Does a bear fly?

Flying bear
Flying bear
Medvedku called the masterpiece of evolution. In appearance, it is not similar to any insect. The front massive paws more closely resemble the extremities of the mole. The length of the body reaches 8 cm. There are rigid wings on the back, but it lives under the ground. Plus, it floats perfectly. People call it crustaceans. At the sight of an unusual creature, inevitably, the question arises - whether a bear flies or not.

Can it take to the air in terms of anatomy

A terrible face with powerful jaws, massive digging forelimbs, running averages, jumping hind legs, a strange body and wings on the back cause hostility, fear, bewilderment, and also the question of can an insect bite. With this “set of tools” you can do everything - dig the soil, run on the ground, swim in the water, fly in the air. Medvedka can do all this to a greater or lesser extent.

There are about 100 species in the world. bear. Slightly differ in the structure of the body. In particular - the length of the wings. In the species that are found in our locality, there are 2 pairs of wings - the front ones are short, rigid, rounded, the back ones are long, bloom during the flight. In a calm state, they form above the abdominal cavity, they become invisible.

On a note!

Insects with short rear wings do not know how to rise into the air, as the structure of the body does not allow. There are also representatives of the species, which are completely absent.

Does the bear fly

The insect spends most of its life underground, which is why it hard to catch . Digs numerous moves, builds holes, nests. On the surface of the earth goes for the replenishment of food stocks, for mating. It does this mostly at night. Wings are almost not needed, but occasionally they are used.

Medvedka can fly pretty well.The pest travels long distances in search of better habitats. Females flock to the call of the male, which publishes melodious trills in its hole.


Medvedka in flight - a terrible sight. Huge creatures up to 8 cm in length, make a noise, hum, chatter.

In males, the wings are always longer, even go beyond the abdominal cavity. Therefore, the flyers of them are much better. The female is larger in size, flies up in the air reluctantly. It rises upwards during the marriage period, in order to find a partner either by fleeing from adverse living conditions, fleeing from enemies or from the repeller's action.

In scientific publications described how flies Medvedka, at what height is able to climb. It does not come off far from the ground, rises 5 m high.

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