Is Medvedka Dangerous to Man?
- Danger medvedki for humans
- Harm medvedki
An unusual type of insect, a large size - up to 12 cm with the tail, a mustache catches fear on a person. A question arises in my head - whether the bear is biting or not. The poison of such a terrible creature can be deadly, like a scorpion. It is necessary to avoid contact with the pest, in any case not to take in hand. Are these fears justified? able bear?
Anatomical structure
In order to bite a person, the insect must have a special structure of the oral apparatus.The simplest option is piercing-sucking. If you look at the terrible face of the pest, you can see that the bear has large strong jaws. They allow you to gnaw through the roots, dense stems of plants, chew solid food. The mouth apparatus is supplemented by a pair of tentacles that allow you to search and hold food.
The insect cannot perform other manipulations. To penetrate the skin is not possible and necessary. Medvedka is not interested in blood. If you answer the question of whether a bear is dangerous for a person, rather the opposite.
Unreasonable concerns
Fear has big eyes. Seeing a strange creature of a large size, you can think up anything for yourself. There is a version that the bear is poisonous. It should be bypassed by its side, in any case not to take in hand. The bite of a bear for a person can cause fever, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, and other symptoms of intoxication.
All this rich imagination. Insect can not bite a person, does not seek this. Pain on the arm leaves her forelimbs, which are equipped with claws.They look like moles' paws, they are intended for loosening the soil, building tunnels.
On a note!
Caught in danger - in the hands of a man who caught her, the insect is trying by all means to free itself. In this state, it presses the limbs on the arm, causing painful sensations, which the person perceives as a bite.
The allegations that the bear bites are unfounded, but get rid of pests on land stands.
Harmful insects
What is dangerous Medvedka for a person, if it is not threatened to health, it is very interesting. Gardeners, gardeners, owners of suburban areas are dealing with it. Wrecking is associated with food habits, behavior, and life cycle of an insect.
Medvedka lives under the ground. Digs numerous tunnels, burrows. Their depth reaches 50 cm. During the construction process, the nest damages the root system of plants. Cultures dry, get sick, die. Especially insect dangerous for seedlings.
Medvedka feeds roots, the ground part of the plant, root crops, which are in the ground. The garden is a danger to almost all crops.
Beneficial insect activity can be gained. It loosens the ground like a mole, saturates with some important ingredients that fall into the soil with its excrement. And if you cultivate cultivated plants on such a site, the presence of a bear does not interfere at all.
According to old folk recipes, Medvedka helps to cope with tuberculosis. To do this, grind the insect into powder, mix with a glass of water, drink. In some countries, garden pests prepare delicacies, served in restaurants. Lovers of exotic animals breed insects in the terrarium. They multiply faster They multiply faster Madagascar cockroaches.
On the question of whether the bear bites, there is a definite answer - no! An insect does not threaten a person’s life, the most that it can do is pinch its forelimbs, even if caught in a trap and try to pull out. Great discomfort from this will not work.