Spray rats for the car

Rodents - an actual problem of our time. They are affected not only by people living in the private sector, but also residents of large cities. For example, rats cause great damage to motorists. Most often, they penetrate into the vehicle with the arrival of cold weather: when it is outside, the temperature is below zero, and the engine that has not cooled down after the trip warms up perfectly. To a greater extent, cars that are parked near landfills are subject to animal attacks. Being under the hood of a car, rodents cause him considerable damage. You can drive pests in various ways.One of the most effective ways to fight is a spray from rodents for cars.

Spray benefits

Rats in the car
Rats in the car

Spray rats for the car is the most convenient and effective means of struggle, as it has many advantages:

  • Even the most hard-to-reach places in the car can be treated with an aerosol product.
  • Preparations in the form of tablets and granules may simply fall out while the vehicle is moving. Applications poison for rats Not suitable for vehicle use. The applied solution remains on the surface of the treated parts for a long period.
  • Dry chemical preparations affect pests only after the rat has eaten it. Until this happens, the rats will lead an active lifestyle under the hood.
  • The repellent effect lasts for a long time. It is provided by a special film that covers the treated area.
  • Affordable cost in comparison with ultrasound devices that can compete with aerosol preparations in terms of effectiveness. Ultrasonic devices, scaring mice and rats with sound signals, are much higher.

If a there are rats in the car, the use of spray against rodents protects car owners from damage to the vehicle. Especially this tool is useful for those who are accustomed to leave food and crumbs in the cabin. After all, the search for food can be the cause of the penetration of rodents into the car.

Rat Sprays
Rat Sprays

The marder-schutz-spray of moli and Presto firms are in great demand among motorists.

Liqui moly

Protective spray from rodents Marder Schutz Spray, the manufacturer of which is the German company Liqui Moly. Effective remedy for rats helps prevent damage to automotive wiring, hoses and other parts while the vehicle is parked. The repellent effect of the spray provides a persistent, strong odor that rats and mice fear. It is used for rubber and plastic parts under the hood.

Spray from rodents liqui moly is easy to apply, it is sprayed on the details of the engine compartment and the wheels. In order to prevent the treatment must be repeated every 15 days. Liquidation Moth from rats does not have a negative effect on animals and the environment.

You can buy a spray from rodents liqui moly from rodents on the Internet, as well as in specialized shops.The cost of goods is about 1,100 rubles.


Presto Rodent Spray - no less effective protection against rats. The tool is resistant to alkalis, salt solutions and acids, has waterproof properties and is harmless to humans and pets. Only rodents are afraid of its sharp smell, but it does not cause unpleasant sensations to humans. Presto Aerosol has a high degree of efficiency, even at extremely low and high temperatures. In addition, Presto is much lower than the spray Likvi Moli from rodents. Its price varies between 300-350 rubles.

Before applying the spray surface is cleaned from the dusty layer. Shaking the bottle, spray the solution in a uniform stream.

Not being able to leave your car in a separate clean garage, it is imperative to protect it from pests. Rats will not climb and gnaw the wires, if you regularly apply sprays.


Deciding to add oil, opened the hood and was just horrified - the gnawed wires and rat droppings. At the workshop, they advised to buy Liqui Moly Marder Schutz Spra. Splashed, while the pests do not bother.

Nikolay, Moscow

I always put a charged trap in the garage until I had a problem with car repairs.

Vladimir, Anapa

Not once used the products Liqui Moly, and she never let down its quality. Very rescues spray from rodents. I processed everything under the hood and you do not worry that tomorrow the car will not start.

Maxim, Volgograd

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