How to get rid of rats under the hood of a car

Mice drag grass, straw, garbage into the car, spoil the upholstery of leather seats, leave the excrement. From rats much more harm. Rodents gnaw through wires, hoses, disable electronics. Mice in the car prefer to dwell in the cabin, large rodents make their way under the hood of the car. If there are rats in the car, you need to take it seriously.

Attractive car

Rodents are distinguished by their special agility, ingenuity, and resourcefulness. They penetrate into hard-to-reach places through a small, narrow slot. They are able to climb not only into the interior of the car, but also under the hood.

The vehicle becomes seductive for them in the cold season. The animal is shaking from the cold, does not know where to put it. A car with a warm engine appears. A rodent sneaks into a comfortable place, as soon as a person disappears from the horizon.

Rodent attracts heat. Initially, the rat is heated under the car. As the engine cools, it makes its way under the hood. With a can bring the remnants of food, which she managed to get, rags, twigs to build a nest.

In a relaxed atmosphere, the pest begins to look around, pay attention to the surrounding materials. Rats gnaw the wires in the car, rubber hoses, everything that falls in the teeth. They are trying to bite everything.


The danger from rats is serious. Damaged electronics, damaged interior - just a little. Animals gnaw the wires in the car indiscriminately. As a result, the car either does not start or does not stop. Damaged brakes endanger the life of the driver, pedestrians.

Places where pests are found

Rats in the car
Rats in the car

Rats live in places where they can get free access to food. In the cold season, there is an abundance of rodents in warehouses, storage rooms, barns, old entrances, near garbage cans. Leaving the car in close proximity to such places, you can stumble upon a serious threat with the penetration of pests under the hood.

Rodents with the onset of cold weather are moving closer to human lands. Inhabited in barns, agricultural outbuildings, non-residential premises, residential buildings, garages. In this case, to expel the rat is quite difficult. We'll have to break the head over effective methods, effective means.

On a note!

Do not leave the vehicle in the parking lot, if there are garbage cans in the immediate vicinity. Pests there are a huge amount. No remedy will work. The rodent will climb for the night at any opportunity. To protect the car from rats will help distance from dangerous places.

If a rat starts up in the car, and the owner of the vehicle cannot change the parking place, it is necessary to take active steps.Protect the car can be professional preparations, folk remedies.

Effective ways to fight rats under the hood

Against rats in the car produce special drugs. Especially popular are rat sprays for carsuch as Liqui Moly Marder-Schutz-Spray spray. Need to handle all the details under the hood. Forms a persistent, strong odor that deters rodents. In this way, it will be possible to prevent the appearance of pests, to bring out a rat that has managed to settle.

On a note!

Means against rats Liqui Moly Marder-Schutz-Spray has a special composition. It is safe for passengers, does not cause fire. Such rodent repeller for car You can buy in Moscow in specialized stores. Conventional sprays, aerosols with a pungent odor can not be used under the hood, in the cabin can not.

Reliable remedy for rats in the car - poison. In this case, use fast-acting drugs. Get rid of rats under the hood of a car with rat poison possible for 1 night. It is recommended to use poisons in the pressed form - tablets, briquettes. Powders can be used only when placing a poisonous bait in the garage, under the machine.


Before starting the transport is recommended to look under the hood.Rats under the engine cover will not have time to escape when it is turned on. The rodent will die, after some time, an unpleasant smell will start to appear in the cabin, the remnants of the decomposed body will have to be chosen under the hood.

Effective tools in the garage

Getting rid of rats
Getting rid of rats

Indoors, you can use any poison for rats, effective traps, traps. It is recommended not to immediately take the animal when it enters the trap. The rodent will make terrible sounds that will scare the others away from the garage for a long time. Using traps for rats - The method is inhumane, but effective. Pests stop gnawing wires.

Universal ultrasonic scarers are on sale. For rodents you need to buy powerful devices, avoiding Chinese advertised trinkets. Preference should be given to devices that run on batteries. In this case, they can be placed in any side of the garage, even under the hood of the car. Via ultrasonic rat repeller You can protect the car for the entire period of cold weather.

On a note!

Devices are well proven in the fight against mosquitoes, are widespread.There are disagreements about the effectiveness of rats among users.

If the rats gnaw the wires in the car, an effective event is a combination of several ways. At the same time use rat poison, traps, traps, repeller. You can use people's tips:

  • Pest glass is able to drive away the pest. Along the perimeter of the garage to place it in a dense layer. The tool is deadly to rodents. Small glasses wound the skin of the paws, penetrate the stomach when trying to get rid of them. Cause internal bleeding.
  • Wood ash has a similar effect. The substance irritates the skin, in contact with the stomach disrupts the digestive tract. The rat does not die, but is looking for a new habitat.
  • You can save the car flour with gypsum. Mix in equal ratio. Place in a shallow container. When eating the bait, the gypsum inside hardens, with it all the insides. To accelerate the effect near the bait leave a container with water. The rat will eat, drink some water, will die within 1 hour.

Reliable protection of a car from rodents - a cat. Pest scares only one smell of felines.If the rodent hunter has an impressive size, cope with the most terrible rat.

If the rats gnaw through the wiring, you must carefully inspect everything under the hood. Do not rush to accelerate, check the action of the brakes, inspect the tracks. In order not to provoke rodents - do not leave the car near garbage cans, take food with you, do not litter in the cabin.

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