How to deal with wood lice in the bathroom and toilet
- Mokritsy
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Quite often in the bathroom you can see unpleasant-looking creatures covered with similarity of shell - it is wood lice. The proximity of these insects can poison the pleasure of taking a foam bath or a quick shower. The disgusting neighbor does not harm the person, but his appearance ... To save an apartment from these creatures, it is necessary to study with whom it is necessary to deal with, as wood lice in the bathroom are rather tenacious and the fight against them will be difficult.
Why can lice appear in the bathroom
Removing housing from parasites should begin with an examination of the reasons from which wood lice appeared in the toilet or bathroom. It is worth more precisely to know its distinctive signs, to be sure that it was they who started in the house. Most often there are white wood lice in the bathroom or having a brown color. Their body is elongated, with many legs and antennae.
Interesting! If you gain courage and consider the photo of wood lice in the bathroom, it will become clear why they refer to crustaceansand not to insects. They are extremely tenacious, prefer nightlife. And with the same hostility, they relate to natural and artificial lighting.
Want to know what the woodlice eat in the bathroom? Their food is no less unpleasant than themselves: they eat the accumulated dirt, pieces of sodden paper, muddy remnants and similar "goodies". If we forget to take the garbage out of the kitchen in a timely manner, the insect will crawl on to feast on the remnants of human food.
To significantly increase your chances of appearance of wood lice in the toilet or bathroom, you must follow a few simple rules:
- Allow leakage of pipelines and mixers, do not repair pipe joints;
- Leave puddles on the floor, do not remove dirt and mousses in the bathroom;
- After taking a bath, leave the bath itself and objects in it wet;
- Maintain high humidity in the bathroom.
Those who do not want to see these disgusting crustaceans in their bathrooms should act exactly the opposite. Only dryness and cleanliness in the bathroom will help destroy woodlice.
How to remove woodlice in the bathroom
If wood lice crawl in the bath, you should prepare for a serious confrontation with insects and learn how to get rid of wood lice in the bath.
The first thing to do is remove the dampness. To do this, after each shower or bath reception, it is necessary to ventilate the room as much as possible, to wipe dry the mirrors, the washbasin, the bath, the walls and the floor, leaving no chance of dampness. It is advisable to install a heated towel rail or heater in the bathroom - this will help to quickly dry the room and objects in it.
So that the woodlice larvae or the insects themselves could not appear in the bathroom, it is worth making a waterproofing. To do this, carefully crease all the cracks, gaps, cracks - those from where insects come from or where they can hide. Remembering the intolerance of light by these creatures, it is worth more often to leave a powerful lamp in the bathroom.
The cranberries in the bathroom breathe gills - this indicates the need for high humidity. Therefore, it is impossible to keep water "in reserve", whereas ventilation is desirable. Ideally, it is possible to replace the cast-iron “accessories” with plastic products, since this material does not allow condensate to accumulate. Be sure to seal the leak, process the surface with a solution of chlorine. When processing, one should not forget about the harmfulness of this remedy for wood lice for people and animals; therefore, it is necessary to remove children and pets from the house, work in a respirator or (better) gas mask. Immediately after treatment, leave the room, ventilate thoroughly after a few hours, until chlorine is completely evaporated.
Important! We must not forget that wood lice crawling in the bath, but can hide under the mats or baseboards. It is necessary to lift everything that rises, carefully inspect and process bleach. The same actions will have to be repeated in the corridor and the kitchen, since an insect in an attempt to escape from destruction may try to wait out your attack in other rooms.
Folk methods
People have long figured out how to remove wood lice from the bathroom.The simplest material is quicklime. It is poured into a bucket or basin, placed in the middle of the bathroom. After that, add water as much as possible, tightly close the door and leave the apartment. You can not go home for three days. At the expiration of time, the housing is thoroughly ventilated and the bathroom cleaned.
Another remedy for wood lice in the bathroom is the composition of tobacco dust, powdered hot pepper, soda ash. On 3 grams of a component pour in liter of water. The resulting solution is treated with all surfaces of the bathroom and toilet. After such spraying it is not recommended to use the room for 8 hours. After that, rinse well with a weak chlorine solution.
If there are wood lice in the bathroom, you can try to get rid of them in the following ways:
- In the evening, place birch besoms in the corners.. Insects will be very happy to treat, rush to eat it. Early in the morning (even before the sun had risen), this trap must be quickly collected and either burned, or shaken out of the balcony, or spilled with boiling water. This method allows you to greatly reduce the number of insects in the apartment;
- Weasels in the bathroom do not like kvass. You can prepare it from the purchased powder according to the instructions. Sprinkle ready drink in places where insects accumulate;
- These crustaceans try to avoid rock salt.. To get rid of insects, you should scatter it in the corners of the bathroom and toilet.
If wood lice start up in the bathroom and it is impossible to cope with folk remedies, you must use the achievements of the chemical industry. Many drugs are suitable for this:
- various types of dichlorvos;
- Geth;
- Mole;
- Tetriex et al.
They need to handle the floor, corners, baseboards. It is advisable not to wash off the product for several days. After washing, re-process.
Important! When treating a premise from woodlice with chemistry, it is important to observe the dosage recommended in the instructions. The drugs are toxic, so exceeding the permissible norms can cause serious harm to the health of a person or a pet. It is best to take the children and animals out of the house during the treatment and exposure, finish the procedure as soon as possible and leave the room.
If the measures taken gave a temporary result, and wood lice bred in the bathroom, you should contact the specialists who know exactly how to deal with wood lice in the bathroom.You can call the "morilnik" party or you can contact the service of the epidemiological control. The most effective and most harmless to humans drugs, mostly, are in the hands of private entrepreneurs who have the opportunity to spend a large amount on the necessary funds than the state organization.
To fight against woodlice in one apartment is ineffective. Insects can always crawl from a neighbor. Therefore, it is necessary to fight with them at the same time to everyone who has general ventilation, smoke exhaust and other communications. It is also best to collectively call the exterminator - only there it is possible to completely defeat the enemy.
Knowing how unpleasant it is when wood lice crawl in the bath, and how difficult it is to fight them, we must try to prevent them from appearing. It is important to maintain low humidity in the bathroom, do not leave food for them. It is enough to leave the bathroom door open at night, never to get acquainted with the vile crustaceans. In this case, you won’t have to worry about how to get these tenants out.