
Clay Clean House from Rodents and Insects

Clay Clean House
Glue for mice

Man struggling with rats from time immemorial. Methods and ways of extermination of rodents are constantly improved. Clay Clean house from rodents is used in homes, office buildings, premises for various purposes, in the open air.

Application Instructions

Clay A clean house from rodents and insects is an adhesive that does not solidify for a long time on contact with oxygen. Sold in a tube of 130 g. Glue for rats put on a special surface that is well fixed on the floor so that the rodent does not drag it away with him, being trapped. For these purposes, use a piece of thick cloth, cardboard, sheet of plywood.

Instructions for the use of glue is very simple. According to the description, it is necessary to apply on a previously prepared surface with a solid or dashed line.

  • There is enough space of 10 * 10 cm for catching mice. The width of the strip is 1-2 cm. The distance between them is up to 5 cm.
  • For rats you need to prepare a trap of 20 * 50 cm and more. Glue is applied in a thick layer. The width of the strip is up to 5 cm. The distance between them is 6-10 cm.
Clay Clean House
Clay Clean House


Update rat trap need 1 time in 10-14 days. Glue gradually hardens under the influence of air, temperature, efficiency decreases. Lost properties from dust, dirt.

It is recommended to place the glue trap in places where rodents like to visit. To fight mice in the apartment or in a private house This capture option is very convenient. A good result is obtained when installing a trap near the mink. It remains to wait until the rodent sticks.

It is necessary to clean animals independently.You can throw it away with a trap if there are several rodents, or remove one by one. In the latter case, the adhesive layer should be renewed.

After 10 days, you need to change the location of the trap. Since permanent rat squeak and mice scares off other kinsmen. Rodents remember where the danger lurks, bypass the dangerous place by the side.

On a note!

Use of glue on trunks of fruit-trees from wreckers is allowed. Apply a thin layer at a distance of 40 cm from the ground. Glue protects the tree all season, not giving mice bite apple bark.

Operating principle

The glue-based remedy for rodents is safe for others if used properly. Acts solely on individuals that have fallen into a trap.

A rodent, falling on the surface with glue, clings to the paws. Substance quickly captures the limbs of an animal. When trying to free themselves, the rodent gets even more dirty and sticks. As a result, the fixation is so strong that it does not allow the mouse or rat to get out.

Glue does not contain poisons, insecticides, other toxic substances. The rodent perishes the death from hunger, exhaustion.What caught the mouse, a rat in a trap, can be determined by the sound. The rodent makes a loud squeak, horrible sounds.

On a note!

To improve the efficiency of the trap, you need to place in the center bait for mice or rats. The rodent will attract the smell. Trying to get to the bait, will stick.

The composition of the drug

Universal remedy is designed to trap rodents in premises, outbuildings, in summer cottages, in a vegetable garden. The composition of the adhesive should be such as not to harm people, pets.

The adhesive consists of a polymer base, special additives.

  • polyisobutylene provides high moisture resistance, the substance is chemically inactive, easily polymerizes;
  • polybutylene has a high thermoplasticity, flame retardant, prevents spreading;
  • Cyclozan acts as a catalyst - enhances the action of a sticky substance.

To get the mouse into the trap, just touch the glue with one foot. To hold the rat, a fixation of at least 2 paws is necessary.

Glue for mice
Glue for mice

A clean house from rats and mice is an effective, convenient means, which requires minimal costs. It has a long lasting effect - up to 10 days.You can buy glue in a veterinary pharmacy, specialty store. The average price of 140 rubles. Reviews about the effectiveness, the disadvantages of the drug users leave on the forums.

Advantages and disadvantages, according to buyers

For me it is very important that the product is non-toxic. The action lasts about 10 days. Mice are caught faster than trapped. It is enough to choose a good place. It is inexpensive. Less - you have to decide the fate of rodents yourself. Either throw on the painful death in the trash, or kill on the spot. Means for flayers. My husband does this, I can't. Place a trap in the country.

Marina, Moscow

We caught rats in a non-residential area. Plywood was screwed onto the floor with screws. Fabric, cardboard for mice. Rat pulls everything along. Catch fast. Especially if there are several traps. A piece of raw meat was placed in the center. Checked traps every day. At first it was necessary to update the layer often. With the decrease in the number of rodents was enough for 10 days. The disadvantage is dying rats, not a sight for the faint of heart.

Lyudmila, Voronezh

It is difficult to apply in homes where there are small children, pets. We have to puzzle over a suitable place.Putting the couch. The mouse caught. The cat jumped behind her, stuck. I had to cut the wool.

Olga, St. Petersburg

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