Vofatoks from Medvedki
- Vowatox from the pest
- Pest bait
Vofatoks from medvedki used in gardens, fields, where to reduce the number of insects can not folk remedies, by mechanical means. The second name is Metaphos. It is an insecticidal means broad-spectrum, retains properties for a month. Requires compliance with individual security measures.
Drug action
In the composition of Vofatox several active ingredients - imidacloprid, bifenthrin. Possess contact-intestinal action. Penetrate into the body of the insect through the mouth, the integument of the body. They have a negative effect on the work of the central nervous system, block impulses, cause paralysis, then death.
It affects not only Medvedka, but other pests in the larvae, nymph, imago stage. Vofatoks retains its properties for about 45 days; it is not washed off by rain. For the plant is not dangerous, does not interfere with the active growth, the formation of fruit.
A person can get poisoned if the safety rules are not followed. While working with drugs like Vofatoks, Regent etc. It is necessary to use rubber gloves, old clothes. When spraying the soil, plants need to wear a respirator.
Use of poison
Instructions for use Vofatoksa provides for the preparation of the solution in accordance with the regulations, mixing with bait. Vofatoks is produced in the form of a dry concentrated powder or liquid. There is also a similar emulsion drug called Parachute.
Preparation of the solution
For processing the root system of plants, their ground part, spraying the soil prepare a solution. In 3 liters of water dilute 10 ml. The substance is used for soaking plants before planting. The same solution is added to a bucket of water to make 10 liters, sprayed the soil, plants. Medvedki settle around the garden, but more of them among the cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes.
Preparation of plants before planting
When planting seedlings on the beds, the root portion is pre-soaked for 1 hour in a solution of Vofatoks. Such a measure of control will save the plant from death, will not allow Medvedka to settle in the garden. There are also other ways struggle with the medvedka in the garden.
Cooking bait
A concentrated solution is used to prepare a poisonous bait.
Process description:
- From any cereal cook porridge. Used rice, pearl barley, millet, corn.
- Pour in the solution, leave to soak for 30 minutes.
- After cooling, add a few tablespoons of roasted sunflower oil to smell.
- Stir thoroughly.
Apply ready poisonous mixture can be in different ways:
- Metaphos from medvedki in the form of porridge is put in the hole with potatoes.
- Planted the plant, around them lay out the bait with Votafoksom, sprinkled with earth.
- They make grooves between rows with planted crops, spread Metaphos for a bear at a depth of 15 cm from the surface of the soil, sprinkle it with earth.
- Construct dippers for a bear with their own hands, and porridge with Vofatoksom used as bait.
On a note!
To prepare the bait prepared crumbly porridge. On fire, stand up to the semi-finished state, then wrap for 15 minutes in a towel. Groats will come, each grain will be easily separated. Adding a liquid solution of Vofatox will make the porridge soft.
Vofatoks - a toxic substance that acts not only on the Medvedka, Colorado, May beetle, but also other insects that benefit, make the soil fertile. However, do not abuse chemistry or any other poison. If you can deal with medvedka safer effective ways, it is better to initially use them.