Mole products
How to make do-it-yourself moles repellers from plastic bottles and other materials
How to make do-it-yourself moles repellers, there are several ways. For scaring use alarm clocks, plastic bottles. The most effective do-it-yourself repeller ...
Mole catchers with their own hands
What are the traps for moles, the effectiveness of various species. Why Zhivolovki better mechanical means of destruction. How to make a trap yourself quickly and ...
Mole repellers - ultrasound, electronic and other types
Ultrasonic mole scarers: models, specifications and customer reviews - this review will help make a choice to protect the site from underground ...
Ultrasonic Mole Mole Scarer
A mole mole scarer installed on a garden plot or summer cottage will allow you to get rid of the invasion of earth-moving pests by humane and ecologically ...
How and what to poison the moles
Poison poison for moles is the means to which desperate gardeners who have suffered from the invasion of earth-moving animals turn to save ...
Mole Nets
The grid from moles is a simple device that allows you to protect the land from the invasion of small animals. Installed in a horizontal, vertical position. When ...
Mole Repeller Ecosniper LS-997MR
Ecosniper protects land from earthen inhabitants from moles. It acts due to oscillations, which extend to a depth of 10 m, in a radius ...
Application Alfos mole
Alphos Mole is a modern fumigator with fast action. The application instruction is extremely simple - to throw it in a hole, sprinkle it with soil. The action extends ...
Remedies for moles in the summer cottage and garden
Moles, like other pests of gardens and gardens, can completely destroy the crop. Therefore, you need to know what are the means of moles ...

Mole products

Remedies for moles.

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