How to get rid of rodents in a private house

Rodents are carriers of dangerous infections and diseases, so the question of how to get rid of rats and mice becomes relevant as soon as the owners suspect their presence in their home. There are many methods of rodent control, each of which has its own characteristics.

What is the danger of settlement of rodents in homes

Rats and mice often settle in houses with the arrival of cold weather, they choose sheds, chicken coops, basements, and, gnawing through the cracks, penetrate living quarters where they can harm people and things:

  • mouse and rats carry over 70 types of infections, as well as insects, bloodsuckers (ticks and fleas);
  • spoil baseboards, furniture, wiring in the house, which can cause a short circuit and the likelihood of a fire;
  • dig holes in the basement and under the house, thereby damaging its foundation;
  • rodents in the cellar destroy food and food supplies.

Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the rats in a private house as quickly as possible, until they have done much harm.

Rodent Disposal Techniques

There are several ways to fight rats and mice:

  • mechanical: Mice cats, traps, mousetraps;
  • the use of chemicals;
  • installation of ultrasonic devices;
  • call the service of extermination of rodents (rodent control).
Rodent control
Rodent control

Mechanical methods

The most effective and environmentally friendly method to help get rid of rodents, especially in a private house, is to have a cat that will successfully catch and catch mice and rats.Rodents are even afraid of the smell of the cat itself and can leave to avoid it.

The next common method is making homemade or purchased traps, mousetrap cells. Mousetrap Installation effective along the walls in those places where traces of rodents are found: eaten foods or things, mice or rat droppings.

On a note!

Ready-made mousetraps are quite effective for killing mice, but rats are too intelligent animals, so often after the death of one individual, the next one to the rat-trap may not reach.

Homemade traps to help rodents get out of the house:

  1. Used flower pot (made of clay or thick plastic). Inside it is placed a sharpened wooden support with strung bait. The pot is placed upside down, and when the rodent tries to climb for food, the support falls and the pot covers it.
  2. A 3-liter jar is taken, it is necessary to pour a small amount of a mixture of vegetable oil and water into it. The can is placed in an inclined position so that when the animal climbs inward, it becomes vertical. The mouse because of the slip on the oil will not be able to get out.

Such traps will help get rid of rodents in a private house, garage, cellar or in the country. Bait for mice and it is better to change the rats periodically so that the fresh smell of food is present. After rodent catch, the device should be washed and re-installed.

Ultrasonic Repeller

Rodent Repellers
Rodent Repellers

Act ultrasonic devices It is aimed at scaring off rodents, which is successfully used to fight rats and mice in homes, basements, and attic rooms. The device spreads microwaves that human hearing does not catch, but animals can hear it, which helps to bring them to the area of ​​operation of the device. Ultrasonic scarers have their own characteristics of work:

  • can work from the power supply network or on replaceable batteries;
  • wide range of models (Clean house, Pest Redget, Electric boat) allows you to select the desired area of ​​impact;
  • the presence of pets that also sense sound waves should be taken into account;
  • obstacles to the emitted ultrasonic waves can serve as walls, the ceiling and large metal objects; when hit, the signal is reflected;
  • sound waves act on the nervous system: the mice react immediately and leave, but the rats leave the territory in 1.5-2 weeks;
  • rats can migrate for a while to their neighbors, and then return again.

Folk remedies

Funds from rats and mice
Funds from rats and mice

You can repulse rodents and various folk remedies: with the help of smells and poisonous baits. Rats and mice do not like the smell of some herbs, so hanging beams in a room or in a cellar will scare them away. To such herbs from mice and rats include: mint, tansy, wild rosemary, herb-rat or black root, chamomile, wormwood, etc.

On a note!

Making poisonous baits is an effective method by which you can get rid of rodents.

The poison from rats at home is made of various substances:

  • Mix quicklime with sugar and lay in the habitat of mice. When eating it, a reaction occurs with the gastric juice, which causes the death of the animal.
  • Combine building plaster and oatmeal or flour in a 1: 1 ratio with the addition of 20 cap. vegetable oil. The resulting mixture balls out with drinking water, after drinking which plaster hardens in the stomach, causing the death of the pest.
  • Formalin or kerosene, which is treated at the corners, helps rodents from the rodents in the cellar and non-residential premises, because of the persistent and unpleasant smell, rodents leave this place.
  • A mixture of broken glass and a sharply smelling soap after it enters the stomach provokes injury and death of the rodent.
  • The use of sulfur checkers, which make the fumigation of the room - an effective way to help get rid of rats in the garage, pantry or cellar. Before the procedure you should close all the cracks and vents for the preservation of the smell. Then set fire to the saber and leave it to smolder indoors (1 h). The duration of the sulfur is 1-1.5 days, after which the treated area must be aired for 2 days. The tool helps to fight not only with mice and rats, but also with mold, insect pests.
  • Processing of the basement with crushed ash, which is sprinkled on all the floors in the calculation of 1 bucket on an area of ​​5-10 sq.m. Alkali in the composition of the ash, sticking to the paws, eats them, then after licking, it irritates the stomach, causing the rats and mice to leave the territory.

For fighting rats in a private house When preparing rat baits, some rules should be considered:

  • rodents have a high sensitivity to human smell, so all the ingredients should be taken with a spoon from the tree, not taking anything by hand;
  • Initially, rodents can be lured with ordinary food, and in a couple of days we can put the mixture with poison for rats and mice;
  • The ideal mouse bait is cereal and sunflower oil, but the rats eat everything.


Chemistry from rats
Chemistry from rats

Chemicals from rats and mice are highly effective in the destruction of these pests. Such drugs are of several types, depending on the effects on the body of mice and rats:

  • intestinal, acting when released into the stomach and intestines: arsenic;
  • contact, affecting the respiratory system by causing a burn;
  • fumigants are toxic poisons that enter the body through breathing.


When using chemicals in the house or apartment where pets live, care must be taken.

Popular chemicals that help remove mice and rats from the house:

  • Zoocoumarin is a gray-white powder, causing, after several of its methods, the death of a rodent within 1-2 weeks. For one rat, the lethal dose is 1 mg.It should be borne in mind that the product has a smell that rats will not like, therefore it is better to mix it with a bait. Zoocoumarin will help poison only the first generation of rodents, the following is already producing immunity to it, so the drug in the future will have to be changed.
  • Ratindan is a crystalline powder that acts effectively after being consumed by a rodent for several days. Its advantage is high safety for humans and pets.
  • Ratsid - a drug that helps remove rats from a private house by treating them burrows and cooking food baits. The brown powder is not dangerous for people and pets, but rats are able to develop resistance to it over time.
  • Preparations Cyclone-D, Cyclone-B contain prussic acid, poisonous to humans and animals, so they can only be used in non-residential premises: warehouses and industrial facilities. When applying them, wear a gas mask and protective clothing.
  • Albichtol - the liquid formed during the processing of shale, is applied to the sheaths of electrical cables and wires to protect against rodents, shale oil itself is also used in the same way;
  • Fluoroacetamide is a toxic powder, poisonous to people and animals, can be dissolved in water, used to make baits with the addition of fragrant products (to kill the specific smell).

Calling Special Services

If no methods against rats and mice help, then you can call a special service that professionally deals with these issues. Specialized services exist in many cities: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc. Sometimes this is the simplest option, since he does not require the presence, participation of the host.

Benefits call special services to destroy rats and mice:

  • guarantee of a good result with the help of a formal contract;
  • in addition to the destruction of rodents, prophylactic treatment of the room is done, which will repel pests for a long time;
  • firms engaged in the professional extermination of rodents, give a certain warranty period;
  • There are many sanitary services that will allow you to choose the most suitable in quality and price.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of the service compared to the purchase of chemicals and other means.

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