Ultrasonic Mole Mole Scarer

Moles They bring a lot of trouble to gardeners and gardeners: they damage planted seedlings, gnaw the roots of bushes and trees, pile up all over the territory of a pile of dug earth.Modern moles repeller solar-powered - a device that does not need to be connected to the grid. It is enough to install it in the ground, and it will be the salvation and protection of landings from earth-moving animals.

Task scarers

The main task of an ultrasonic mole scarer is solar-powered expel earthmoving pests from the territory of the garden or garden plot and prevent their further occurrence. Previously, the fight against them was the use of poisons, traps and traps from molesThat had a short success and low efficiency.

But when it became known that shrews, moles and mole rats Absolutely not tolerate sound vibrations propagating through the air or underground, managed to create an effective weapon for scaring underground rodents. High- or low-frequency sounds are harmless to humans, birds, and other animals, but moles perceive them as a signal of danger, having heard that, they instinctively try to go a safe distance away from the sound source.

However, over time, pests can adapt to such sounds in a specific range, therefore modern scarers designed so that the working frequency changes cyclically or periodically, and the animals do not get used to it. Many find them more effective than common self-made scarers.


Underground animals have good hearing and are very sensitive to soil vibration, therefore, infra-frequency vibrations affect their nervous system irritatingly. The use of sound scare techniques is the most environmentally friendly and humane in relation to moles, mole rats and shrews.

Operating principle

Mole repeller consists of 2 parts:

  • case in the form of a cap with solar panels for power - located on top;
  • a pointed hollow core in which a sound emitter is installed.
Solar Repeller
Solar Repeller

After installation of the repeller in the soil to a depth equal to half the length of the roots of plants, and its inclusion, the sound vibrations of a certain frequency propagate. The radius of action is determined by the power of the radiator and the presence of mechanical obstacles in the path of ultrasonic waves.Animals caught in the zone of the device, hear signals in the form of negative sensations that cause them to panic and the desire to leave the dangerous territory.

On a note!

Installation of repellers is recommended in those areas of the garden plot, where the presence of earth-moving pests is determined by piles of land, then the effectiveness of repelling will be higher.


The main advantage of the solar battery repellents is their autonomy and mobility, i.e. the device can be installed anywhere in the area and transferred if necessary. On sunny days, the battery is automatically charged through the built-in panel at the top of the cap. However, when the weather is cloudy for several days, the charge level may decrease, in this case there is a charger or a set of batteries in the kit of the repeller, which will help to maintain the necessary specifications for normal operation.

Sound impulses are usually generated arbitrarily and efficiently over a certain area of ​​a plot, therefore, it is recommended to install several repellers at a time with a distance of 25-30 meters.

Such devices have a moisture-proof housing made of aluminum or plastic, which protects from rain. However, it should not be installed in too wet or frozen soil, so before the start of frost the device must be removed and cleaned, then stored until the next warm season.

Scarer Manufacturers Against underground animals promise complete getting rid of moles on the plot for 3-6 weeks, the duration of this period depends on the temperature and humidity of the soil, the individual sensitivity of animals to sounds and noises.

On a note!

When introducing it into the ground, it is impossible to use heavy and hard tools (hammer, etc.) in order not to damage the batteries and the instrument case. After installation, it is better to tamp the soil, to remove air voids.

Scarer Models and Their Efficiency

Ultrasonic Mole Mole Scarer
Ultrasonic Mole Mole Scarer

Consider the most popular models, their technical characteristics, efficiency, prices and reviews of mole scavengers on solar batteries.

Tornado 03 B.03

Repeller produced in Russia, produces sound vibrations at a frequency of 400 Hz with a pause of 45-60 seconds.When the sun is charging the battery takes place all day, at night - it works with 4 finger batteries. Dimensions: 155x155x425 mm.

Impact range is calculated on 1000 sq. M. m, ie, a plot of 10 acres in the absence of obstacles (wells, the foundations of buildings, stones, etc.).

The price is 2600 rubles.


I bought a Tornado repeller at the store, but its area of ​​operation turned out to be much smaller than what was indicated in the instructions. Therefore, in order to protect the entire territory of the site, 3 more units had to be purchased.

Sergey, Kostroma


OUSE-repeller Belgian company, radius of 300 square meters. m, which effectively scares snakes, moles and mice. Operating mode: 2 sec. signal goes, then 40 s. pause. Without additional recharging, the device works for 5 days.

The cost of 3200 rubles.

SITITEK Thunder-Profi LED +

The Hong Kong model of the repeller is solar powered and has certificates of quality of Russian and European standards.


  • frequency of signals: 400-1000 Hz with an interval of 30 seconds;
  • the battery capacity is 800 mA / h, which ensures operation even in cloudy weather for 3 days;
  • a large area of ​​action - 600-70 square meters. m allows you to use 1 device in the country with 6 acres;
  • generates signals with non-repeating sequence, which reduces the likelihood of molesting getting used to;
  • the case is sealed and not affected by rain and snow;
  • can be used as a night lamp.

The price is about 3000 rubles.


Thunder bought Cityk on the advice of a neighbor who, with his help, broke up moles in his plot. However, the positive effect was seen only a month after the purchase. Apparently, my moles have “iron” nerves.

Oleg, Moscow

Skat 49

Solar Mole Mole Repeller
Solar Mole Mole Repeller

Repeller Russian production. The device allows you to change the frequency of ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 400-1000 Hz in the "floating mode" with pauses of 15-60 seconds. During the day, the device charges the battery from the sun's rays, at nightfall, the backlight automatically turns on, which allows using it as a night light. Battery life - 48 hours

The device is installed at a depth of 20 cm near the mole passages. The area of ​​effective action is 800 square meters. m, battery size 89h61 mm. It is recommended to install several repellers at a distance of 20-30 m throughout the site.

Price 1290 rubles.


The repeller generates sound waves at a frequency of 200-900 Hz, to which earth-moving pests react as if to danger signals. The signal changes randomly, so as not to cause addiction in animals.

Area of ​​coverage: 650 square meters. m, the capacity of solar batteries is 45 mA, there is a battery in the complex, you can buy such a device for 900 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of solar-powered scarers

The advantages of such devices:

  • autonomy of operation: charging the battery from sunlight ensures continuous operation for 2-3 days even in cloudy weather;
  • a large area of ​​deterring effects on moles;
  • signals are generated with non-repeating sequence, which reduces the likelihood of habituation in moles and other earth-moving animals;
  • dust and moisture-proof housing allows it to be used for any negative environmental influences (rain, snow);
  • possibility of use as a night lamp;
  • Some models have 2 power sources: from the solar panel and replaceable batteries.

The disadvantage of the repeller is that the moles usually do not immediately leave the territory, but only after 3-6 weeks.Also, the result of the device is not always positive, because it depends on the individual characteristics of animals, their adaptation to loud sounds, as well as the condition of the ground.

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