Can rats attack humans

In the mouse-like family, there are about 1,700 rodent species. According to statistics, on the planet of rats in 2 times more than people. Rodent control has been going on since time immemorial. Animals do not just destroy agricultural land, food stocks, but also threaten the health of people. Attacks of rats on humans end in tissue damage, infection of serious illnesses, and mental trauma.

Harm from rats for humanity

Pests live in close proximity to humans, perfectly adapt to any conditions of existence. Bypass traps rat trapsplaced by people do not eat poison. With the increase in the number of their populations begin to behave arrogantly, aggressively.

Feeding habits of rodents form the behavior of animals. Rats can not stand hunger. To suppress it, they will gnaw everything that comes their way - brick, concrete, plastics, paper, wood, rubber, wiring and other inedible materials.

Wild rats in a fit of hunger they eat up other animals, which are inferior to them in size and strength. Rats attack puppies, kittens, chickens, eat carrion, do not disdain their relatives. Able to attack large animals - cows, goats, pigs, horses.

Harm from rodents
Harm from rodents

Every year, scientists calculate the enormous damage to agriculture and gardens from the attack of rats. Rodents destroy crops, roots, seedlings, seedlings, fruit trees, fruits.


In America, tests were conducted in an attempt to calculate the pest appetites. Rodents were placed in a barn with food stocks for 2 months. The result stunned everyone.Rats ate 200 tons of sugar, 14 tons of flour, hundreds of boxes of pasta, coffee, cereals. The packaging did not go unnoticed - bags, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, plastic partitions.

Health hazard

The danger of a rat is not only damage to property, the destruction of food stocks, rodents spread more than 80 terrible diseases. Rats are found in places that are far from meeting hygienic, sanitary standards. Basements, cellars, garbage cans, abandoned buildings, tunnels. Regardless rat species they are all dangerous to humans. Daily rats carry many pathogens, bacteria, fungi.

The diet includes a variety of foods - from sugar and flour to meat of wild animals, carrion. The decaying body is replete with viruses, bacteria, parasites. All this rats drag with a person.

On a note!

Viruses do not infect animals. Being carriers of dangerous diseases, the animals themselves feel great. They transmit the infection through a rat bite with saliva, by contact, rat droppingsexhaling with air. Often intermediaries are pets.Infected themselves after contact with rodents, infect humans.

Rodent Diseases

Rat Diseases
Rat Diseases

What are dangerous rats and mice, scientists find out in the laboratory. During the research, it became known that rodents transmit many dangerous diseases:

  • plague;
  • encephalitis;
  • Sodoku;
  • streptobacillus;
  • rabies;
  • typhus;
  • fever;
  • cryptosporidiosis;
  • giardiasis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • tularemia;
  • listeriosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • parasitic diseases, fungal, viral.

Rodent excrement provoke asthma attacks, the development of an allergic reaction, exacerbation of atopic dermatitis.

Probability of attacking people

Can a rat attack a man - an urgent question. Every year around the world are recorded hundreds of cases where rodents attacked people, left bites.

The danger of being bitten increases in areas where the number of rodents exceeds acceptable limits. An increase in the population provokes malnutrition, hunger. This is the main cause of aggressive behavior of rodents. Rats can attack large mammals, birds, and humans in a hopeless situation:

  • if a rodent is cornered, you need to protect your life;
  • aggressive behavior is associated with an intolerable feeling of hunger;
  • the animal has rabies.

Before jumping on the person, the animal takes a characteristic pose. It rises on its hind legs, a grin appears on its face. Attacks by jumping. It can bite by the legs, arms, small children are enough for the neck. A rat throws at a person with extreme cruelty. Extremely dangerous situation when it is necessary to defend oneself from several rodents.

On a note!

A rat is able to pounce on a person if he feels his helplessness, his superiority. Can calmly bite a sleeping person bedridden in a sick, small child. In the prevailing cases, the animal tries to avoid a fight with a man, flees.

Rat bites
Rat bites

A rabid rat bites a person with particular aggressiveness. In the course of the disease, the feeling of caution disappears, the animal mindlessly rushes to attack all living beings. Externally, it is distinguished from a healthy rat by the presence of saliva, which flows from the mouth, redness of the eyes.


A rodent that has fallen on a person’s territory will not attack at all.The animal behaves cautiously, goes out at night, trying to quickly hide at the sight of people. If the person got into the territory where the rat feels like a mistress, the situation is different. Rodents strive to bite prisoners, homeless people, plumbers.

First aid for bite

Cases of rat attacks on humans are far from uncommon. If a rat bit man, you need to know how to behave in such a situation, than to help the victim.

If a rat attacked, you need:

  • Do not try to stop the bleeding immediately. With the blood out bacteria, pathogens that were in the saliva of the rodent.
  • Wash the wound with soapy water. It is recommended to use a rubber pear. Soap is better to use economic. It kills bacteria, prevents viruses from spreading.
  • Treat the wound with antiseptic. Use hydrogen peroxide.
  • Around the wound to smear with iodine or brilliant green.
  • Apply antibacterial ointment to the wound, fix with a bandage. You can use Tetracycline ointment, Vishnevsky.
  • Go to the reception to a specialist.

It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, if the rat has bitten by the neck, attacked the child, there was a heavy bleeding.

The gray animal is fraught with many dangers. It is necessary to start fighting with rats immediately after detecting their presence. Take the necessary measures to prevent their occurrence. A natural enemy for rats is a cat. Rodents, sensing the smell of the enemy, are in no hurry to visit its territory.

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