How to get rid of a bear in the garden forever

Medvedka recognized as one of the most dangerous pests of garden crops. Belongs to the family of hemiptera. In the world there are more than 100 species of insect. Photo and description Bears presented below, as well as the most effective methods of struggle, folk remedies, professional preparations.

Meet the beetle

What is a bear - known to gardeners, who are ruthlessly fighting this pest. A large insect with a strange appearance. It is called a masterpiece of evolution. The garden bear lives in the land, flies - rises into the air to a height of 5 m, floats - overcomes puddles, escapes from flooding.


Medvedka surprises appearance. The head and chest are protected by dense armor, large massive limbs, round bulging eyes resemble cancer. In the people the insect is called the crustacean.

Three pairs of limbs perform different functions. The front are for digging trenches in the ground. With claws at the ends, they resemble mole's paws more. Medium limbs provide the insect with quick, nimble movement. Because of this property, a bear is called a top. Hind limbs springy, allowing the beetle to jump in height. Add to this all the length of the body about 8 cm, long whiskers, tail, wings - it turns out a real monster.

Despite the awesome appearance, the earthen Bear does not bite, does not threaten human life. Wrecking is her life.

Dangerous pest in the garden

Bears burrows go far down to 70 cm, if the soil is dry. They are located at a level of 5 cm from the surface in black soil with a high level of humidity. Wintering is carried out in a nest at a depth of 2 m.

Digs the ground forelimbs. Builds mazes with numerous moves, four exits. It makes a nest in the center where it lays its eggs. In one clutch there are up to 500 pieces. Photos of moves and holes are presented below. The moves look like a tangled labyrinth with several entrances in the form of small holes on the soil surface. You can recognize it after rain, clearly visible on slightly rammed soil.

Burrows and moves medvedki
Burrows and moves medvedki

After 2 weeks from the eggs of the larvae, which are mistakenly considered similar to grubs. Initially, they feed on mother's saliva, the shell of an egg. After 7 days pass the first molt. Increase in size to 5 mm, become similar to an adult.

The photo and description of the larvae of the bear makes it possible to assume that the insect is not as dangerous as the adult beetle. However, the larvae’s appetites are quite strong. Small voracious creatures gnaw the roots of seedlings, seedlings, young plants, causing irreparable harm. To destroy Medvedka use different methods, all sorts of ways.

Kapustianka larva
Kapustianka larva

What a pest eats in a vegetable garden, it is easy to guess - the underground part of plants, the stems. Dwells around the site.

On a note!

Danger exposed to any plant in the garden plot, except for garlic. It also feeds on small insects, caterpillars, earthworms, larvae of other underground inhabitants.

Folk recipes

Methods of dealing with Medvedka were invented for generations. The pest annoys gardeners who are trying in every way to get rid of it. The struggle of folk remedies is carried out with the help of traps, scaring agents, strongly smelling plants. How to deal with Medvedka in the garden, it will be discussed below.

Chicken litter

Forever get rid of a bear in the garden allows proper feeding of the soil. In the land with a high nitrogen content pest does not live. To achieve the required level, you need to use chicken litter. Additionally, it repels insects with a strong odor. Throughout the growing season, plants are sprayed with a solution of water with diluted droppings. On 1 bucket use a glass of manure. Medvedka at the site may seem, but the nest will not build exactly.

Physical destruction of nests.

Medvedka can destroy the physical way. Carefully dig the ground in places where traces of the pest were seen. Nests are carefully collected in a bucket, taken out of the garden, poured with kerosene, gasoline, any combustible mixture, burned.

Soap and powder

To get rid of medvedki folk remedies, you can use soapy water. Diluted in a bucket of water powder or any detergent. Pour into holes. In some cases, the insect will come out on the surface from the back side. You can kill Medvedka with a shovel by chopping it in half. In others, it turns out to be trapped, perishes, and already dead.


Kapustianka fight liquid ammonia. The most effective way to seedlings. Dilute ammonia in a bucket of water. 10 liters of liquid 2 tbsp. spoons means. Water the soil, not reaching the stem of the plant at 10 cm.


Measures to combat cabbage
Measures to combat cabbage

To process the root of the tomato can be a solution of birch tar. For half an hour soaked before planting. At 3 liters used 1 tbsp. spoon of the drug. With the help of birch tar is a fight with Medvedka spring. Use stakes, the material for which is aspen.They rub it with tar, dig in around the garden to a depth of 20 cm. The distance between them is about 4 m. Another way of using this tool is to get rid of the cabbage tree, sawdust for a day in birch tar, then they are poured into the wells before planting. between the rows, near the bush.


The best way to scare off is kerosene. Sand is impregnated in it. Make small depressions near the seedlings, between rows, sprinkle, slightly cover with earth.


You can beat Medvedka in the garden with plants. In the garden plot bred beds with chrysanthemums, calendula, marigolds. Frightening plants are planted in the dacha. The bear doesn’t like smells of these flowers, flees, passes by the side. Scare away from the garden can be peppermint, parsley, planting bushes in different corners of the site. It also helps to fight it with garlic, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

What Medvedka is still afraid of is the smell of pine, they ate. The branches are instilled at any site, for different cultures. Tomatoes can serve as sticks for tying.

You can treat the green parts of the plant with essential oils.Drops from medvedki - mint, marigolds, chrysanthemum. 400 ml of water 20 drops of each. Can be used in the garden.


With Medvedka on the garden plot are fighting traps. The easiest, effective option that makes gardeners do it yourself. They tilt a bottle under a tilt, pour a small amount of beer. Cover with linoleum to create twilight. In one bottle fits about 12 individuals. The fight with Medvedka is the whole season.


Medvedka in the garden does more damage by digging moves. To stop this activity, you need to prikopat crushed egg shell. Stumbling on the sharp edges, kapustyanka or medvedka goes around. Soon completely leaves the territory.


To save the beds of carrots, beets, you need to water the land before planting a solution of iodine. The tool is prepared as follows. Iodine is added to a bucket of water - 15 drops.

Pest control is started immediately, as soon as the signs of the life of the bear have been found. A windmill can scare off a medvedka site. It creates a noise that insects fear. He will save from rodents.

Professional methods

Poison from a bear
Poison from a bear

If you do not succeed in exterminating the army of pests with folk remedies, they proceed to the "heavy artillery." Insecticidal preparations contain active ingredients in the composition that penetrate into the insides through the lining of the mouth. To the means to fight insects act, they need to touch or eat.

The poison from the bear acts on the nervous system, blocks impulses, causes paralysis, death. Properties does not lose within a month, it splits completely in 45 days. It is not dangerous for a person when observing safety rules, instructions for use.

  • The lure for the bear is made from cereals, pea. Boil, mixed with poison. Creolin helps from the bear. Bred according to the instructions. In the porridge interfere with the finished solution, add a few spoons of fried vegetable oil. Lay out near the mink, drop in near the plants, between the rows. Such a tool will help exterminate all pests in a month.
  • Aktar from Medvedka used in the same way. Can be used for spraying plants, as insects gnaw their stems, green parts. Processing plants also helps to fight with the larvae of the polar bear, which is extremely voracious.The drug acts on any animal, at the same time save from the Colorado potato beetle.
  • Karbits or Karbofos diluted according to the instructions. On a bucket of water about 100 ml. Young peas are soaked in it for a day. Lay out the bait around the land, slightly dripping ground.

In addition to the above, there are other popular tools:

The use of funds from the bear is one of the options for the fight. It is necessary to pay due attention to the prevention, plowing the soil twice a year, the correct fertilizer.

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