruises remain after mosquito bites?

Bruises from mosquito bites appear much less frequently than blister, swelling and redness. Each body responds individually to damage to the integrity of the skin, ingress of foreign matter. Most of the population get off with small blisters up to 5 mm in diameter, which disappear without special treatment in 3 days. Some people have bruises after an insect attack.

Nutrition process

Oral apparatus mosquito contains 5 special needles, 4 mandibles, proboscis for sucking blood.Each part of the oral apparatus performs its functions. Initially, the pest bites through the skin with powerful mandibles, then sets the needles in motion. On two of them are located sharp bristles - about 50 pieces, which are commonly called mosquito teeth. They help make the wound deeper, literally tearing the skin. The remaining needles push the epidermis, do not allow the wound to close.

On a note!

The mosquito introduces a proboscis into the wound, injects a special enzyme that prevents blood from clotting, and facilitates the process of feeding. This substance is a strong allergen, therefore, causes an instant reaction of the immune system to what is happening.

Effects of bites

Mosquito bites
Mosquito bites

In most cases, swelling, redness, severe itching. How much this will be expressed depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The reaction is normal, if the size of the blister is not more than 5 mm, the edema disappears within 2 hours, itching stops within 24 hours.

With increasing itching, increasing redness speak of allergies. To relieve symptoms apply folk remedies, special antihistamines.


About strong allergic reaction to mosquitoes can be judged by the additional rash on the body, unbearable itching, general deterioration of health. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, temperature rise, lowering blood pressure, difficulty breathing. To eliminate the painful symptoms use local hormone preparations, antihistamine tablets.

Causes of Hematomas

Mosquito bite bruise
Mosquito bite bruise

Bruises after mosquito bites appear for several reasons:

  • extremely high sensitivity of the skin;
  • the body’s individual response to mosquito poison;
  • susceptibility to allergies;
  • vessel problems;
  • bite with a rupture of a blood vessel in the “unfortunate” place, the appearance of a bruise under the skin;
  • prolonged use of antiallergic drugs.

A bruise at the site of the bite in a light form occurs the next day after the attack of insects, passes by itself without special treatment, or folk remedies are used in the form of lotions from medicinal plants.

Moderate bruise after mosquito bite there is a long time, there is a slight pain when pressed.Easy to treat by pharmacy insect bites - Lifeguard, Bepanten, balm asterisk, Fenistil gel, creams based on extracts of herbs, oils.


Large bruises, painful, which are present for a long time, indicate the presence of problems in the functioning of the vascular system, a strong allergic reaction, or incorrect use of glucocorticosteroids, for example Hydrocortisone ointment. After the hormone ointment appears atrophy, thinning of the skin, discoloration - cyanosis. In this case, you should seek help from specialists.

Any hematoma should not be left without proper attention, even if they do not cause pain.

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