What sounds makes a bear

Gardeners and gardeners often encounter insects. The winged creature digs burrows, numerous passages in the ground, disrupting the root system of seedlings, which causes great harm. Leads nocturnal. Happy hiding in shelters, waiting for the onset of twilight. It is possible to determine the presence of a pest on a plot of land by the sound, having previously received information about how a bear sings.

What does the tune look like

In nature, many insects that emit different trills, few people think about who does it. The sound of a bear resembles the chanting of grasshoppers. Everyone heard it, but was mistaken for a song by other "performers."

At night, Medvedka makes a sound of long trills, chirping, changing intonation, volume. In this way he communicates with his relatives, and not just enjoys his skill.


Beautiful melody with different modulations, chanting, tweeting is obtained through the friction of the wings. Often, one of them is used as a musical instrument, the other - a bow.

Who sings

Long, loud trills are heard during the mating season. In this way, the male attracts the attention of the female, attracts itself with sound. How a male sings can be heard on a quiet, deep night. Scientists say that his song is heard over 600 meters. The point is not only in the skill of the male, but in the structure of his dwelling. As the male shouts, the female hears at the other end of the field. And he is just waiting for the appearance of "ladies".

Burrows Bears resemble a horn. Taper at the end, have an extension at the base. “Ringtone” passing through a peculiar corridor is loud, sonorous, melodic. As the cricket chirps, everyone who has visited nature in the evening knows. Its sounding power is 0.06 mW. Medvedka sings much stronger - 1.2 mW.

If you figure out what sounds the bear makes,you can respond to a hidden problem in time, prevent huge damage in the garden in the garden, various means to remove the pest.

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