Funds from the bear
Effective store and folk remedies from the bear in the garden
A remedy for a medvedka in a garden, a kitchen garden is a preparation, a substance, a plant with an attractive, frightening, poisonous effect. The choice is varied. But the best ...
What to poison Medvedka in the garden
How to effectively poison a bear in the garden, how to do it right is the main question for gardeners and gardeners. Insect affects fertility, vitality, not ...
Parachute from the bear
The parachute from the bear is applied in the form of a poisonous bait. Lay out on the garden, sprinkled with earth. The effect lasts for 14 days. Death...
Regent from Medvedka
Regent from medvedki - one of the most common chemical agents. Used as a poison bait, mixed with self-made porridge ....
Bear Scarer
The bear repeller is a small device that works on the basis of ultrasound. The area of ​​action is about 500 m. Causes insects to crawl out of holes, to hide ...
Cuts Rofatoks granules from the bear and wireworm
Rofatoks Rubit - a remedy for a medvedka and a wireworm shows good results. The main advantages are safety, efficiency, preservation of properties over 14 ...
Rembek from Medvedka
Medbark's rembek drug is one of the most popular drugs that does not cause concern for your own health. Easy to use, properties ...
Eggshell vs. Medvedka
How to apply in the garden egg shells against the bear, they knew in ancient times. The method continues to be actively used along with modern ...
Ammonia from medvedki
Ammonia from the medvedka in the garden improves the quality indicators of the soil, expels pests. At the same time there is fertilizer protection. You can use on any ...
Birch tar against the bear
Birch tar in the garden from Medvedka used for a long time. One of the safest, effective means. There are several ways to handle ...
Vofatoks from Medvedki
Vofatoks saves from medvedka for a month. It affects the larvae of different stages of development, nymphs, imago. It is a relatively toxic drug. When ...
Fight with the Medvedka spring peas
Fighting a medvedka using peas combines professional, folk methods. The plant helps to prevent the occurrence of pests on the land, ...
Chicken droppings against the bear
Chicken droppings in the fight against Medvedka shows a high result. It is one of the most effective folk remedies. But you need to apply according to ...

Funds from the bear

Funds from the bear

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