How to catch a bear in the garden

Medvedka spends almost all his life underground. Comes to the surface in the dark when the air temperature is above 12 ° C. Can fly high enough rising in flight above the ground at 5 m. It floats well, which allows you to safely overcome puddles, to escape from flooding. It is impossible to detect a Medvedka in the afternoon without much effort, but one can suspect presence by the nest. There are several true ways to catch a medvedka in the garden.

Features of pest housing

Medvedka's nest is a unique structure with numerous passages, exits, windows, ventilation system. The tangled net is at a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the earth. In the deepest place is a nest with eggs.

The maturing of the female takes about 2 years, the life span of the formed individual is 1 year. The nymph lives at a depth of 15 cm. Individuals are selected out upon completion of the last molt, when genitals are formed. Mating occurs on the surface of the earth. It takes a few days. After that, the fertilized female is accepted for construction, construction of new housing.

Main part of the shelter Bears looks like a rectangle shape. Numerous helicoid passages depart from it, 4 exits from different sides. This ensures full microcirculation of air, the flow of heat. To prevent plants from shading their nests, the female gnaws through the roots. After some time, the culture begins to dry.

On a note!

In one nest there are about 500 eggs. Under favorable conditions - high humidity, warm air, heated earth, maggots are born after 2 weeks.For some time they are defenseless, blind, unable to move. After the first molt, they become similar to an adult, but smaller in size.

Medvedka and its housing
Medvedka and its housing

Successful nest search

Find the nest bears can be on special grounds.

  • Death of plants, especially seedlings. Since the active formation of nests by females occurs in May and June. Determine that the plant died from a pest, and not from weather factors can be on the state of the root system. The roots will be damaged. The first thing you need to pay attention - the place of dried plants. You need to examine the territory in close proximity to find a pest and try save seedlings.
  • Medvedka provides a free flow of oxygen, heat to their offspring. You can detect the nest by the holes on the soil surface in several places. This will be the entrance to the abode of the pest. The tunnels can be located up to 50 cm in depth, but the laying of eggs is located closer to the surface - no deeper than 15 cm.
  • Pay attention to the grooves on the soil surface. Medvedka crawls at night, traces remain in the morning. In the immediate vicinity should be a hole.

On a note!

With the onset of cold weather insects go to the ground at a depth of 2 m, they successfully winter there. Find a medvedka at such a distance is impossible. Can settle for wintering in a heap of compost. When searching for housing insects in the fall, you need to check the pits where the manure is put. Most of the time the bear lives at a depth of 20 cm from the top layer of the earth.

Methods of struggle

Fight with the Medvedka
Fight with the Medvedka

There are various ways that help fight pest. You can catch a bear at any time of the day, but the insect comes out only after dark.


In a place where the pest lives, build holes with baits. Small pits are pulled out at a depth of 15 cm from the soil surface. Moisturize, fill with boiled rice porridge, pearl barley. Top cover with a piece of linoleum, so as not to penetrate the sunlight. Bear fishing is carried out early in the morning. By 9 o'clock the soil warms up, the insect rises to the top, smells, creeps into cooked trap. To catch the pest, we must act quickly. As the bear hears rustle, quickly disappears in a mink. Or, insert a bottle with a cut off neck into the pits.Then the pest will not be able to quickly escape, but if you do not check the trap, the insect can get out of a horizontally set bottle.

Beer bottle

You can catch a bear with bottles of beer. A shallow hole is dug in the ground, a plastic liter beer bottle is dug under a slope of 45 degrees. Pour about 100 ml of beer. The slope is needed so that the “prisoner” cannot get out. Cover the hole with a bottle of sheet of plywood, linoleum, iron to create twilight. Checking the trap every day is optional. In one bottle fits about 12 insects. Excellent option for country gardens. The question of how to remove them from the tank and can bear bites?

Bottle of honey

You can catch cabbage soup on honey. Dig a bottle into the ground. Smear the neck with honey, pour a little inside. To prevent the bottleneck from filling up with earth, a small piece of linoleum is enclosed. The wells are covered with the same material.

On a note!

If the bearheads are not trapped, but traces of presence are found, holes are visible in the ground, you should pour water with powder there. From the soapy base the pest dies, swims out of the mink.

Catching a bear in the garden with a bottle is one of the most effective options. For prevention should be loosened, dig up the soil. Sprinkle the soil when planting pounded eggshells, throw garlic cloves into the holes, plant marigolds and chrysanthemums between beds of root crops.

In addition to these, there are still many different funds from the bear in the garden that are quite effective and reliable.

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