Chicken droppings against the bear

Chicken droppings from a bear For exile medvedki out of the garden are used professional folk remedies. Due to the fact that the pest digs holes in the beds, the use of chemical poisonous drugs is dangerous for their own health. They use folk remedies, the recipes of which are passed from one generation to another. One of the most effective "drugs" - chicken droppings from Medvedka.

Features of chicken faeces

The composition of a huge number of macro-microelements necessary for the normal development of plants and root crops. In fresh feces moisture is not more than 40%, the rest is substances with a high content of potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.It is the last ingredient that makes chicken manure effective. Bears, makes it possible to fight by folk methods.

Since the insect lives underground, it spends most of its life in burrows, the increased nitrogen content in the soil makes it difficult to breathe. Just fleeing, moving to more favorable places, and even can fly.

On a note!

Bird droppings scare away, cows, on the contrary, attracts. If a vegetable garden with chicken excrement is located between land plots fertilized with cow manure, the insects will safely live in the neighborhood, without claiming to be near the area.

Effective recipes

Bird droppings retain their properties for about 3 years. Loosen the soil, saturate with useful components, stimulate the growth of plants. However, an increased amount of nitrogen in the soil adversely affects the condition of crops, leading to their death. Fighting chicken droppings with bears is carried out according to certain rules.

  • To protect the land plot from pests, it is necessary to fertilize the land with bird's feces every fall.
  • To combat existing pests use the "drug" in a diluted state.How to breed chicken droppings depends on the place of use. Fresh feces can be thrown into burrows, and a solution is poured between rows. In 10 liters of water 200 g of manure is diluted.
  • Dilute excrement is necessary in a bucket of water to spray the plants themselves. Treated insects do not eat culture.

Leading fight with Medvedkov, do not forget about the plants, because the high content of manure in the soil for them is more dangerous than a disadvantage. It is necessary to start prevention even in the fall, spreading rotten manure over the beds.

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Bed bugs

