How to make do-it-yourself moles repellers from plastic bottles and other materials
How to make do-it-yourself moles repellers, there are several ways. For scaring use alarm clocks, plastic bottles. The most effective do-it-yourself repeller ...
All about moles
What is an animal mole? What types of moles are found on the territory of Russia. How do they differ from each other. Whether there is a...
Mole catchers with their own hands
What are the traps for moles, the effectiveness of various species. Why Zhivolovki better mechanical means of destruction. How to make a trap yourself quickly and ...
Mole repellers - ultrasound, electronic and other types
Ultrasonic mole scarers: models, specifications and customer reviews - this review will help make a choice to protect the site from underground ...
Ultrasonic Mole Mole Scarer
A mole mole scarer installed on a garden plot or summer cottage will allow you to get rid of the invasion of earth-moving pests by humane and ecologically ...
Common Moles (European)
What ordinary moles look like, what they eat and how they breed, can a person bite, what are the differences between European moles from other species, ...
How and what to poison the moles
Poison poison for moles is the means to which desperate gardeners who have suffered from the invasion of earth-moving animals turn to save ...
Fighting moles and shrews in the garden
The fight against moles and shrews in the garden plot is carried out in different ways.Use folk remedies, professional preparations, devices, traps. The animals are afraid ...
How to scare away moles from the dacha or garden
You can drive the mole out of your own garden in several ways. Animals are afraid of loud sounds, noise, strong odors, vibrations. To fight using special ...
Mole Nets
The grid from moles is a simple device that allows you to protect the land from the invasion of small animals. Installed in a horizontal, vertical position. When ...
Looks like a mole - real photos and description
Moles are spread all over the world. All species have a similar body structure, lead a similar way of life, but there are some differences. Relate...
Mole Repeller Ecosniper LS-997MR
Ecosniper protects land from earthen inhabitants from moles. It acts due to oscillations, which extend to a depth of 10 m, in a radius ...
What moles eat at their summer cottage and in nature
What moles eat in nature and at their summer cottage interests many gardeners and gardeners. The animal lives under the ground. Refers to insectivorous ...
How to distinguish a shrew from a mole
How to determine shrew or mole wrecking on the site, you can direct, indirect evidence. Both animals belong to the same class of insectivorous ...
Application Alfos mole
Alphos Mole is a modern fumigator with fast action. The application instruction is extremely simple - to throw it in a hole, sprinkle it with soil. The action extends ...
Description and photos of newborn moles
Mole cubs are called molets. The mating season begins in April, in June youngsters appear. During the season, the female gives birth once, in ...
Description and photos of the mole mole
Mink mole is located under the ground, has a complex structure, different purpose. The animal digs the ground with its front paws with long claws, throws back its hind ...
How to get rid of moles in the summer cottage and garden
The most effective way to get rid of moles in the area for each summer resident his own. Methods of pest control are different humanity, cost and ...
Does the mole have eyes
Many people do not know whether the mole has eyes. There is a misconception that moles are blind. To dispel this myth, scientists ...
Fighting moles at the dacha folk remedies
How to deal with moles folk remedies, if you need to get a harvest. Which of the folk ways are most effective. Ways to make traps and ...
What is the difference between a mole and a mole rat?
The main difference between the mole rat and mole is their belonging to different groups of animals: insectivorous and herbivorous. But their similar external ...
How to catch a mole in the garden
The appearance of an underground pest in the garden forces the gardener to focus on how to catch a mole. There are several effective ways to catch the animal on ...
How to remove the mole from the dacha or garden
There are many methods and ways to get a mole out of the garden: some of them are ineffective, others are inhuman, but brought ...
Remedies for moles in the summer cottage and garden
Moles, like other pests of gardens and gardens, can completely destroy the crop. Therefore, you need to know what are the means of moles ...
How to deal with moles in a greenhouse
How to get rid of the mole in the greenhouse folk and chemical means. What is dangerous underground resident for greenhouse plants.



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