How to protect seedlings from Medvedka

Medvedka in the garden - the most dangerous enemy of seedlings, young plants. The pest builds numerous passages in the soil at a depth of 5 to 70 cm, destroying everything in its path. It feeds on roots, stalks of plants, parts that are underground. You can notice the presence of pests in the garden along the path of traces on the soil, dried plants, holes in the ground. How to protect the seedlings from the bear, every gardener thinks. It is better to prevent trouble right away than to correct mistakes later.

Planting cucumbers

Cucumber planting
Cucumber planting

Protection of seedlings from Medvedka carried folk remedies, without use of poisonto preserve the natural value of the vegetable.

  • Dig holes about 20 cm deep.
  • Mix the soil with the ground, pour in the prepared pits.
  • Saplings carefully removed from the original packaging with the earth.
  • In plastic cups cut the bottom, cut them in half. One plant will need 2 halves.
  • Place the seedlings with the ground in one half, attach the other. In this position, insert into the hole, sprinkle with soil.
  • The edges of the glass should protrude by 1.5 cm. When the seedlings become stronger, they can be easily pulled out.

Such a simple construction will help protect cucumbers from the bear and other parasites. Additionally, to scare away insects, a garlic clove is dug in next to cucumbers.

On a note!

Seeds of cucumbers when placed directly in the soil of the garden can also be protected by folk remedies. One of these ways is to crush egg shell, mix with vegetable oil. Place in the wells, lightly sprinkle with earth. Sow seeds. This simple method of struggle can save cucumbers and other cultures.Medvedka does not like sharp objects, stumbled on the edges of the shell, will continue to move around.

Planting tomatoes

Keep the tomato away from the bear
Keep the tomato away from the bear

You can protect seedlings from the bear at the planting stage.

  • Plastic bottles allow you to create a safe space for the normal formation of the root system of a plant. Cut off the neck, cut out the bottom. Place the seedlings. You can immediately plant tomatoes in such a container. Then, before planting in the garden, simply cut the bottom. Clean the bottle after the ovary appears, when the tomatoes are strong, the stem will be formed.
  • Preserving tomatoes will help ammonia. He is bred in water. For 10 liters of fluid required 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia. Around the plant at a distance of 10 cm make a small depression. Pour the solution to this boundary so that the liquid does not get to the roots, the green part of the plant. Ammonia frightens the bear away with a pungent odor and a high nitrogen content in the soil. Another way to protect seedlings from a bear is to dig a cotton wool or a cloth dipped in liquid ammonia near the plant.
  • Protect tomatoes can birch tar. Impregnated sawdust in a solution of tar, spread in the wells when planting. Or dig in around, lightly powdered with earth. The tar has a strong smell that scares away the bear and other harmful insects. Soaking seedlings from a bear will help soaking the root of the plants before planting in a solution of birch tar. For 3 liters of water use 1 tbsp. spoon of the drug.
  • On the garden near each plant to dig pine, spruce branches. They retain the smell for a long time, frighten away the bears. So you can get rid of pests all over the garden plot.
  • In the hole when planting put the teeth of garlic, nut leaves.

The correct fertilizer will help to keep the seedlings. During planting in the garden to use chicken litter. Mixed in the ground when planting. In the future, once a week, spray the green part of the plant. It is useful for tomatoes, frightens away bears, other harmful insects.

Preventive measures

Folk remedies from Medvedka
Folk remedies from Medvedka

You can protect your garden in the fall, if you take this issue seriously.

  • Medvedka nests are located at a depth of 5 to 50 cm from the soil surface. In the autumn, you need to dig a bed of approximately the same depth.Moves, nests, eggs are destroyed on the surface, the larvae die. Repeat the procedure in the spring before planting.
  • In order not to eat the greenhouse garden crop, you need to scatter the manure on the land in the fall. During the winter the eggs of the bears will die, which she likes to lay there.
  • Near the plot to dig a hole, cover with plastic wrap. Throw manure in there. Bears closer to the fall will begin to hide there, to build a shelter for wintering. With the onset of persistent cold weather, dig up a pile of manure. Eggs, larvae, adults will die, as they will not be able to dig the frozen ground.

You can reduce the number of bears in the garden plastic bottle traps. Dig a small hole, drop a bottle under the slope. Pour some beer. Cover the hole with plywood, a piece of linoleum. About 12 individuals are caught in one bottle. If there is a lantern in the garden, leave it on for the night, place a bucket of soapy water under it. Bears fly to the light, hit the lantern, fall into the water.

To protect the seedlings, seeds in the garden from pests, you need to deal with the entire land, and not a separate bed.

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