Ammonia from medvedki

Medvedki live underground, come to the surface in the dark, crawling on the territory of the garden, fly in the garden. Signs of the presence of pests on the site is the lack of germination, loss of seedlings, drying of root crops. For the expulsion of pests using professional, folk remedies, including ammonia alcohol. Combating Medvedka with liquid ammonia is an old, proven method.

Ammonia Features

Ammonia from the medvedka in the garden is used for the expulsion of pests, prevention. Acts on pests in several directions.

  • An unpleasant pungent smell frightens insects away, prevents them from settling, drives them out of their own shelters, works by type scarer. But there is one drawback - the smell quickly disappears in the fresh air. Protection from the bear acts while the fragrance is present. Repeat the treatment procedure every week.
  • Ammonia, also ammonia, is a strong nitrogenous fertilizer. A beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants, improves the useful indicators of the soil. But the increased nitrogen content negatively affects the health of the bear. In the thick of the soil it is difficult to breathe. After some time, the pests move to more favorable places for themselves.

Ammonia from the bear acts, as evidenced by the real reviews of gardeners.

Application features

Ammonia from medvedki
Ammonia from medvedki

How to use ammonia, it is easy to guess - in a clean, diluted form. There are proven recipes with ammonia against the medvedka in the garden.

  • Prepare the solution. The dose is strictly adhered to.Since a high amount of nitrogen in the soil adversely affects the garden, horticultural crops. 3 tbsp. spoons, or 10 ml per 10 liters of water. Pour a solution of earth near the plant, avoiding contact with the green part. Water between the rows, if you have to fight in the beds with carrots, beets.
  • Ammonia from the Kapustianka helps in a concentrated form. On beds with cabbage or in other parts of the garden, rags moistened in the preparation are laid out. It is recommended to cram them into holes or locate them in places where pests can build them.

On a note!

In order to stay the smell longer, they resort to a little trick - they put an abundantly moistened rag in a plastic bag and tie it up. Make small holes.

In addition to the use of ammonia, there are many other funds from the bear in the gardenthat will interest all owners of garden plots.


Ammonia from the bear
Ammonia from the bear

Bears bred in the country. Fought folk methods. Chemistry is not used. The soil solution of ammonia was treated every week for a month. Additionally they made bottle traps. They caught the old, chased the new ones.The use of ammonia for longer than this time is not recommended, as vegetation may be affected. As noted yellow leaves, it is necessary to stop.

Daria, Voronezh

Before planting seedlings pre-prepare the soil. I make holes, water them with a solution of ammonia. Soot plants, prikalyvayu zemleku. Benefit for the land and for seedlings. Bears such beds bypass. It can be applied to any well. Neighbor so cabbage plant.

Antonina, Saratov

Planted seedlings, through time began to die. I pull out a sapling, it is separated from the root system. I began to explore the area - I noticed small paths of tracks, holes, and indentations. It struck the thought - medvedki. Began to prepare a means of ammonia. It is necessary to pour the solution near the ground near each plant. The seedlings survived, the bears disappeared.

Alina, Moscow

It is rather difficult to get rid of a medvedka on a plot, but if you do it systematically, do not forget about prevention, you can prevent the settlement of pests and protect crops.

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Bed bugs

