How to deal with woodlice in the apartment
- Mokritsy
- Lacks in the house
- Mokritsy
- Folk remedies for wood lice
- Folk remedies for wood lice
- Wood louse sprays
- Crayons from wood lice
- Woodlice gels
Having once made repairs, many residents of multi-storey buildings believe that they are protected from living together with various spiders, beetles and ants. But in the presence of favorable habitat conditions, woodlice become the uninvited guests of the apartments besides cockroaches. The appearance of unpleasant-looking creatures in the house is disgusting to many. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of wood lice in an apartment arises for anyone who has encountered such a problem.
Special features
Recognize what woodlice looks like is simple. To say that wood insect is insect is impossible. It is shallow breathing through the gills crustacean with oval body slightly convex in the upper part. The size of an adult individual can be up to 2 cm long.
They are durable shell, divided into pronounced segments of light gray or brown. Among the large number of varieties of these animals are white and wood lice. Each segment corresponds to a pair of legs (14 legs total). The crustacean has two tail-like appendages of tactile organs, which are located in the rear part of the body. When danger lice curl into a ball, pretending to be dead. Below is a view of woodlouse in the photo.
What can be lice
Why wood lice appear in the apartment, many residents of high-rise buildings, who have met such unpleasant creatures in the kitchen or in their bathroom, want to know.
They live mainly in damp places, since moisture is the only condition for habitat of pests. Therefore a kitchen with water pipes abundantly covered with condensate or bathroom with damp damp mats - the places where woodlice live in an apartment. Besides rotten vegetables and fruits, which can be found in an irregularly removed trash can, this is what crustaceans feed on.
Pests can dwell not only under the bathroom or in the kitchen. They can be found in the bedroom, in the corners of which there is a fungus. Animals can live in flower pots, where there is a lot of moisture. Pallets of pots and topsoil are their favorite places. And the damaged stems of plants and their organic residues are crustaceans source of food.
Ways of penetration
Finding wood lice in the apartment, many people do not attach much importance to this. Anxiety begins to sound when the animals in the room becomes a lot. Knowing where the woodlice come from in the apartment, you can prevent their spread, since arthropods multiply rather quickly. Crustaceans can enter the house from a raw loft or basement:
- By ventilation system;
- Through cracks in the walls, floor or ceiling;
- Through poorly filled gaps in openings for water and sewer pipes;
- Pests can also come from a neighbor's apartment (through the through holes in the walls for the socket).
Lice disposal activities
The destruction of woodlice provides not only the creation of unfavorable conditions for their existence, but also the overlapping of possible ways of their entry into the apartment from the outside.
- It is necessary to eliminate the smudges in the pipes.
- Cover all the cracks in the floors, walls and ceiling.
- Monitor the work of all plumbing and home appliances.
- Condensate formation can be reduced by replacing metal pipes with plastic ones.
- Do not use the bathroom for drying clothes.
- Regular airing of the apartment, the use of exhaust hood, air conditioner or fan will help save the room from excess moisture.
Implementing these items, you can proceed to the destruction of existing woodlice in the house, as well as to eliminate the source of their reproduction in the attic or in the basement.
On a note
The first thing that involves the fight against woodlice is the lack of moisture in the room, from which there are woodlice in the apartment.In other words, it is necessary to create conditions unfavorable for the life of pests: lack of moisture and access to water. In dry rooms animals will not start, there they simply will not survive.
What are dangerous lice
Whether lice are dangerous for humans and whether these creatures bite or not - such questions arise in those who discover these small crustaceans in their kitchen or bathroom. They do not attack humans, their bite can be dangerous only for indoor plants. For human health, arthropods are safe, to a greater extent they cause unpleasant aesthetic sensations.
Although if you look at it differently, the appearance of any pest in an apartment worsens its sanitary condition. After all, wood lice also like cockroaches or ants climbing through the basement or attic, may come into contact with rat, mouse or pigeon excrement. And after moving to the apartment, migrate from one room to another. Although the tolerance of diseases by these creatures today is not proven, it is clear that the appearance of such a “lodger” in the house does not promise anything good.
The damage done by this crustacean is the damage to the vegetable stocks that are stored in the cellar, as well as damage to indoor plants. Arthropods are especially not indifferent to young shoots of seedlings.
Folk methods of struggle
Not everyone knows how to deal with woodlice in the apartment. Folk remedies are the most safe way to get rid of pests for human health. In addition, folk remedies for lice are effective and do not require large expenditures.
Boric acid
Boric acid from wood lice - one of the most effective and affordable folk remedies, which is used in the fight against domestic insects. It is a white powder that can be purchased at each pharmacy. The principle of application is simple: you need to scatter the tool in the dark corners of the apartment, where the pest appeared.
You can use boric acid in other ways. 10 g of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water, after which the resulting solution is used to clean the surfaces of the bathroom and kitchen. And it is possible to make balls from eggs, decoys and boric powder and arrange them in places of the greatest accumulation of pests.
Independently fight against woodlice is possible with the help of bleach. 40-50 g of the product must be diluted in 1 liter of water. This tool is used to treat the walls and floors of the room.
Dry kvass is another effective remedy for woodlice in the apartment. It must be mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 5. The resulting solution to treat the habitat of the pest.
Potato and Vinegar
It is possible to get rid of wood lice in the house with the help of raw potatoes. With a knife cut several holes in it. The smell of potato juice acts as a bait for the pest, as a result of which it will try to climb deep into the tuber. Finding inside such a crayfish trap, you just need to get rid of it.
For the fight not only against woodlice, but also cockroaches use vinegar. It is mixed with water, and the resulting sections of the flat are treated with the resulting solution. Crustaceans are afraid of the smell of vinegar, and therefore will try to quickly leave the room.
Red pepper, tobacco and soda
It is possible to bring wood lice from the apartment, if you use tobacco, soda and red pepper. 0.5 tsp. each component is stirred in 1 liter of water. Using a spray dispenser, the habitat of animals is sprayed with the solution. After 8 hours, the treated surfaces are rinsed with water with the addition of chlorine-containing agents.
To bring home woodlice can be salt.Especially this tool is important for families with children. It is enough to pour it in the corners of the room, in all the cracks, under the plinth, and you will no longer see the unpleasant "neighbors".
Terrible for crustaceans and alum. 100 g of the product is dissolved in 0.5 l of water. The resulting solution is sprayed with pest-infected places in the apartment.
Exposure to temperature
Almost instant death is waiting for pests when treating the apartment with steam or hot air. Kill crustaceans can and cold. Severe frost is detrimental to animals, since warm, humid rooms are a favorable habitat for them.
Chemical control agents
If lice have started in the apartment, then chemical agents can be used to combat them. Many of them have an instant effect, but are not safe for human health.
Aerosol preparations of insecticidal composition are sold in cans. One of the most popular is Dichlorvos from woodlice. According to customer reviews, aerosols Raptor, Mole, Varan and Combat are equally popular.
The use of aerosol remedies is advisable in the case when wood lice are not very common and live in small areas.To handle a private house or a large basement with one spray of aerosol is simply not enough. As a result, a considerable amount will be needed to purchase funds against wood lice.
“I applied a Varan aerosol against the wood lice at the cottage. An excellent tool - it was possible to poison not only these bugs, but also cockroaches. In addition, the aerosol has no specific smell. For 6 months there have been no pests in the house. ”
Alexander, Omsk
There are insecticidal concentrates, the advantage of which is not only a high level of efficiency, but also a considerable economy in use. This makes it possible, at a low financial cost, to process the overall premises. Tetriks, Geth, Kukaracha, Taraks or Tsifoks - this is what you can bring wood lice to quickly and permanently.
“Mokrits under the bathroom was taken out with the help of Tarax. A very effective remedy - after only a few hours, not a single living vile creature was observed in the bathroom. Recomend for everybody."
Elena Nikolaevna, Vladivostok
Many who have lice in the apartment, for their destruction use powder insecticides Riapan, Clean House, Fenaksin and others.But such drugs are preferable to use as an aid in addition to other methods of struggle.
The principle of application is quite simple: sprinkle plinth around the perimeter of the room with poison, and also pour it under the bath. However, not all woodlice crawl along such floor markings, some of them can move along the walls. As a result, the insecticidal composition simply does not affect them.
The pencils
Insecticide crayons or pencils such as Masha, Titanic - this is something to pickle wood lice in the apartment easily and quickly. Crustaceans are much more vulnerable to this fight than cockroaches, since a greater amount of venom adheres to their flat segmented calves. In addition, the crayons are convenient for use on vertical surfaces.
Another advantage of this means of struggle is the possibility of its use as barrier barriers. The intersection of the drawn “barrier” to animals will lead him to inevitable death.
“Small Masha helped us get rid not only of wood lice, but also cockroaches. Many dead insects were found on the floor after the first application.After 2 weeks, the treatment was repeated - for more than two months there were no pests. ”
Anna, Kiev
Insecticidal gels have a similar effect. Such means are used to bait not only cockroaches and ants, but also wood lice. A long period of onset of action is a disadvantage of this tool. The following brands are especially popular: Absolute, Fas, Klinbate.
Sticky traps can also be used as a prophylactic agent for the control of woodlice in the apartment. They are less effective than the above preparations, therefore they are suitable only for the capture of individual individuals. Global, Agrus, Raptor - one of the most in demand from the buyer of brands.
To get rid of wood lice in the apartment, you can use poison baits. For their preparation, it is necessary to mix egg yolk with a concentrated insecticidal preparation such as Lambda Zone, Xulat Micro or Delta Zone in accordance with the instructions.
The knowledge of these nuances will help prevent the appearance of these small crustaceans in the apartment. And if several individuals get into your housing with vegetables or fruits bought on the market,then the above remedies can prevent the spread of animals.