How many times can a mosquito bite

How many times a mosquito bites depends on various factors. In theory the insect can live about 56 days, almost every 3 days is required blood replenishment. Due to the many adverse factors - climatic conditions, natural enemies, chemicals, man, single specimens survive to 3 months.

Physiological abilities

How many times a mosquito can bite depends on how calmly the insect eats. Initially, it should be understood that the males do not bite at all. Mosquito diet predetermined by sex. The need to replenish blood supplies occurs in fertilized females. Before that, they also feed on nectar, plant juices. Therefore, the male can not bite a single time. He spends most of his time on lawns with flowers, in the forest. The maximum lifespan of male individuals is 10 days. Insects die shortly after fertilization, completing their main mission.


The blood in the body of the insect is broken down into protein, which is necessary for the formation of eggs. After one fertilization, about 500 pieces appear, therefore the female is extremely bloodthirsty. At one time, drinks an amount greater than the weight of her own body 2 times. With its 3 grams consumes about 6 ml of blood.

Mosquito bite
Mosquito bite

The process of forming eggs takes about 3 days. Being fertilized, the female does not bite, does not feed. Its main task is to find a suitable reservoir, to lay eggs. Immediately proceeds to search for the victim, the playback process is repeated again. Theoretically, a mosquito bites in its life - 56 days, about 19 times. Provided that for one prokus drinks the right amount of blood.

Practical possibilities

For procreation, replenishment of energy reserves mosquitoes suitable human blood, animals, even birds. The mosquito senses the power source at a distance of 30 m. To meet its own needs, an insect can bite a person or an animal. In the latter case, the parasite is less at risk for life, quietly eats. In a relaxed atmosphere makes only one bite.

As for people, one female can bite up to 15 times per night. But in most cases, this number is not required. In a sleeping person, the threshold of sensitivity decreases, he does not feel pain when bitten, does not make sudden movements, does not interfere with the meal. The female tries to immediately drink all the quantity she needs. If a “wrong” vessel was originally chosen, it may bite twice.


Mosquitoes also bite waking people, they are not deterred by waving their arms, branches, jumping. The victim can immediately feel the piercing pain from mosquito bite, respond instantly with a slam on the affected place. In most cases, it ends for the pest to be lethal.If the insect managed to escape, a mosquito can bite as much as it needs for complete saturation.

On a note!

If you have patience, do not interfere with the female drinking after a bite, the meal will last about 10 minutes. You can see how the belly expands, blood is visible through the transparent chitinous cover. Having fed, the female will fly away calmly, will no longer attack. If, however, constantly repelled, the female will attack again and again.

Death after nutrition

Whether a mosquito dies after being bitten by a person depends on certain circumstances. By itself, the blood is quite suitable for the insect to continue to perform its functions - to live, reproduce offspring. Even a sick person with serious health problems, infection, virus does not harm the blood-sucking creature. Some species of mosquitoes die, laying eggs, but not after a bite.

Significantly increases the risk of death, if the female bites a waking man, who is instantly able to slam the pest, barely feeling unpleasant sensations. In this case, the chance to die in a mosquito increases significantly. The exceptions are babies under 1 year old, who still do not understand what's what.

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