How and how to remove the itch from mosquito bites in a child and an adult
- Fenistil from mosquito bites
- Ointments for relieving itching from mosquito bites
- Means used after insect bites
With the onset of heat nature wakes up, and with it the blood-sucking insects. One of the most annoying and unpleasant are mosquitoes. Increased activity of pests, their restless buzz and attacks are often the cause of spoiled rest in the forest.For the majority of people Mosquito bite does not represent special danger. But the appearance of intolerable itching gives almost every victim a great discomfort. How to remove the itch from mosquito bites at home, this article will tell.
Why the bite itch
The bloodsuckers of mosquitoes are exclusively female individuals. They drink blood, because they need iron and protein, which it contains. The contact of a blood-sucking insect with human skin is accompanied by mild pain. After that, for several hours, and possibly days, there is an unbearable itching. This is especially common for children and people with thin sensitive skin.
Piercing the surface of the skin, the female admits saliva containing anticoagulants into the wound. It is its composition in combination with microbes present on the insect paws that cause itching. In some people, this reaction contributes to the deterioration of blood clotting and narrowing of the capillary vessels, which causes various infections and inflammations. In most cases during the day after a mosquito bite, puffiness appears.
On a note!
Frequent manifestations and more serious consequences in the form of angioedema and anaphylactic shock.
How to soothe the itch
To get rid of the itch of a mosquito bite to an adult will help a variety of drugs. All you need is to buy an antihistamine ointment or gel in the pharmacy chain.
However, not all relieving itch drugs can be safe. Since various side effects and restrictions have hormone-based medications, because of what they are contraindicated in children.
On a note!
Recognized as safer folk remedies. In addition, they are affordable and low cost.
Remedies for mosquito bites for external use are available in the form of a gel, ointment and cream.
- The gel is distinguished by its light structure and rapid absorption into the skin. In addition, when it is applied to clothing there is no greasy residue.
- A more viscous composition, long-term absorption and the effect is characterized by an itch ointment.
- Cream has moisturizing properties. In comparison with the ointment and the gel structure of its composition occupy an intermediate position.
Fenistil gel
Known antihistamine for itching is intended for the treatment of solar and domestic burns. The active ingredient is dimeindena maleate. Possessing a quick onset of action, the gel is applied with light massage movements to the affected place no more than 4 times a day.
On a note!
The product should not be applied to large areas of skin, as well as scratches and bleeding wounds.
The composition is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children up to 1 month. The gel can have a side effect in the form of skin rashes and itching. The price of the drug in the range of 350-400 rubles.
Fenistil gel - our universal savior in the country. It helps to eliminate the effects not only of mosquito bites, it is also effective in the attacks of stinging insects. It is also convenient that the drug is suitable for both children and adults. Recommend.
Catherine, Saratov
Lifesaver ointment (balm)
Quickly remove the itch after a bite can and balsam lifeguard. It has analgesic, sedative and regenerating effects due to its natural ingredients (sea buckthorn and olive oils, milk lipids, beeswax, calendula, vitamins A and E). In this connection, the ointment can be applied to children, as well as to women during lactation and breastfeeding.Universal remedy is intended for the treatment of thermal and sunburn, dermatitis, diaper rash, acne.
On a note!
Balsam is applied to the site of the bite, capturing the entire zone of irritation. Itching and swelling begin to subside after 5 minutes from the moment of application.
Ointment Rescuer should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to the constituent components, as well as those with purulent wounds and extensive tissue damage. The cost of funds in the range of 150-180 rubles.
When planning a picnic in nature or a trip to the village, we always take the Rescue Ranger balm with us. Efficiency, safety, opportunity quickly get rid of mosquito bites and acceptable cost - the main advantages of the tool.
Olesya, Tula
Psilo balm
Another effective remedy for itching after insect bites. The basis of the antiallergic gel is diphenhydramine - a component that blocks the H1-histamine receptors. Due to this, itching, swelling and redness are reduced. The composition is applied with light massage movements to the affected area no more than 4 times a day.
With the use of the gel, allergic reactions may develop in patients who have an increased sensitivity to the components of the product. The use of the composition of pregnant and lactating women is allowed only after consulting a doctor. The price of the gel varies in the range of 250-300 rubles.
Zinc ointment
An anti-inflammatory agent like zinc ointment will help stop the itching. The composition has an antiseptic, astringent, drying and adsorbing effect due to zinc oxide, the auxiliary substance is white paraffin.
Another advantage of the tool is its low cost. To relieve pain and itching after mosquito bites, the drug is applied to adults and children no more than 3 times a day. Price ointment within 20 rubles.
It is not recommended to treat zinc ointment to people with hypersensitivity to the drug components, as well as purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin. Side effects manifest as hyperemia, pruritus and rash.
Zinc ointment is a unique thing! We use it when the child has prickly heat, and to relieve itching after a mosquito bite, and even as a wound-healing agent.Cheap and angry. Recommend.
Yana, Taganrog
It is also possible to remove the itch from a mosquito bite by applying Gistan cream, the basis of which consists mainly of natural ingredients: extracts of immortelle, birch buds, train, chamomile, lily of the valley, violet and calendula. The active ingredient of the drug is Dimethicone. The cream is applied in a thin layer at the site of a mosquito bite 1 time per day.
The composition is recommended for use by children who have reached 2 years of age. However, it cannot be used by women in position and during breastfeeding. Possible manifestation of side effects in the form of allergic contact dermatitis, prickly heat, acne. The cost of the cream is within 170 rubles.
Gistan - a very good tool that can simultaneously suppress itching, swelling and redness. As soon as I see marks and blisters on my son’s skin, I don’t even think how to smear a baby mosquito bites- Gistan is always in my first-aid kit.
Julia, Moscow
Especially popular with consumers today also contains containing essential oils. balm asterisk and baby oil Vitaon baby on a natural basis. Equally effective effect have remedies for bites for children on the basis of D-panthenol Moskitol and Gardexthat are designed for kids from 3 and 1.5 years respectively.
When choosing a method of disposal, or rather medicines for relieving itching, it is important to follow the recommendations and dosages prescribed by the manufacturer.
Recipes from the people
If a child or an adult itches from mosquito bites, in order to relieve the condition of the victim, you must use any of the following folk methods:
- Honey. Honey can reduce itching in almost every home. It is enough to smear the bite on them several times during the day and very soon there will be no sign of discomfort.
- Vinegar. Relieve itching and redness, caused by a mosquito bite, by virtue of vinegar. It is necessary to dilute it with water in equal proportions and attach a cotton pad moistened with a solution to the affected area. With a massive attack of insects will help the bathroom with the addition of vinegar (2-3 glasses). Can also be used soda solution.
- Lemon juice. You can treat mosquito bites with lemon juice,known for its antibacterial properties. It is enough to drop a drop of juice on the lesion and the itch will quickly disappear. However, it is impossible to carry out such a procedure under the open rays of the sun. Skin contact with acid can cause severe burns.
- Toothpaste. If mosquitoes have bitten, and the above means were not at hand, it is possible to remove the sensation of itching and burning through the use of toothpaste. Its mint-menthol components have a cooling effect and help stop the manifestation of puffiness.
- Basil. The bite will not itch if you use basil. It is necessary to apply the juice of the plant on the wound and very soon itching and redness will pass.
Each organism reacts to the attack of insects in its own way. Someone after mosquito bites on the skin are only red blotches, while others experience an indescribable feeling of discomfort. Therefore, knowing the characteristics of your body, you must timely handle bite spots the most appropriate means to prevent negative consequences.