Fighting moles and shrews in the garden
- Fighting Moles with Smells
- Ultrasonic Pest Repellers
- Mole and Shrew Gas Tablets
- Sonic scarers do it yourself
- Poison bait against moles
How to deal with moles and shrews in a garden plot, there are many different methods. Folk remedies, chemicals, special devices are used, they attract biological enemies, they use agrotechnical methods. Moles and shrews on the summer cottage they bring more benefits than harm, but their excessive activity in the construction of labyrinths leads to damage to the root system of plants and trees.
Natural enemies
Moles, shrews belong to the order of insectivores, but they are often personified with rodents. Cats, dogs are not averse to hunt for small animals, with the only difference that moles and shrews they don't eat. Animals have special odorous glands, which begin to intensively produce odor in case of danger. This smell and discourages the entire appetite. However, this does not prevent cats, dogs from catching animals or scaring them with their appearance.
In most cases bring moles and shrews cats and dogs help voluntarily. The animals themselves find burrows of moles, waiting for the animals. A person can only not interfere with this process.
I have moles on the site appear periodically, but they do not cause me much harm. No problem coping with them cat. Carries animals to me like a trophy. After a while, all remaining animals flee the site.
Irina, Moscow
This category includes professional chemicals, folk remedies, substances with a strong odor.
Folk remedies
The fight against moles and shrews in the garden plot is conducted with the help of smells. The animals have a keen sense of smell, they smell very well. Persistent aromas make the animals' stay at the site uncomfortable, make them run to more favorable places.
- You can get rid of moles and shrews with castor oil. Mix 200 ml of oil with 2 tbsp. Spoons, add 4 liters of cold water. Means process a site after watering or a rain. Unpleasant smell persists for several days to get rid of the animals, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.
- The cloths are soaked with kerosene, mothballs, gasoline, laid out all over the land plot, stuffed into holes, loosening the molehill. The method is effective, but not everyone likes the specific smell on the site.
- It is recommended to plant around the perimeter of the plot, between the beds of calendula, marigolds, peppermint, daffodil, hazel grouse. Underground moles and shrews do not like the smell of onions, garlic, tobacco.Butts are scattered around the site, ashes, or the paths are crushed with tobacco powder.
Scaring folk remedies combined with other means of fighting moles, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the chosen method.
If it is decided to fight odors, you can use castor oil. The tool helps more than others. It is also recommended to irrigate the area plentifully, the animals do not like high humidity. Gasoline, kerosene also work, but not everyone likes their specific aroma on the site.
Elena, Tver
Ultrasonic Repeller
Experts say that moles and shrews feel vibrations and vibrations of the soil very well. Manufacturers have released a number mole scarerwhich create mechanical vibrations, act on the nervous system of animals. With constant exposure to vibrations, the animals flee.
Modern devices create a different frequency of vibration, which eliminates the addiction of pests. Work devices from batteries. Buried at a certain depth in the soil are included. The effect can be noticed in 10-14 days.Means from moles and shrews are intended to expel pests from the site, prevent their occurrence. It is advisable to use the entire warm season.
The radius of action of ultrasonic repellers in open areas on average 10 acres. Warranty period of service 1 year. The price depends on the power of the device - from 1 thousand rubles. up to 50 thousand rubles. Effective means Typhoon, Eco Sniper, Sonic, Saniko, Antikrot Maxi.
I bought a repeller is not the cheapest. Krotov drove away, cleared the territory, but failed in a month. An effective tool, but needs some work, it lasts only for a short time, but it is expensive.
Maxim, Voronezh
Gas pills from moles and shrews - modern means of dealing with high efficiency. The main advantage of the method is that animals do not die, but they flee from an unpleasant smell.
Tablets are thrown into the hole, covered with earth. Under the influence of moisture, they begin to emit a caustic gas. The range is 4 m in depth, up to 5 square meters. m wide. In large areas, it is recommended to use several tablets. In the packaging an average of 30 pieces.Rubber gloves should be worn when working with the product.
On a note!
You can see the result in a few days. The chemical is neutralized after a few days. One of the drawbacks - does not provide protection in the future. These means of struggle are considered to be the most effective, they allow without special efforts to clean the area from moles, shrews.
Products are in special demand:
- Alfos Mole;
- Stop Mole;
- Green House Antikrot.
There are commercially available and biological preparations in the form of tablets. Their active ingredients are essential oils. Granules are buried in the soil at a certain distance. It is allowed to use the drug for prevention. A prominent representative of this group of repellents is the means of Detia.
Used tablets Alfos mole. One of the most effective means. They threw the drug into the ground, sprinkled it, forgot about the existence of pests. I am glad of the fact that it does not kill animals, but simply drives them away. A week later, a single new bumps.
Natalia, St. Petersburg
Sonic scarers
Do-it-yourself protection works no less effectively than professional devices.Moles, shrews do not tolerate noise, loud sounds. Gardeners and gardeners independently make repellent designsthat make the animals run out of the lot.
- Empty glass bottles are poured into the ground with the neck up. The wind, getting into the bottle, creates hum, vibrations, which scare away the pests.
- Near the molehills, the holes are inserted into metal rods, they are put on tin beer cans. Pre-cut into their upper part, compressed in the form of a bell. Under the influence of the wind creates a jingle that interferes with the normal functioning of animals.
- Similarly, plastic bottles are worn on a plastic pipe. Cut out the bottoms in the bottles, cut out the petals, wrap up, put on the pipe. According to reviews, one of the most effective methods, but on the site you need to place a large number of such devices.
- Reeds at the slightest breeze of the wind rustle heavily, they are inserted into the mole, all over the land.
The scare method is suitable for pest control, prevent their occurrence. A positive result can be determined by the absence of new molehills in the garden.
He put tin cans on poles on the site. The ringing is terrible, not only moles and shrews, but also neighboring cats have left the garden. The more such structures on the site, the faster will work. One of the most effective ways to fight.
Ilya, Perm
If you can not scare away, proceed to catching animals with special traps. The animal that is taken out is taken out of the territory of the plot, released. In nature, moles and shrews are useful creatures. The animals destroy the bear, Cockchafer, many harmful insects and their larvae.
One of the easiest options is to use three-liter cans. Moles, shrews dig passages at a distance of 5-50 cm from the surface. When labyrinths are discovered, a jar is instilled. Over cover with a plate, plywood, any means at hand. The animal moves along the usual trajectory, falls into the bank.
Animals are caught in the jar, but not very often. You can catch it, but it will take some time. Most importantly, put the bank correctly, moles, shrews, bumping into foreign objects, bypass them.
Alexander, Moscow
Poison bait
Poison from moles and shrews are used in case other methods of control do not give proper results. The tool is made in the form of granules, tablets, gel, paste, briquettes. Buried in the ground throughout the site, thrown into a hole. Acts poison very quickly. Attracts animals with a smell.
Caught in the stomach, disrupts the nervous system, provokes muscle paralysis, death. Or it causes internal bleeding, suffocation. Death comes in a few hours. Neutralized the effect of poison, remaining in the ground for a month.
I am not a supporter of cruelty to animals, but I had no choice. I have already tried everything, the bumps on the site only became more. Young trees began to dry out. Poison acts very quickly. During the week almost everyone died.
Sergey, Voronezh
Barrier method
On sale there is a special grid from moles, shrews with different size of cells. In the garden, it is advisable to use around the perimeter as protection. Dig a trench in a width of 30 cm, a depth of at least 80. Metal mesh from pests put in a trench, sprinkled with earth, rammed. A peculiar fence with a height of 30 cm is formed above the soil surface.
Quality products are made of plastic, which does not lend itself to erosion, rotting, does not lose strength. Protection up to 25 years. This method should be used on lawns. In this case, the grid is also placed all over the plot at a depth of 20 cm, sprinkled with earth on top.
If you need to protect the lawn - one of the best methods. He laid on the plot, forgot about the existence of pests for many years. Only it is necessary to put the grid in a horizontal and vertical position. If the lawn is large, you will need equipment. It is necessary to dig trenches and remove the top layer of soil.
Igor, St. Petersburg
Before you start fighting moles, shrews, you need to evaluate the benefits and harm. In most cases, the animals destroy harmful insects, increase soil fertility. If it is decided to fight, one should give preference to methods of repelling, barrier method.