What helps from the moth and its larvae

Moth is one of the most common and well-known household pests. You can hardly find a house in which you never flew moth-looking butterflies. There are many folk ways to deal with it, but getting rid of a moth in an apartment that started up once in the kitchen or in the closet is not so easy as it seems. We'll have to find out what the mole living in your house is afraid of and use these tools regularly.

What are the difficulties

The main problem is that the moth butterfly, which can be easily seen and even killed, causes far less harm than larva mothwhich is derived from the eggs laid by the butterfly. Therefore, to destroy a flying insect is not at all meant to solve the problem to the end. This method only helps to slow down its reproduction, but new butterflies will soon emerge from the remaining larvae and the process will continue.


There are other problematic points, taking into account that the struggle with the moth sometimes becomes really difficult, and sometimes a long event:

  1. Usually the moth lives in hard-to-reach places: storage rooms, food shelves, in closets and suitcases. We'll have to conduct a real audit throughout the apartment, and this process is quite time-consuming.
  2. A moth is almost an omnivorous insect, its larvae can damage even clothes made from 100% synthetic materials. Therefore, a tool that the mole does not like must be decomposed absolutely in all places where it could live.
  3. It is not always possible to use moth chemicals, especially from food or when there are young children and animals in the house - the risk of food poisoning is too great.
  4. One moth butterfly can lay up to 120 eggs, from which the voracious larvae are later bred. That is why the destruction of all adults is so important.
  5. The larvae of the moth are quite mobile. Even if the cocoons with eggs are fixed on the ceiling or the bottom of the closet, hungry larvae crawl on their own clothes to satisfy their appetite.

In addition, there are many types of moths, wardrobes and food moth only the most famous and frequently encountered of them. There is a carpet, fur coat, cereal, flour, fruit and other types of butterflies, which are divided by food priorities. But the most interesting thing that is really hungry moth larva can feed anything - even plastic insulation from electrical wires.

Clothes and food moth
Clothes and food moth

Industrial facilities

Everyone knows that mole is most afraid of naphthalene. A few decades ago, it was probably the only reliable way to protect your home and things from the annoying insect. The naphthalene powder was laid out in all the cabinets and suitcases, and he quite adequately coped with the task of destroying the insect.


In the middle of the last century, almost all winter clothes had a characteristic smell of naphthalene. Wealthy ladies - lovers of expensive fur coats tried to kill the smell of the aroma of strong perfumes, which is why he acquired a special piquancy. Almost all of Moscow and other major cities smelled strongly of mothballs from mid-October to mid-April.

But, as it turned out over time, not only the mole was etched with mothballs. This substance, when inhaled, can accumulate in human adipose tissue and is practically not excreted from the body. With a sharp weight loss or active sports, adipose tissue is destroyed, and naphthalene enters the bloodstream, causing severe poisoning and causing the growth of cancer cells.

Today the market offers a variety of moth products in various forms. Popular aerosols are:

  • Armol;
  • Clean house;
  • Mosquitall "Protection from moths";
  • Raptor.

Moth remedies

Effective means of moth are fumigators:

  • Raid;
  • Mosquitall.

In the cabinets are hung sections of the moths, produced by most manufacturers of anti-molar products.

Folk remedies

Almost completely safe, but not always as effective as chemistry, are the results of numerous scientific studies, folk remedies against moths.If there are too many insects in the house, then these methods may not help, since they are aimed primarily at scaring them. Then it is better to first treat the apartment with strong chemicals, then do general cleaning and use traditional methods to protect yourself from its reappearance.

The basis of folk remedies for moth formed centuries-old observations of this insect. Our ancestors, who did not have at their disposal potent products of the chemical industry, observed what smells moth does not like and under what conditions it does not survive.

Curious was the fact that at a temperature of 15-20 degrees below zero, not only the larvae of the moth, but also its eggs perish. So the easiest way to just take things to the frost is not a few hours. What was easy to do in the northern regions of Russia with harsh climatic conditions. Living in warmer regions have adapted scare moths with the smell of various plants.

The most effective folk remedies for moth were:

  1. Lavender flowers Usually use dry, which literally pour all things in the closet.Moreover, according to beliefs, lavender removes negative energy, and bedding and underwear, saturated with its smell, soothes and improves sleep.
    Folk remedies for moth
    Folk remedies for moth
  2. Garlic or onions. It helps with moth perfectly, but it has a brightly grown peculiar smell that will not be too pleasant on clothes and other things. This popular way of protection is good in kitchens and in grocery storerooms.
  3. Vinegar. It will also help protect from the moth kitchen cabinets, which are folded grains - a real treat for the larvae of the moth. If at least once a week to wipe their shelves with a cloth dipped in vinegar diluted in half with water, there will be no odors and a harmful insect will not start.
  4. Orange peel. Another food moth is afraid of how the fire smells of the essential oil of orange, which its dry peels preserve for a very long time. If you put them in pieces throughout the kitchen and cabinets, the butterfly will have no chance to lay eggs and remove the larvae.
  5. Essential oils. The easiest and most pleasant way to deal with moths, especially since the choice here is quite large. The best help oils: tea tree, thyme, rosemary, patchouli, cloves, lemongrass.Having chosen the smell to your own taste (as well as your own one for each room), it is necessary to soak a piece of felt or fleece in oil and arrange it in the favorite habitats of the insect.
  6. Mint leaves. A great way to protect wardrobes. Subtle mint flavor, even mixing with the smell of perfume, will further shade and reveal it. Mint leaves should be replaced every six months.
    Folk remedies for moth-1
    Folk remedies for moth
  7. Powder of moth pyrethrum. It is prepared from chamomile and is effective in places where insects accumulate.
  8. Geranium. As it turned out, geranium flowers in the house are not only beautiful, but also very useful. Her mole smell does not even carry the spirit. And if in each room to put only one pot with this useful plant - the mole will go to look for another dwelling.

The methods listed above are only the simplest and most effective. folk remedies for moth. In fact, there are many more of them and, having tried several means, it is easy to find one’s own. The main thing is to start a campaign against moths as early as possible, as soon as the first butterfly was discovered in the house.

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