
Birch tar against the bear

Birch tar against the bear
Fight with the Medvedka

The desire of a person to use not only beautiful, but also healthy food, forces gardeners and gardeners to gradually abandon insecticidal products. Medications that are quite effective against various pests on the land plot disappear from the first-aid kit. Birch tar from the crown in the garden is successfully used.

Action features

it means - a natural medical drug that is sold in a pharmacy, has a repellent property.Medvedok he does not kill, just scares, i.e. is a natural repeller which, unlike electronic repellerNo need to plug in. Creates unfavorable conditions for living, food.

Bears, like any other insects are guided by smell. By smell, they look for food, feel the approach of the enemy. Strong aroma unbalances the nervous system, interferes with normal existence. In the "stinking" soil, the bear will not begin to build a nest, will quickly leave it, if it managed to settle down before.

Terms of use

Birch tar against the bear
Birch tar against the bear

Application from Medvedka in the garden and the garden is carried out according to popular recipes. There are no clear instructions on what ratios to dilute, how often to repeat tillage, plants.

There are several ways that gardeners themselves have come up with. It is assumed the use of natural remedies for pests in pure form or diluted. Birch tar against the bear is used in different ratios. Some diluted with 100 ml of product for 3 liters of water, others - 1 tbsp. spoon thrown into a bucket.


Fighting birch tar involves watering the soil, spraying the plants. However, there are some nuances. Birch tar is lighter than water, always creates an oil film on the surface. Using the spray gun is inefficient and dangerous for the device - it clogs quickly. You can resort to a broom or add a soap base to the tar. At 1 tbsp. Spoon means 40 grams of any soap. Means evenly distributed throughout the volume of water, it will be better to stick to the plants. Birch tar is only afraid of strong torrential rains.

Effective ways

Fight with the Medvedka
Fight with the Medvedka

Medvedka settles throughout the garden, but prefers potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, and root vegetables. These cultures pay special attention.

  • Before planting potatoes, process each tuber in undiluted tar. When sprouts sprout, water the soil with the green part of the plant with a solution. Dissolve 10 ml in a bucket of water.
  • Cut small pegs, grease, impregnate with birch tar. Place from the bear, moles around the garden at a distance of 3 m. Periodically update the tar layer.
  • Poured into a container of 4 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. spoon means.Sawdust fall asleep as much as it will. Leave to soak for several hours. Bury gruel for 3 cm in the ground near the seedlings, along the beds with carrots, beets, cabbage, in other places where pests were found or may appear. You can also make mulch from impregnated sawdust. Lay out between the rows. It will save the soil from drying out, will not allow Medvedka, mice and other pests of garden and garden crops to start.
  • Dissolve 10 ml of the product in a bucket of water, spray the green parts of the plants or water the soil. You can repeat the procedure after 14 days.

Birch tar - one of the most proven effective methods of struggle against the bear, which perfectly helps along with other folk remedies, for example, liquid ammonia. Another advantage is security.

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