What does rat droppings look like

Rodent Litter
Rodent Litter

Not every person is able to determine that a room is infected with mice or rats. And given the secretive lifestyle of nimble rodents, determine their presence in the house by rat appearance or the mouse does not always succeed. After all, they go out in search of food only at night. You can make sure that rats live in the house by torn packages and damaged products. However, there is another simple and most striking sign indicating the presence of pests in the house - this is rat droppings.

What distinguishes the feces of rats from the feces of mice

The feces of rats differ from the excreta of other rodents, not only in size and shape, but also in location.So the presence of brown animals is indicated by a spindle droppings, which lies in small piles. It has a grayish tint and rather large particles. Very thin, about 10 mm long and almost black feces leave pests of black color. The largest are Pasyuk (gray rat) excrement, they reach a length of up to 20 mm. Below you can see how the rat litter looks like in the photo.

Distinguish mice from rats can be on their excrement. Mouse feces are much smaller. They have the appearance of slightly pointed black granules, the length of which does not exceed 5-6 mm.

On a note!

The location of the fecal masses also varies: the rat is in the same place, the individual feces of mice can be found everywhere.

The photos below show clearly what rat droppings look like and isolated mouse excreta.

What does rodent droppings look like

Fresh, slightly shiny and wet feces of gnawing animals has a rather soft consistency. Its color varies depending on the food consumed by the pest, but in most cases it is of dark tones. In the hot season, it dries quickly and hardens.Over time, feces become more dull, finding a gray tint. With mechanical action can easily crumble.

According to the volume of detected fecal masses of animals, you can approximately determine the number of pests living in the house. Fresh rat or mouse excrement indicates the presence of even one gnawing animal in the room. If the detected discharge of different sizes, then this confirms the presence of a whole population of dangerous animals of different ages, which actively reproduce and grow. Large deposits of fecal masses are usually often found near food supplies or on the route of animals.

On a note!

In the presence of a large number of long-tailed mammals, there is an ammonia smell. It is caused not only by rat feces and urine, but also by excretion of special glands. In this way, the animals try to mark the territory.

Such symptoms of the presence of rodents are very often observed in rooms of the basement or attic type. Having found them it is necessary to take urgent measures removal of rats from the basement folk remedies or go to rodent extermination by specialized services. Mammals are able to multiply very quickly, this reduces the effectiveness of independent attempts to get rid of them. Therefore, the most effective way to control pests in this case is the complete treatment of the premises by special professional disinsection services.

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