Fight with the Medvedka spring peas
- Bear and peas
- Insecticidal products from Medvedka
Medvedka - a unique insect that can swim, dig the ground, to fly. He lives in the soil, building numerous moves. Nora reaches a depth of 50 cm. It feeds on plant and animal food. It causes significant damage to almost all cultivated plants. It spoils the root system, gnaws roots. For the destruction of pests using professional, folk remedies. Fighting a medvedka with peas includes both.
Bean features
Pea - one of the most favorable for the soil plant.If many cultures draw useful components from the earth, this culture enriches it. The beds on which peas grew or grow are enriched with nitrogen. This substance frightens the bear.
On a note!
The mechanism of action is simple. Insects spend most of their lives underground. The increased amount of nitrogen in the soil makes breathing difficult and makes their stay in their own hole unfavorable.
The second property, which was useful in the fight against pests, is the ability to absorb various substances, to remain in solid state for a long time. Peas from the bear are soaked in poisonous agents, thrown to be eaten by insects.
Effective recipes
To prevent the occurrence of harmful creatures in the garden and throughout the garden, it is necessary to alternate different cultures with peas. This will have a positive effect on the growth of seedlings, the formation of root crops, will make the land plot unattractive for the bears.
For the rapid destruction of pests insecticidal agents are used in the fight - Aktara, Konfidor, Fury, Antizhuk, Detsis, etc.However, spraying plants is dangerous to health, and the earth is not able to absorb a sufficient amount of poison. The people found a way out, somewhat improved the method of struggle.
- In 1 liter of water dilute the poisonous substance. Soaked peas, leave for a day. You can use dry, fresh. Scattered along the beds, holes, holes. The procedure is best done in the spring.
- Fight with the spring pea Medvedka as follows. Boil the beans to a soft state, combine with 50 g of Malathion, 35 ml of vegetable oil. The poisoned product is scattered all over the land plot several days before plowing.
- 1 kg of green peas boil for 20 minutes. After cooling, add 1 ampoule Regent, a few spoons of unrefined sunflower oil. Crumble around the garden, on the beds, slightly covering the ground.
In the process of applying poisonous components, it is necessary to observe personal safety measures; do not leave poisoned peas in open areas so that birds do not get poisoned. A simple method of prevention is tilling the soil in the fall. Such an event allows you to get rid of the eggs of the bearheads and themselves, because pests spend the winter in burrows. There are many more different funds from the bear in the gardenthat are quite effective and reliable.