DIY rat trap

Rodent control has been going on since time immemorial. People have to be creative, invent new ones. rat traps, traps, construct special structures. Ready device can be bought. But some of them are so simple that they are easy to make yourself, saving a lot of money. Others have a promising look, but are expensive.The rat trap is made with his own hands from improvised means or specially purchased materials.

Rat Trap at no cost

At the sight of a rodent, you should not immediately run to the nearest shops for poison for rats, traps, traps. It is worth trying to make a trap for a rat at home from improvised means. Photos of rats with a description are presented below.

Rodent trap with description
Rodent trap with description

Bucket. It will take an old waste bucket without holes. Pour water, not reaching the edges of 10 cm. Add salt, mix thoroughly. On top of the covered straw, husk of grain, dry leaves. The layer must be dense so that the water is not visible. In the center they put a fragrant bait. You can donate a piece of cheese, sausage. To the bucket put a plank in the form of a bridge. Rodent trap ready. The rat smells the food well. Hurry to try the treats. Rises along the bridge, falls into the water.

Bottle. To make a trap out of plastic bottles, it will take 10 minutes without spending a single penny. Fantasy man has no boundaries. Therefore, the plastic trap trap has several options.

  • To catch a rat in the house or on the street, you need a bottle with a capacity of 3 liters. The neck is cut off, the inside is plentifully lubricated with sunflower oil. At the bottom lay the bait. Install the device in an inclined position near the shelf, steps. When the rat marks the food, hasten to get to it. It will trap. It is necessary to quickly raise the container, fix in a horizontal position. The main difficulty is waiting for the moment. It is necessary to control the process in order to have time to turn the trap.
  • In the bottle with a capacity of 1.5, 2 l cut off the neck, bottom. It turns out the cylinder. Put on the axis - wand. Use a sticky bait, which should be mounted on the walls of the bottle in place of the label. Stick put on the bucket. It turns out a kind of bridge. The rat climbs into the bottle, starts pulling the bait, the wand does not stand up, the pest falls into the bucket.
  • Rat trap for the biggest rats Prepared from a bottle with a capacity of 5-10 liters. The neck is cut off, turned over, inserted inside. The plastic bottle turns into a kind of watering can. The neck is fixed with scotch tape. At the bottom put a bait with a strong aroma.Great cheese, smoked meat, sausage, crackers with bacon, chips. The rat sneaks through the neck of the food, can not get back out. It is advisable to set the trap in an inclined position. On the steps, near the shelves.
  • You can put a loop on rats. It is made of a thin cable, which is easily tightened. Suspended or fixed at floor level. The loop must "stand." The device is installed in places where rats like to run. The animal gets into the loop, the head passes, the shoulders get stuck. The rat is trying to move forward, the loop is tightened.
Bottle rat trap
Bottle rat trap

Flower pot. Use a large size container. Turn upside down. Put a plate on one side with an edge. In the center lay the bait. The rat, the mouse crawls under the pot, begins to make movements, touches the plate, is trapped. To warn the tunnel, the device is installed on plywood.

On a note!

Homemade traps with more serious designs are made with special skills, free time. Who wants to show skill, to test their abilities, traps for rats do their own hands using simple schemes. Put in the house or in the open air.

Complicated homemade rat traps

For the manufacture of structures for the capture of rodents will need plates, nails, screws, scissors, a hammer and other joinery tools. What are the traps, you can look at the market on the Internet. Build similar to their own efforts.

  1. Mechanical trap - Zurner rat trap. Initially, a box without bottom should be knocked down on one side. Separately knock down the sloping roof, in it cut through 2 windows on opposite sides. On the sides of the box is attached by means of hinges bridge. On the one hand, it touches the window, on the other - the second half of the bridge. In the center it is not fixed. In the convex part of the roof they fix the bait so that the rat can see it well, but could hardly reach it. The mousetrap for rats works as follows. The rodent smells the smell of the bait, crawls through the window, steps onto the bridge. Moving closer to the center, falls into the box, the bridge assumes its original position. In such a trap can catch several pests.
  2. Trap on metal mesh rats. You need a grid with a small cell. From it should be cut out rectangles for the manufacture of boxes of 60 * 30 * 20 cm. The walls are fixed with steel wire. The lid is made from one side on the spring.Slap it should bottom-up. Connect the end of the door with the cord, thread it into the cells on the opposite side of the cage, attach a hook for the lure at the end. To lure a rat inside, put any food with a strong smell. When you try to remove food, the cord is instantly released, the door closes.
  3. Homemade trap. You will need a springy mechanism with a frame. Fix it on a wooden plank. Frame frame, fixed with an arrow that is inserted into the loop. It works on the principle of an ordinary mousetrap, but has a large size. When an animal tries to pull off the bait, an arrow pops out of the loop, the mechanism snaps into place. The rat is injured or killed. You can make a trap for rats with a purchased mechanism or make a spring yourself from a wire, a long nail.
  4. Electro rat trap. The design is in great demand. Because you do not have to wrestle with how to kill a rodent. Making an electric trap is easy. Initially, you need to decide on the size. For large rats they prepare a box of 20 * 50 * 30 cm. Construct from a metal grid so that the bait can be seen from all sides.Door with a sliding mechanism on the type of trap Zünner. The peculiarity lies in the lower part of the structure. The size of the cells knock wooden sticks. On the opposite side of the entrance down to the wiring bars. Prepare a plate of aluminum or tin, it is placed on top of the bars. On the one hand springs are attached. A bait is suspended above the electric trap mechanism. The meaning is as follows. The rat crawls through the door, advances to the bait, steps on the springs, the tin surface is lowered onto the exposed wires, a short circuit occurs. Triggers electronic mechanism.
Rat Traps
Rat Traps

Homemade rat trap is no worse than the purchase. It remains to determine the bait, which plays an important role.

Attractive maneuver

The best bait for rats is meat. The predatory animal does not particularly lean on the grits, flour, grain. Gnaws inedible materials in a bind. Rats do not tolerate hunger. During the day they need to eat up to 50 g of food. For this reason, rodents sharpen wood, plastic, foam, concrete, bricks, cloth.

To lure a rat into a trap will require fragrant products, the smell of which is felt for a few meters.For these purposes, use:

  • cheese;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • chips;
  • sausage;
  • ham;
  • fresh bread;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • beer;
  • fat.

On a note!

Instead of products laid out ready-made poisonous bait. They contain flavoring agents that lure pests into a trap, and rat poison.

You can catch a rat in a rat trap in different ways. It remains an unresolved question of what to do with a caught animal.

Options for getting rid of rats

Rodents are caught with one goal in order to get rid of them completely. No one is going to free the animals, but not everyone is ready to kill with blood.

To get rid of the rodent, the animal is killed with a stick, a brick, a heavy object. You can use a more humane way. The rat is placed in a bottle. In another container, quench the soda with acetic acid, the mixture is placed in a jar with a rodent. From the release of carbon dioxide the animal will block the breath, it will faint, die painlessly from suffocation.

Traps, traps in rats are used in cases where it is impossible or do not want to use poison. You can buy a ready-made fixture, but it's more interesting to do it yourself.

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