Poison rat death
- Poison rat death
- Application of poison
Poison Rat death - a modern poisonous drug designed to fight rodents. Used for large-scale destruction of pests, the extermination of several dozen rodents in the private sector, apartments. The rat death drug is produced by the Italian company Dr Tezza. In other countries there are representative offices.
The composition of the drug
Poison Rat death is available in two types - Rat death 1, Rat death 2. The main difference in the current component.In the first preparation, brodifacoum is used, in the second - bromadiolone.
Brodifacoum is more toxic, a small dose is enough for the animal to get poisoned. Bromadiolone is slower, but the result is impressive.
The first drug released in blue-green tones, the second - like pieces of meat. As auxiliary components use:
- flour;
- vegetable oil;
- nutritional supplements;
- flavors.
Poisonous substance does not produce anything. Lure rats eat with great eagerness, a huge appetite. Since the remedy does not start immediately, the pests do not see anything suspicious in the treat. It remains only to add the amount poison for rats, wait for the result.
Release form
The effectiveness of a poisonous agent depends largely on the form of release. Rat death is produced as a gelatinous substance. It is given the appearance of a briquette, packed in filtered paper. Placed in a polymer film. The poison in bags is stored 3 years from the moment of production.
On a note!
A special gel base does not allow the means to lose properties, being on the floor surface for a long time.Do not affect the appearance of the drug sunlight, high temperature. The recommended period of use of the printed briquette is 2 weeks.
An effective remedy for rats can be bought at any specialty store at an affordable price. The package contains 8 briquettes with a mass of 100 g, or 16 pieces with a total weight of 200 g. Active composition funds from rats, a successful form of release, made poison in demand in the market for similar products.
Drug action
Rat death, according to customer reviews, is one of the best tools from rodents on the modern market. The secret of a positive result lies in the active components.
How does the poison: brodifacoum, bromadiolone relate to rodenticides of anticoagulant action. Getting into the liver of the animal, the substances prevent the production of vitamin K, which is necessary to ensure normal blood clotting. A large dose of anticoagulants causes internal bleeding.
Death occurs within 3 days from the time a large dose of the drug is eaten, or within a week if the drug is delivered in small doses.The active ingredients are not excreted by the urine, they accumulate in the organism of the animal. Reaching a lethal dose, bleeding begins.
On a note!
Rat death is a second-generation coagulant. Unlike its predecessors, it is not addictive in rodents, death can occur when a small dose of poison enters the body of animals. The lethal dose from Rat death 1 for mice is 0.24 g, rats - 2 g. For killing pests using Rat death 2, mice need to consume 0.6 g, rats - 6 g.
During the day, an adult rat eats 50 g of food, a mouse - 5 g. It is highly likely that a hungry animal will eat a lethal dose in 1 day rat poison.
Terms of use
Instructions for use clearly describes the requirements of the use of funds. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations. Violation of the instructions leads to negative consequences, a health problem.
- Think about where you can place the bait in the room so that it will be immediately noticed by rodents. Prepare the required number of cartons 10 * 10 cm. Instead of cartons you can use a tin lid.
- Wear rubber gloves, equip with a toothpick, tweezers.
- Remove the filtered bag of poison with tools, put it on the prepared surface. You do not need to deploy, rodents will easily cope with this task on their own. For the destruction of mice put 1 briquette, rats need 2 servings.
- The prepared mixture of poison and additives is placed near the holes of the rodents, in possible places of movement. The effective location for the destruction of mice - 2-5 m from each other. Lures for rats spread at a distance of 4-15 m.
Pests intensify their activities in the dark. In the morning you should check all the bait. In place eaten put a fresh briquette.
On a note!
The death of rats occurs somewhat later than the mice. The result will have to wait 1-2 weeks. To understand that rodents are exterminated, you can by the appearance of the bait. If the briquette remains untouched after an active devouring on the previous days, then the product has begun to act. Pests are massively dying.
The remaining poison is collected in a plastic bag. Tightly closed, buried in the ground to a depth of not less than 0.5 m.It is strongly not recommended to throw them in garbage cans, as yard dogs, cats, wild animals, and birds can detect a poisonous agent. Detected corpses of rodents should also be buried so as not to poison other animals. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to predict where a rodent will die, but get rid of the smell of a dead rat not so easy.
Safety regulations
Poison for rats does not harm humans when properly used. When working with a toxic agent, you must wear rubber gloves, do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth. After work, discard gloves, wash hands with soap and water.
Active components are not released into the air, do not affect the well-being of people, pets. Negative consequences are possible if Rat death enters the stomach. If the minimum dose of the drug accidentally gets, the liver deactivates the effect of the poison itself.
The threat to life occurs when the purposeful eating of funds. This situation is typical for young children who were left unattended by their parents. The poison from the rats is not eliminated with the kidneys, so the risk of internal bleeding occurs.
Symptoms of poisoning in humans:
- nausea;
- weakness;
- dizziness;
- loss of consciousness;
- headache;
- pale skin;
- increased or slow pulse;
- lowering blood pressure;
- nose bleed;
- blood on the gums, red color of urine, feces.
The antidote to rat death is vitamin K or Vikasol. It is administered intravenously on an outpatient basis for 15-30 days. The complexity of the situation depends on the person's age, the presence of chronic diseases, immunity, and the health of the liver and kidneys. To save a person from death can provide timely medical care.
Review Performance
There were rats in the garage, they began to quietly wilt in the house, they were noticed in the hen house. Rat traps and traps bypassed, were able to catch only one person. Bought a poisonous agent - Rat death. The result had to wait a week. Over the next 10 days, corpses of rodents were found in the yard. Get rid of pests managed.
Inna, Voronezh
To give - the best tool. Mice ran freely, even people were not afraid. Was treated with a poison. A week later they arrived, there was no movement, only the smell of a corpse appeared. They collected bodies, buried in the ground. We use periodically in the cold season.
Denis, Kiev
Comfortable release form, it smells like meat bait. The attention of rodents attracts well. Long remains in a capable state. First, rodents attack her with great appetite. After 3 days, the activity fades away. Poison begins to act. After 10 days, the briquettes are untouched, no mice are heard. Acts fast!
Maxim, Moscow
Poison from rats and mice - the most common means in the fight against rodents. Rat death allows you to quickly destroy small mice, large rats, such as pasyuki, exterminate in a short time the whole population. The only rule when using poison is exact compliance with the instructions, safety recommendations. Reviews of the tool periodically leave the buyers on the forums.