What and how to bring Medvedka out of the garden

How to bring Medvedka out of the garden, more than one landowner puzzles. The insect builds numerous passages in the soil, gnaws the roots of plants, destroys saplings, spoils root crops. Crawls out only at night, extremely fearful, able to go deep into 2 m in winter, 50 cm in summer.

Since May and the whole warm season Medvedka reproduces eggs, in the amount of 500 pieces for one laying.Egg size does not exceed 1 mm. It is impossible to notice the pest; it’s easy to add to the plot. Real advice on the removal of a bear from the garden is provided by gardeners, gardeners who know firsthand about the dangers of cabbage-broiler, the land crustacean, top, and bear.

Digging the garden

Proper tillage helps to increase productivity and reduce the number of harmful insects. Removing the Medvedka from the garden allows deep digging, tilling the soil in the fall, and a second time in the spring.

Insect eggs are on the surface, adverse conditions are created, the larvae die. Moves, nests are destroyed, the caravan moves to more favorable land plots. This method of control does not ensure the complete destruction of pests, but significantly reduces their number.

The destruction of the bear
The destruction of the bear

Proper soil fertilization

Remove cabbage from the garden can be dung, if properly used. Medvedka loves fertile soil, willingly lives in black soil. It prefers to settle near, under or inside the manure heap. She is especially attracted to cow feces. In manure the bear spends the winter, lays eggs.


  • Instead of cow dung use chicken droppings. The fertilizer repels insects by smell, makes the soil unavailable for the bear, and living is impossible. Chicken droppings prevent soil contamination, expel existing pests.
  • If you scatter manure around the garden in the spring, and after a few days to plow the soil, you can propagate the bear on your parcel by your own efforts. If the manure is scattered in the fall, the larvae will die.
  • In the garden, dig a small hole, cover with foil, throw manure there during the summer. Deep in the fall with the onset of the first frost, dig up. A low temperature will kill the larvae, adults, who cannot dig a hole in the hardened soil. There is another option - let the medvedas spend the winter in manure, in the spring to burn the whole pile.

If you use mineral fertilizers, the soil becomes less attractive to pests, but does not completely exclude the appearance of bears on the site.

Fishing bear

Fishing bear
Fishing bear

It is impossible to notice, let alone catch an insect in the afternoon. They sit in a deep hole, hiding at the slightest rustle. But you can cheat make traps for nimble pests.

  • Medvedki leave burrows at nightfall. They are able to rise into the air to a height of 5 m, they react sharply to light — they fly to warm themselves. This can be used. The flying ability is activated in the mating season, when the females react to the singing of the males, fly towards the fate. Light the lamp, under it put a bucket of soapy water or a solution of kerosene. The insect hits a lantern, falls into a bucket, dies.
  • Dig a small hole in the ground, then dig a plastic bottle under the slope. Pour beer, honey, water into it. Cover the hole with a sheet of linoleum, create twilight. Medvedku is attracted by the moisture that comes from the bottle, the strong smell of beer, sweet honey. Under the rays of the sun, linoleum heats up, the cubs climb to warm themselves. The most favorable conditions for the bear are created. The bottle can fit about 12 individuals. If you make several such traps around the garden, you can catch most of the pests.
  • The washing powder is added to the water, the holes of the pests are poured. Insects will crawl to the surface. It remains to collect or immediately hack with a shovel. Instead of soapy water, you can use a solution with kerosene. In 10 liters of water dilute 1 tbsp.spoon means. Strong unpleasant smell is not to the liking of pests, they will begin to leave the shelter. The part that cannot get out is drowning in water, a dead body is already emerging.

You can take Medvedka out of the garden with folk remedies in a few weeks, but you have to do prevention all the time.

Pest Bait

With a large number of insects in the garden can not do without a poisonous drug. You can use any insecticide that is used to bait the Colorado potato beetle. From the bear often used Vofatoks.

  • Prepare crumbly porridge. Millet, rice, and barley are used. On the stove, they are kept until half ready, wrapped in a towel for 20 minutes. After cooling, add a poisonous solution. Leave to soak for 1 hour. Before use enter several spoons of fried sunflower oil. Lay out the bait on the garden between the rows of cultivated plants, about seedlings with tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant. Lightly sprinkled with earth. An effective remedy is valid for a month.
  • Another way is to soak young peas in a day for a solution of Vofatox. The bait is added all over the garden.Dry peas are initially boiled until soft, after cooling they are mixed with poison. Peas and other leguminous crops are used by many gardeners to fight with a bear.


While working with a poisonous drug, you must observe individual safety measures - wear rubber gloves, do not smoke, do not eat food.

Folk methods of pests
Folk methods of pests

Effective folk remedies

What to bring Medvedka, they knew in the old days. Recipes are handed down from generation to generation, repeatedly tested.

  • Crush into small pieces eggshells. Sprinkle around the plants, between the rows, sprinkle with earth. Medvedka does not like sharp objects, stumble on the shell, will leave the garden.
  • Connect 2 tbsp. spoons of birch tar with 40 g of any soap. Add to 10 liters of water. Sprinkle the soil with the solution, spray the plants with a broom, a brush. Spray from oil tar concentrate quickly clogged.
  • Prepare stakes 40 cm long. Soaked in birch tar. Digging in 20 cm into the ground throughout the garden at a distance of 4 m from each. Periodically update the layer of tar - smeared in the downturned stakes.
  • In the hole when planting potatoes, seedlings throw the head of garlic, nut leaves. The smell will scare the bear out of the garden.
  • Planted between the beds of flowers - marigold, calendula, chrysanthemum. Strong flavors drive Medvedka out of the garden. Parsley, mint, garlic beds will help to remove the pest from the site.
  • Bred ammonia - 2 tbsp. spoons on a bucket of water. Water the land near the plants, between the rows.

It is difficult to get rid of the bear, but continuous efforts of prevention, exile, and fishing will surely give a positive result.

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