How to deal with moles in a greenhouse

The mole is one of the most famous underground inhabitants, whose presence in the suburban area gives a lot of trouble to its owner. Constructing underground passages in the ground next to young saplings, the animal often damages their root system. From what plants subsequently die. In addition, during the construction of labyrinths, an underground resident leaves behind furrows and large heaps of earth, which spoil the appearance of the site. And the destruction of earthworms, which are the favorite delicacy of the animal, helps to reduce the level of soil fertility. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of the mole in the greenhouse, remains today one of the most pressing.

Harm caused

Many gardeners, having discovered on their site dug up clods of land, indicating the presence of an underground resident, are lost and do not know what to do in such situations. However, in addition to harm to young cultures animal mole it also brings some benefits by eating such harmful insects as the moth, the clicker beetle and the cockchafer. But nevertheless, if we weigh all the pros and cons, then in relation to greenhouse crops the mole represents a serious threat. You can fight against moles in a greenhouse:

  • mechanically;
  • using chemical agents;
  • by ultrasound;
  • folk remedies.

Mechanical method

Moles in the greenhouse
Moles in the greenhouse

The mechanical method involves using ready-made homemade traps and various self-made scarers and turntables:

  • Spinning propellers. It is necessary that they were equipped with a motor with batteries. Such devices are attached to a pole dug into the ground. Oscillations resulting from the work of the propeller will be transmitted along a pole into the soil, which will alert the “uninvited guest” and force him to leave the greenhouse.
  • Replacing the spinning propellers can be conventional radio, to which should lead the electric wire. When the device is turned on, the vibration signals are transmitted to the soil, which will force the animals to go in search of a new habitat.
  • Ventilation. In the presence of favorable climatic conditions it is necessary to regularly open the doors of the greenhouse.
  • To bring moles from the greenhouse will help and special traps that can be purchased at gardening stores. It is enough to install such devices on both sides of the underground entrance of the burrow. Thus, no matter in what direction the animal moves, it cannot avoid traps.
  • As a homemade trap can serve as a conventional three-liter glass jar. It is placed in a hole dug in the ground, covered with paper and covered with earth. The failed animal will not be able to get back.

On a note!

At capture the mole it should not be released immediately outside the territory of its plot, since there is a high probability of the animal returning to its previous habitat. Therefore, it is preferable to carry the underground resident closer to the forest belt.

Folk remedies

It is easy to get rid of moles in the greenhouse folk remedies.

Vegetable repellents

Mole Plant Repellent
Mole Plant Repellent

It is enough to plant around the greenhouse, and if possible inside it, onion, garlic, daffodils, beans, lentils or peas and moles will bypass this area. Similar properties has a bird cherry, tansy and elderberry. The animal leaves the territory of the greenhouse, if you dig in fresh branches of the plant in the hole. Gooseberry has similar repellent properties. Crushed branches of the plant are buried in mole holes.

On a note!

Use of plant repellents should be repeatedly, because over time they lose their properties.


It is possible to drive out the “uninvited guest” from the greenhouse by inserting pieces of cloth soaked in tar in the entrances of the hole. And in order to keep the sharp specific smell of the product longer, it is necessary to sprinkle them on top of it with earth.


If the above methods of fighting moles do not give proper results, some gardeners are in a hurry to resort to help toxic chemicals against moles. However, we should not forget that it is important not only to catch the enemy of greenhouse crops, but also not to harm the seedlings. Therefore, before applying the toxic composition, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and when applying it, it is necessary to follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Still, it is preferable to use safe formulations for plants and, accordingly, for human health.

Antikrot drug for pest control
Antikrot drug for pest control

An example of an effective and safe facilities, which repels moles, is the drug Anti-Mole. It is a natural environmentally friendly additive, which is based on vegetable oils mixed with natural mineral diatomite.When the composition comes into contact with the soil, the soil is saturated with plant-based aromas that are unattractive to the animal. From what the animal is forced to bypass such sites side. In addition, the natural composition of the Anti-Mole agent contributes to the growth and development of plants.

Apply Antikrot simple enough. It is necessary to scatter the powder in the places where traces of life activity of the underground person were found, paying special attention to the holes in the hole. The composition is applied at the rate of 1 scoop per 1 square. m. square. After that, the treated surface is carefully watered.

On a note!

It is important to periodically monitor the situation. When new holes are found, their holes are necessarily filled by the Anti-Mole. The fight with the drug must be continued until the animals leave the greenhouse.

Ultrasonic Repeller

Another safe way to combat moles is to use ultrasonic repeller. It is enough to install a special device in the greenhouse with a similar name Anti-Grot, which creates ultrasonic vibrations that are invisible to humans. On animals, this vibration acts in a certain radius, and therefore,must take into account the area of ​​the greenhouse or greenhouse.

What should not be done in the fight against the mole


On the Internet, you can find a lot of ways to exile and destroy these visually impaired underground animals. However, not all of them are effective.

  • According to reviews of experienced gardeners, the manual destruction of the animal will not lead to the desired result. Starting with the fact that this method is not quite humane, and ending with the fact that this type of hunting will require a lot of time.
  • Not the best way to use gasoline or other flammable liquid, the specific smell of which for a long time will be present in the greenhouse. And the animal will not go far, but only dig a new loophole.
  • It is useless in a situation when the mole holes are found in the greenhouse, to attract a dog or a cat to catch him. It should be borne in mind that the underground resident lives in layers of soil not in a single quantity.
  • You should also not arrange a flood, trying to fill the burrows of the animal with water. This procedure will only make the soil too wet.

Preventive actions

Prevent the appearance of a mole in the greenhouse will help use special metal mesh or geotextiles.For laying protective material remove the half-meter layer of soil around the perimeter of the greenhouse. A layer of sand and rubble is laid on the compacted bottom, after which a geogrid is laid out. From above put another layer of rubble and sand, after which everything is covered with the removed primer.

In order not to start a mole in a greenhouse, you can follow this advice. Around the greenhouse construction is necessary to dig a ditch, which is then filled with bitumen, rubble or broken glass. Such materials will prevent the penetration of underground residents into the greenhouse.


From the heaps of land formed in the greenhouse, it became clear that a mole had wound up. Neighbor advised to use tar. Sponge foam cut into small pieces, which moistened with a specific composition. Then in each hole placed 1-2 blanks. The animals left within a few days. And safe, and very effective. Recommend.

Raisa, Chertkov

Especially for the moles to leave the greenhouse, acquired an ultrasonic repeller Eco Sniper. The result of the device was very pleased. The animals disappeared quickly enough.

Svetlana, Odessa

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